Last week on FYFA (and in my life):
As if I didn’t get enough books at BEA, I spent several hours this past week volunteering at the Scholastic Warehouse sale so that I could get MORE free books for my kids. I managed to get 23 free books for them! (Actually, 22 – one was for me. ‘Cause, you know, I need more books.) My husband is convinced I have a serious illness. I’d better start having some more giveaways so that I can fit all of these books on our shelves because the book piles are NOT going over well. 🙂
Yesterday, I spent the day in bed because I came down with a mysterious fever and felt miserable. On the plus side, that meant I spent the ENTIRE day reading, but I would have preferred to not feel like I wanted to barf the whole day. I actually didn’t think I was going to manage to get a Sunday Post up today, but I’m feeling much better at this moment – hopefully it lasts!
Here’s what you may have missed on the blog this past week:
- The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye – ARC Review (AKA You Should Read This Book)
- #BEA16 Day One Wrap-Up & Giveaway!! – Still time to enter to win a signed copy of one of my favorite NA books – When Joss Met Matt!
- #BEA16 Day Two Wrap-Up & Jennifer Niven Holding Up the Universe Giveaway!! – Still time to enter to win the ARC!
- Clean Sweep ARC Challenge 24-Hour Readathon Acrostic Giveaway! – Sorry, this one’s over!
Next week on FYFA:
Okay, so I’d planned on changing the schedule date of The Crown’s Game so that it would go up last week, but in all the BEA craziness, I didn’t remember to do it. It’s scheduled for tomorrow, though!
- BEA Day 3 Wrap-Up & Giveaway
- The Cage and The Hunt by Megan Shepherd – Review
- Bite Sized Reviews of some other books I’ve read recently – I’m really behind!!
Clean Sweep ARC Challenge April Update:
I participated in the 24-hour Read-a-thon, and since I was sick, I pretty much read ALL day. Couldn’t read much at night, though because I conked out before 10. Oh well! I still managed to read two books (one of which was almost 500 pages), which brought my challenge total for this week to four books. Three of these were BEA books! You can see my update on my Clean Sweep Challenge Sign-up Page
Book Blogger Birthdays and Blogoversaries:
Lots of things to celebrate next week! I hope you’ll stop by these blogs and send the bloggers some cheer in honor of their special days! (And check out the calendar to see what you might have just missed or what’s coming up.)
- May 23 – Monica @ Tomes Project‘s Birthday
- May 24 – Clara @ Lost in My Library‘s Birthday
- May 27 – Paper Fury‘s Blogoversary
To Review:
Other Current Giveaways on FYFA:
(Besides the ones listed above)
- The Season of You & Me by Robin Constantine – Last chance to enter to win a copy of the book!
- While this isn’t technically on my blog, the giveaway for this month’s Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up is still going on over at 125 Pages! You can enter to win a Grab Bag of Goodies, Including 2 books from BEA16!
- Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys – Still time to enter to win my signed ARC copy of the book!
- May Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway – Link up your May discussion posts and enter to win a book of your choice!
Pre-Order Deals:
- Pre-order THE DARKEST TORMENT by Gena Showalter and get an e-copy of The Darkest Day, a short Lords of the Underworld scene, or an e-copy of Kat in Zombieland, an AiZ short story. Plus, you’ll be entered to win more prizes!
- Pre-order IVORY & BONE by Julie Eshbaugh and get a swag pack – you’ll also be entered to win other prizes!
Even More Awesome Giveaways on Other Sites:
There are tons of giveaways going on around the blogosphere!
- Wendy over at Book Scents is celebrating her three year blogoversary and she’s giving away a bunch of books and swag!
- YA author Ingrid Seymour is giving away 12 YA hardcover books and more! (There are some great books here!!!)
- Head over to Pink Polka Dot Book Blog for a chance to win a Finished Copy of Breaker by Kat Ellis
- Head over to It Starts at Midnight because Shannon’s giving away an ARC of THE HUNT (US ONLY) by Megan Shepherd
- Lots of blogs participating in the May New Release Giveaway Hop!
- Head over to 125 Pages for a chance to win a CROWN’S GAME necklace made by Tales of A Ravenous Reader, US Only.
- Head over to Read.Sleep.Repeat. for a chance to win the Three Scoops of Summer Prize Pack!
- Head over to Mostly YA Lit for a chance to win one of two The Unexpected Everything mini-book necklaces or a Signed, personalized copy of SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE, a Signed, personalized The Unexpected Everything ARC & prize pack, One copy of any Morgan Matson book or Finished copies of all four Morgan Matson books!
- Tonyalee over at Lilybloombooks has created a Middle Grade Madness link-up. Link-up your reviews of middle grade books (or comment on linked reviews) and enter to win one!
- Enter to have your name in the list of casualties in Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff!!
- Nori @ Read Write Love 28 is celebrating her birthday with a giveaway – enter to win a book of your choice!
- Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books is running the Meet the Newbies event where you can win 1 Pre-Order or Finished Copy of Any Debut Novel Featured on Meet the Newbies (INT) – Several of the tour stops also have individual giveaways as well!
- Lori over at Writing My Own Fairy Tale does a Friday Grab Bag where she gives away an ARC from her ARC list.
Lots of good stuff! Have any giveaways or great discussions happening on your site right now? Feel free to share them in the comments!
My husband had that fever, the doctor told him it was viral and it seems to be going around, I hope you are feeling better.
If you are going to have a serious illness to something I would want it to be books 🙂 Books sounds like an awesome illness to have 😉
I hope you have a great week, Nicole! Happy Reading!
I suppose if I was going to get sick, a random fever that made me feel junky but goes away relatively quickly isn’t the worst thing to have. And, yep, it gave me plenty of time to read!
The mysterious fevers are the worst! I get them a few times per year (sometimes only lasting a day or two) and then I’m good again. I sometimes wonder if it’s a reaction to stress and whatever germs my kids bring home from school.
Lots of great posts in your roundup! I went through and found some new blogs to follow. 🙂
You’re the second person who’s suggested stress as a trigger – that never occurred to me, but I’ve definitely been running myself ragged (what with BEA and all). At the very least, I’m sure stress makes us more susceptible to the effects of viruses and such.
Glad you’re feeling better, there does seem to be something going around. People I know have had it too. Or something anyway. 🙂 And yeah I understand how your husband feels- I think if you’re not a book blogger it can be hard to understand why there have to be so MANY books lol. I often get strange looks when I have to go into EVERY bookstore… 🙂
Yeah, he’s really not a reader at all, so he just doesn’t get it!
I’ve also gotten the fever with no known cause. It comes and goes. I too think it might be stress related. Loving your books. I think I’ll check out The Stranger Game. A new author to try.
My Sunday Post
Never thought about stress as a reason for the fever. I’m guessing it was a slight viral thing, but who knows?
Wow!! More books!! LOL! I can’t wait to read This Savage Song! It sounds creepy good! Hope you enjoy all the new reads!
Here’s my STS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I’m reading it now, and it’s fantastic!
I hope today was much better for you! It’s no fun to feel slick, and I HATE that feeling like you’re going to throw up. That’s great you got a lot of reading in though. I did a bit of reading this weekend, so I’m really excited about that. I’m hoping to finally start a BEA this week. I can’t wait!
Am I crazy? I thought I saw you say that you posted a wrap-up post, but I went to your site and couldn’t find it. I’m probably just crazy, right?
No, I haven’t posted one yet! Maybe I worded it wrong, but I was probably TRYING to say that i need to post one soon. I hope to have something up Thursday or Friday, and then depending on if I need two, next week as well. haha Just had so many books to read/review these past couple weeks – not enough time!
Yay free books! As one of your followers, I’m totally cool with it if you wanna do some more giveaways 😉
Sorry you weren’t feeling well :-/ Glad you’re feeling better now. Reading is definitely the best thing when you’re not feeling well. I’ve found that graphic novels work even better if you can find some good ones because they take less brain power and also have pretty pictures to distract you.
Oooh – I’ll have to get some graphic novels to have around for expressly that purpose. (Because I definitely need more books …) Watch for those giveaways – they’ll definitely be coming!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better! My boys had a fever last Thursday night/Friday and there wasn’t anything else wrong with them. Luckily it passed quickly and they are running around again. But I completely agree, when you’re sick it’s a great excuse to stay in bed and read all day. Even though I hate being sick a few times a year, I always love/hate those days since I get to read uninterrupted. 🙂
Exactly – it was junkie being sick, but that’s pretty much the ONLY way I have an excuse to lay in bed all day!! There’s a good side to everything!
That is very sad and sucky about being sick…bUT YAY FOR READING TIME AT LEAST! *cheers* I actually really admire you if you can be sick AND read. XD I can’t! I always end up feeling cranky and miserable at the book and abandon everything and binge watch some mind-numbing TV show. ahhaaha. Ahem. Least to say, you’re very productive! 😉
And pfffft, book collecting IS NOT A PROBLEM. I mean, you don’t need to see the floor right???? We can just cover it with books and still live happy lives??? #truth
Eeeeep, thanks for listing my upcoming blogversary *SHRIEKS* I’M GOING TO BE 5. THAT FEELS SO OLD.
Usually, even when I’m sick I can manage to read. I did need to take some breaks and shut my eyes for a bit, but I can’t really nap (ever), so I’d eventually just end up reading again. And you’re right that floors are definitely overrated. They really should only be used for extra book storage – oh, and tables and speakers too – and nightstands …
Boo to feeling sick. I hope you start feeling better soon. Yay for more free books though! I can’t imagine your bookshelves especially after BEA and that! Still not a bad problem to have 🙂 Have a great week!
Yes, my husband keeps telling me, “NO new bookshelves!” 🙂
YAY more books but boo for a fever!! I hope you feel better, sooN! 😉
I’m seem to be over it now – at least I wasn’t so miserable that I wasn’t able to read (for the most part).
The mention of Scholastic brings back lots of good memories. But not so much on the fever. 🙁 Hope you’re feeling much better and that it was just a fluke. Hop you have a great week, Nicole!
I think I’m totally over the fever now, so that’s good. Seemed like such a weird, fluke thing!
Lots of stuff going on. So much to read. Thanks for sharing the giveaways and what not!
You’re welcome! I always love sharing them!
Glad you’re feeling better.
I am so excited for the stranger game. I recently discovered this one too and was like oohhh need that one. So I grabbed it. You had a great week. love all your bea posts. I only did one. I have one more coming just with our book haul but its taking us forever to get them up. I think ash is going to do one with the pics since she took most of them.
I still have one more wrap-up to post, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet – they take a lot longer than you expect them to!
YAY for more free books! I’d love to get to work a Scholastic book fair and get books 😀 Sorry you were sick though but at least you got to read and feel better now! Have a wonderful week my friend! xxx
The Scholastic book fair is awesome for kids’ books – it’s like heaven for book-loving kids!!
I just finished The Crown’s Game and really enjoyed it as well! I’ve only heard of one of the books you got this week. You can check out my Sunday Post in the link below!
Such a good book! I want everyone to read it!