Announcing the NEW Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up

Posted July 29, 2015 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Monthly Recap, Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up / 106 Comments

Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up400

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE monthly-wrap up posts! I can’t possibly read every post from every blog that I would like to (trust me, there are hundreds of you out there that I would like to do that for), but I CAN read lots of wrap-up posts and then go and check out posts that specifically interest me that I didn’t originally see. That way I feel like I’m not missing out. It’s perfect!

BUT I often miss people’s wrap-ups, too. Even though I try to keep my eye out for them at the end of the month, I KNOW there are plenty of posts that I miss. And this makes me sad. The solution? A Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up, of course! If we have a place to link up all of our month-end posts, then we won’t miss out on what’s been happening on each other’s blogs. To make things even more fun, I thought I’d add in a monthly giveaway, too.

So, here’s the plan. Every month, at the end of the month, I’ll put up a monthly wrap-up link-up post where everyone can link up their month end posts. There are no specific requirements for what needs to be in your post, as long as you have a book blog and your  wrap-up summarizes your month in some way.

road-trip_ad77design_element03  Then, one week later, I’ll create a giveaway that encourages people to visit YOUR month end link-ups, giving entries for commenting and/or sharing.
road-trip_ad77design_element03  Anyone can participate in the giveaway – you won’t have to actually link up in order to participate.
road-trip_ad77design_element03  I also plan to turn it into a fun scavenger hunt type game by allowing to choose some of the posts and creating specific giveaway entries for those posts (for instance, I might ask, “What was so-and-so’s favorite book she read in July?” or something similar). I figure this will be a fun way to engage people in our monthly happenings!

If you don’t already post a monthly wrap-up, I highly recommend it! Here are a few things that you could include (you could choose some/all of these or just use one or two!):

  • Books you’ve reviewed over the past month (with a listing of ratings and links to the actual reviews, if you can manage it).
  • Your top posts for the month.
  • Any other discussions/events posted that month.
  • Your favorite discussions/events on other people’s blogs.
  • Anything that happened in your life personally that month (this could be anything – events attended, movies you saw, special days, new music you discovered – sky’s the limit).
  • Your favorite book of the month.
  • Any other fun info you want to include! (Progress on challenges, giveaways won, favorite books received – anything you can think of!)

Want to help?

I’m also looking for bloggers who might be interested in helping out by sponsoring a month of the round-up and helping out with that month’s games and giveaway. I already have a couple of people interested, but I’m not announcing anything until it’s official. If you’re interested in finding out more about joining us, let me know in the comments or shoot me an email. The more the merrier!

Another way you can help is by sharing with your friends so they’ll know to join us! You can tweet using #WrapUpRoundUp

The July Link-up

Be sure to link up your July month end posts here! And watch for the giveaway, which will be posted on August 9th!

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Font by Word Art World


106 responses to “Announcing the NEW Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up

    • I agree! Monthly wrap-up posts are great because you can easily scan what people have been up to for the last month and see if it’s a blog you might want to follow more closely!

    • The beautiful thing is that you can make your wrap-up as complex or simple as you want. There are no rules, so you can’t do it wrong!

    • I’d love to have your help, Heather! I tried to email you, but couldn’t get the link on your blog to work. I’ll reach out via Twitter, but feel free to shoot me an email, so I have your address (my email link is in the upper right hand corner).

  1. Emma Adams

    This is an awesome idea! I like recapping what I’ve read at the end of each month because I don’t always have time to share it weekly.

    Thank you for visiting my blog! 🙂

  2. I love this idea! I haven’t been doing monthly wrapups since I usually do it weekly, but maybe I’ll start. The weekly posts don’t cover things like where I am on challenges and other goals. I’ll have to start planning for next month!

  3. I love monthly wrap-up posts for many of the reasons you mentioned here. It’s nice to see what a blogger posted or read in a month and hear what happened that month. I like reading them on other blogs, but I don’t do them on my own blog as I already do weekly recap posts and then I would end up with a weekly and monthly recap post in one week, so I just stick with the weekly ones. I do think this is a great idea and I would love to have the chance to stop by more monthly recap posts.

  4. AW MAN. I wish I’d read this earlier! I had thought about making this week’s weekly post a monthly one. AND I could have linked YOUR post up in MY links (which I still will, but you know). This is what I get for being hopelessly behind. I DO talk about August a lot in my post? Does that count? I don’t think that counts. Le sigh, next month, I suppose! Love this idea though!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted: This Week At Midnight (72)
  5. My monthly wrap-up is really for my challenges, but almost all of my July reviews are included, and I didn’t really do any discussion posts in July, so I hope that’s OK.
    This is a really good idea, especially because I’ve been such a slacker lately, with school and work and Uni off for the past month 🙂
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted: Review: The Last Time We Say Goodbye – Cynthia Hand
    • That’s totally fine – that’s why I didn’t put a lot of requirements on what constitutes a month end wrap-up – different people like to include different things, so I didn’t want to limit it.

    • I love wrap-ups too – it’s a great way to catch up with everyone! I’ll shoot you an email about the possibility of helping out sometime down the road.

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