Sometimes You Just Need to Disappear for a Little While

Posted March 18, 2016 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Let's Discuss / 22 Comments


It’s been a really long time since I allowed a week to go by on my blog with just two posts (not including my Sunday Post). It feels … odd … but also liberating. Sometimes I think we put way too much pressure on ourselves as bloggers, and I realized that’s what I’ve been doing lately. I have to trust that I can go a week without posting much and the blog won’t implode. My followers won’t completely forget I exist and walk away. It’s okay to go through seasons where we’re busier than we’d like to be.

It’s also okay to take a breather and enjoy the non-blogging aspects of life once in a while. That’s why I’m letting you all know now that I’m going on vacation for a week starting next Tuesday, and


I’m putting this in all caps for myself, not you. I’m actually fairly certain that all of you will be perfectly fine with this arrangement, but I’m getting edgy, thinking about whether or not I should at least get up a Sunday Post. How will people know what birthdays and blogoversaries are happening? What if I miss telling people about a fantastic giveaway? A whole week of non-blogging? Really?!

But I’m giving myself permission here and now and I’m writing it down to hold myself to it. Ridiculous, I know, but this is where I’m at, people. I now have not just a fiction addiction, but a blogging addiction as well. I need an intervention.

Do you struggle to give yourself permission to take time off from your blog? What’s the longest break you’ve taken? I want to know!




22 responses to “Sometimes You Just Need to Disappear for a Little While

  1. I just took an impromptu blogging break because my computer broke, but even that was a struggle for me! Part of me just wanted to type something up on my kindle, at least a discussion post… but the only reason I didn’t was because the perfectionist side of me won over and I didn’t want to post without my graphics lol. So I get it, the struggle of not-blogging is real. But as you said, life goes on! And everyone doesn’t forget about you overnight or attack your house with pitchforks in hand. So enjoy your break 🙂

    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted: Book Review: Unleash the Storm (Steel & Stone Book 5) by Annette Marie
  2. Sometimes taking a break is really important! I took almost 2 weeks off over Christmas — though actually I was unable to resist working on future posts during part of that time, so I’m not sure it counts. If anyone needs an intervention it’s me! I hope your break is refreshing and rewarding, and we’ll all look forward to having you back.

    Lory recently posted: March Magics: Two with witches
  3. Of course, Nicole, you should always be able to take time off if you need!
    I do give myself permission – the last time I consistently blogged, I forced myself to post regularly, and I JUST HATED it after a while, so I stopped blogging for two years. I’ve learned from that, and realised that it’s better to take a one week break than a two year break!

    Geraldine @ Corralling Books recently posted: This or That Book Tag!
  4. Good for you Nicole! You’re right: we do put too much pressure on ourselves as bloggers! Pressure to read more, post more, review more, discuss more, interact more, comment more…GAH! It can be a lot to take at times, especially for people who have full time jobs, or are in Uni or have a family to take care of. I sort of went through blogging slumps a few years back but now I have a routine that works and doesn’t stress me. But it’s definitely OK to take a vacation and not post! We’ll all still be here when you get back 🙂

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews recently posted: Review: The Mark of Athena
  5. I don’t really take breaks. I know that’s crazy. I always think I might, but then I have something I need to post or a great discussion comes to mind. I just don’t allow myself to take breaks from blogging. I am positive I will not return. I have seen that happen so often, not that I think that will happen to you Nicole. People start taking breaks, taking their blog for granted, then they loose momentum. It might be the same reason I post almost daily. I don’t feel guilty when I take a day off but I know I would go through withdraws if I took a week off. I have like OCD when it comes to things so blogging is my obsession.

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  6. Sam

    My longest break (BY FAR) was just before this last week. Last Monday was my first post in five and a half months! It was a very accidental break, however. I got pregnant and all of a sudden my drive to blog just kind of went out the window. I was just too tired to read or blog for so long. Blogging was always on my mind, but I also didn’t mind the break. I think it was good to just take a step back and focus on other things for a while. So, don’t let yourself feel bad about a week! Everything will be fine! Enjoy the time away! 🙂

    Sam recently posted: I’m Back, Plus One :)
  7. I definitely think it’s healthy to take a break every now and then. I think the fear of not posting always stems from the thought that once you stop, everyone else will just forget about you which is never the case. I’ve not taken a break yet but when the time comes and I feel like I need to step away for a bit I will take it. Forcing yourself to keep posting is the easiest way to suck the fun out of blogging. I think quite a few people have found themselves in a reading/blogging slumps and have taken a break this month and to be honest everyone needs a breather every now and then.
    Enjoy your time off. Have fun, relax and don’t worry about a thing. 😀

    Lois @ My Midnight Musing recently posted: TV Talk: Mr. Robot
  8. I do! I feel like I’m going to lose readership if I disappear. I’m keeping to a 4-5 posts a week, but yeah. It’s a struggle. I can’t put out so many reviews especially if I’m in a bit of a reading slump. Ah well. We just need to take it easy on ourselves, I suppose.

  9. I do try really hard to keep up with the blog and have at least a few posts a week, but I don’t always. I can’t always blog ahead as much as I want so some weeks are a bit more barer than others. I don’t take too many scheduled breaks, but when I have, usually a week or so. I don’t think it matters too much. You have to take care of you and focus on the real world sometimes as well. 🙂 Have a good vacation.

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted: Sunday Post (14): Raising Money for London!
  10. I am actually cheering for you here! YAY NICOLE! YOU CAN DO IT! I am SO bad at taking breaks. The longest one I have ever taken has been.. 3 days maybe? I want to. OOOOOH do I want to. But one of two things happens: I either realize that I have some obligations and just say screw it to the break, OR I think “I shall take a break!” and then panic about stats. So.. I am a mess. But I am SO proud of you! I need to do this. In fact, I am forcing myself to do it for BEA this year. Last year I scheduled posts and then had to come back and schedule MORE all while replying to all the comments on all the posts I had scheduled. No thanks.

    ENJOY the break! You deserve it!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted: Step Up Your Slump
  11. I’m forever taking hiatuses. I mean, my rough goal would be to post once a week – which, admittedly, is not much… – but I rarely get close to that. One of the reasons is that I don’t have much time…another is that my book budget is very tight, so it’s not like I can review a book every few days, or I would run out of them in a month LOL. But I do believe one should blog at one’s own pace. Your friends won’t desert you if you posts less or go M.I.A. for a while. The occasional readers will still find you if your contents interest them. Blogging should be a pleasure, not something we have to feel guilty for neglecting. So, just relax and come back refreshed! 😉

  12. Jen

    Hope you have a fabulous time on your vacation and your blogging break! We all deserve to take breaks whenever we need to, especially when we are on vacation. I’ve had a week or two where I haven’t posted anything except our Friday post, but I have cobloggers who post when I don’t so it’s not really the same thing. But regardless, enjoy, relax and here’s hoping you have a fabulous time!

  13. Jo

    This is such a great post, Nicole! I don’t stress out too much about posting. I might post maybe 2 to 3 times a week. I simply can’t do much more. I don’t read fast enough for more reviews, and when it comes to discussion posts or other kinds of posts, I don’t come up with enough ideas to post a lot throughout the week.

    But I think this is a good thing. As you pointed out, there’s less stress if you don’t post too often, but also, my posts get more time at the top of my blog, and potentially more views. If I post lots of posts, it’s possible some will be missed, because they’re pushed down the page. Three posts a week works for me 🙂

    Hope you enjoy your holiday, Nicole!

  14. I really know what you mean. Some weeks you’re just not feeling blogging as much as others and it’s okay. I used to really suffer from blogging guilt as if I had to post every week the same number of posts when blogging was the last thing I felt like doing. It’s hard to remember this isn’t a job and that being absent for a little while isn’t the end of the world.

    It’s always nice to have a reminder of this fact because it is way too easy to forget.

  15. Totally! When I first started blogging I was extremely hard on myself and adamant about having a post go live every single day; it’s crazy to think about it in hindsight. I remember those arduous days where I would release my endless frustrations on my family ― that’s when I had to take a step back and peruse my priorities.

    I feel so liberated now not being tied down to any schedule. I also minimized the number of weekly memes I was participating in too; I simply couldn’t visit 60+ blogs in one day all while homeschooling and maintaining the stability of my house and blog ha!

    As selfish as this may sound, I blog simply for me. I love to write and blogging helps keep my writing skills sharp. Nevertheless, I do love and value the handful of followers I have gained since the changes in my blogging schedule, and to be honest, I feel my friendships with them are more genuine and heartfelt.

    Wishing you a fabulous vacation Nicole!

  16. I only post 3x per week, Nicole and by doing that, I have achieved my goals of blogging often and nit going into a slump! I do write additional posts once in a while but the 3 days that I blog are 99% consistent!

    This also gives me room to scatter posts so I will still have post scheduled when i got on vacay or I get super busy. So I don’t blog everyday. ?

    But YES, it’s great to go on blogging vacay for a while and it also helps you recharge and get back into the blogging grind! Happy Easter and enjoy your blog vacay!

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  17. I definitely agree that we sometimes put too much unnecessary pressure on ourselves. I recently was as well, and I think I have leveled out a little bit. I worked hard to get ahead in my posts, so I’m taking a breather to work on projects and other aspects.

  18. When it comes to blogging breaks, we all need them. When I have the summer holiday that school gives me, I usually take a blogging break then too. mostly because I am traveling but because I don’t want any pressure. I don’t accept review copies then either so I will be reading whatever I want to as well. I need my breaks too! This week I took a break from checking my emails. I know that seems like something small but it actually takes a lot of time and just needed some time to spend relaxing instead :3 Hope your break was good <3

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