Top Ten Wishes I’d Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me
1. Unlimited time to read.
Come on, book genie – it’s not hard. I just want to have extra time in my schedule to read AS MUCH AS I WANT. (And I know I want to read a lot. Sorry about that.)
2. Unlimited time to blog.
While you’re at it, I need some extra hours in the day for blogging too. Seriously, I want to write tons of quality posts, but I also have to homeschool my kids and do my job and actually be around to interact with my family in fun ways sometimes. (They have such unreasonable expectations.)
3. Unlimited time to read other blogs.
(Are we sensing a theme here? I think I need a time turner!) I don’t think I need to explain. Lately I’ve been better about this, but I want to have even MORE time to surf the blogosphere!
4. Unlimited resources (and, yes, time) to attend bookish events.
This one might possibly be actually top on my list. I LOVE attending bookish events like RT, BEA and Anderson’s YA Lit Conference. If I had unlimited time and resources, I would go to so many MORE! (Of course, maybe they wouldn’t seem so special then?)
5. ARCs.
As long as the book genie’s giving me anything I want, I should add ARCs to this list. I’d love to say that I don’t care about ARCs, that I have no jealousy at all when it comes to this topic, but the truth is, I want publishers to send me books. Partially because it feels like a sort of validation of my blog, I’ll admit it. I’ve gotten onto a couple of lists, but so far haven’t had much luck with getting books actually sent to me (at least by the major publishers). I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt my pride a little.
6. Better technical and design skills.
I know this one doesn’t seem particularly bookish, but since it’s for my blog, I’m counting it. I wish I had better technical skills so I could do more with my blog (myself). Even more, I wish I had better design skills so that I could improve the look and feel of the blog and make all sorts of cool graphics!
7. Instant sequels.
Who wants to wait between series installments? I’d be much better at finishing series if I didn’t have to wait! (I think.)
8. Closer bookish friends.
I have lots of bookish blogger friends, but I sometimes wish that I had some that I saw in person more often – or maybe even that I was just better on social media, so I could connect even more with people who are further away. Maybe what I really need is just a co-blogger or two! So, bookish genie, hook me up with just the right people, please!
9. Rewritten endings.
We all have a book or two that we wish had ended another way. What if we each had our own personalized ending? The book genie could make it happen!
10. My own book.
I started writing a book for NaNoWriMo last year, but I never finished it (though I did complete the required 50k words), and I have to admit that I lost my confidence (or maybe my nerve) somewhere along the way. I’d really like to finish a book – actually, more than one book. And, as long as we’re asking the book genie for stuff, I want those books to be darn good!
I definitely agree with the unlimited time and resources! There is just so much that want to read, want to do, and just not enough time and resources to make it happen.
Exactly! I’m guessing all of us want more time for something!!
Yes. To all of them!!! I would definitely like more time for everything – read, blog, interact with other blogs. I try so hard but I just can’t always get it all done!
I know, right? More hours in the day. I have a feeling no matter how many I had I’d still want more, though!
I agree with all of these, particularly eight and ten. It’s the best thing when you start making friends with another bookish person, especially when it’s in person. All the possible book borrowing! 😀 And good luck with your book — I’m sure you’ll be able to finish it eventually!
Bookish friends are the best – they’re the only people who really understand us!
YES to all of these. I really need more time for reading and blogging. I could get so much more reading done if real life didn’t keep intruding.
I SO agree. Why does all that “real life” stuff have to keep getting in the way?!
Yes to so many of these! Closer bookish friends is my #1 – I hate how spread out we all are! #2 is definitely instant sequels. The wait is always so killer! And I can think of a few books I’d like a different ending for….
Great list!
I know – I really wish I had more bookish friends who were nearby. Don’t get me wrong, I love the relationships I’ve built, but I wish I could interact with people even more!
Unlimited time to read. – yes wouldn’t that be nice!
Wouldn’t it? We can only dream.
These are all great! I would especially like more time and motivation to write!
Motivation – yeah, I probably should have asked for that one too. But really it’s confidence that I need. Noo genie around to give it to me, though. Sigh …
Oooh nicey nice! Totally get behind on a lot of these!! Or pretty much all of them! LOL!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Popping back to answer your question on my review of Unspoken. Yes! Shadow Falls: After Dark is a trilogy that spins off of the first Shadow Falls series. And while you don’t have to read the first series to enjoy this one. It is helpful. Plus tons of spoilers from the first series are in this series…so reading the first series is definitely best! 😉
Thanks for the info – I’ll definitely start with the first series!
More time to read, blog and visit other blogs would be awesome. It feels like there is never enough time in a day to do everything I want to do. I wish I could design things myself and know everything there is about wordpress and the internet, so I could do everything myself and solve everything myself. I know it’s impossible, but it’s ncie to dream. I also would love to meet some bookish people in real life, it woudl be ncie to meet in person and talk about books all the time.
Ah, time – if only. Butt I don’t think there could ever be enough!
I want more too! I want to live closer, unlimited everything, I want the imagination to write a book too! Sigh… if only!
Where’s that book genie when you need him?
I want to win the lottery. Because then I’ll be able to have unlimited time to read. Who needs work, right?
I don’t have to work for the money, honestly, but with homeschooling and being a stay-at-home mom, I need an outlet! 🙂
This is a great list. I would love the unlimited ARCs one! I live overseas and I think I am limited with the publishers who would send some to me. But if I could get a wish, I would wish that I could get approved for every ARC that I ask for. I admit that I get jealous when someone gets approved for an ARC that I was dying to read, but got denied for.
I wish I could say I don’t get jealous when I see bloggers who just randomly get books sent to them, but alas – there is a definitely twinge of green. 🙂
I LOVE your list, Nicole! I totally agree with all of these things you’ve put on your list.
Thanks, Charlie! I think they’re pretty much all things that most of us bloggers want!
Lol. I’m on board with every single one of these! And I’ve written my own books, yet I still want the genie to just give them to me. 🙂
Yes, the book genie could make the whole process a whole lot smoother!
Your wishes remind me of how terrible I am about keeping up with posting in my blog and commenting on other blogs! I’m so terrible about finding time for it once college starts (goshdarnit, quarter system!). I wish I had more time to read and blog and read other blogs too!
Instant sequels would be awesome too.
Yes – time is the enemy of all bloggers. Well, maybe all people. Yeah, probably people. Of course, if we had more hours in the day we’d just fill them all and want even more. 🙂
Ahh YESS!!!! These wishes are spot on!! I’d LOVE more time to do all the bookish things!! I’d also love time and ability to go to bookish events, since I have yet to attend one. >.< I LOVE the instant sequels wish. THAT WOULD BE PERFECTION!!! Such great answers!! 🙂
You list is absolutely fabulous! I found myself nodding yes again and again as I read through 1-9. Now we only have to find a book genie to make it happen…… 🙂
It seems like one of the major things you really want here is time, and I know I can relate to that feeling! I would love to have more time to either read or blog, or even read more blogs! It would be wonderful ^^ I would also love to have the money to travel to America and attend bookish events because none seem to happen here where I live! DD:
Bookish friends would be on my list too! I love discussion what I liked and didn’t like about a book. Sometimes I’ll rant about those things to my friends and when I tell them the things I think could have been better they say ‘So you didn’t like the book?’ and I’m just like ‘Nooo! You Don’t understand I loved the book!’ Cause I love discussing the books I enjoyed even more.