Top Ten Books from My Childhood I Want to Revisit

Posted March 24, 2015 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Reviews / 22 Comments

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is:

Top Ten Books from My Childhood/Teen Years that I’d Love to Revisit 

This is a fun one! And, actually, one of the beautiful things about having kids that love to read is that I am revisiting a lot of these books! It’s so fun to experience them again through my kids’ eyes. (Of course, most of you bloggers will think these books are from the dark ages, but that’s okay – I can deal with it.)
Early MG Favorites
These are a few of the first books that I remember loving as a child (beyond picture books, which I don’t really have any specific memories of). I find it interesting that the first books I really remember were all paranormal (or sci-fi/paranormal) – that genre stuck with me!
The Girl with the Silver EyesThe Ghost Next DoorAnna to the Infinite Power
  1. The Girl with the Silver Eyes by Willo Davis Roberts – I actually found this one at the library and read it again (along with my son). It’s still a cute book, and I can see why I loved it (the new cover is much prettier than the one on the book I read in the 80’s!). It’s about a girl with silver eyes who has telekinetic powers.
  2. The Ghost Next Door by Wylly Folk St. John – This was actually probably the first book I can remember loving. I must have read it a million times and it inspired me to write my own ghost book (which I won a prize for in the Young Author’s competition at school – I was so proud!). I haven’t been able to find a copy anywhere, so I haven’t been able to revisit this one, but I hope to!
  3. Anna to the Infinite Power by Mildred Ames – I ADORED this book!!! It was about a girl who finds out that she’s a clone – and it was my first foray into sci-fi. I haven’t gotten my hands on this one either, but I WILL!
Later MG Favorites

Watership DownThe Secret GardenBridge to Terabithia

  1. Watership Down by Richard Adams – One of my favorite things about homeschooling my kids is that I can set the curriculum to stuff that I like! Right now, we’re reading Watership Down, which I remember loving when I was a kid!
  2. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett – I loved this book as a kid, so I was eager to have my daughter read it too. I meant to read it along with her, but somehow that didn’t happen. I need to pick this one up again so that I can re-live the memories!
  3. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson – Even when I was a kid, I apparently loved stories that could make me cry. This was a definite favorite, and my son loved it too! (I haven’t had my daughter read it yet – soon.)
Teen Favorites

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyWheel of TimeThe Catcher in the RyeA Wrinkle in Time

  1. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams – Without a doubt, my absolute favorite series from my teen years (and possibly of all time) was The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. This series was zany and weird and hilarious – and I LOVED it! I also loved Adams’ Dirk Gently series, but not quite as much as this one.
  2. The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan – I read the first book in this series when I was in high school, and I was completely entranced. Ironically, I’m just now finishing this series on audiobook – it’s an incredibly long and complicated series, and I’m sad to say that I fell a little bit out of love with it somewhere in the middle, but the final books in the series are making up for it!
  3. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger – This is one of the classics that I remember loving in high school!
  4. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle – This is a series that I definitely want to revisit with my kids. It’s been so long that I don’t remember much about it – except that I loved it!

What books did you love as a kid?


22 responses to “Top Ten Books from My Childhood I Want to Revisit

  1. Of these I’ve only read The secret Garden, shame on me, but I really loved that one as a kid! I read it I don’t know how many times. My mom used to love visiting gardens and she would take me with her and I was always delighted when they had a walled garden. (I still secretly am)

  2. The only book on your list that I’ve read is The Secret Garden! Which I totally loved. I did, however, have a different Madeleine L’Engle book on my list – A Ring of Endless Light.

    I don’t have any kids right now (and they’re not especially high on my to-do list at the moment), but I hope my future children love to read as much as I do so that I can share these special books with them.

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday post.

    Sarah @ Sarah Can't Stop Reading recently posted: TOP EIGHT BOOKS FROM MY CHILDHOOD/TEEN YEARS THAT I'D LOVE TO REVISIT
  3. Ahhh The Secret Garden ♥ That one made my list too this week! I love that book to pieces, I’ve already reread it once as an adult but I definitely want to do so again 🙂 I haven’t read Watership Down but it’s actually on my tbr shelf. And I own a copy of The Eye of the World and (finally) plan to read it soon 😀 Awesome picks Nicole^^ Here’s my TTT post this week!

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews recently posted: Review: Blue Lily, Lily Blue
  4. Great list! Bridge to Terabithia made mine as well. It was the first book that ever made me cry. And I know it sounds weird, but I did not read The Secret Garden for the first time until last year. But I loved it. I also read Catcher in the Rye for the first time last year. That one, I did not enjoy very much. It was only okay. I just thought it was overrated. I would also add anything by Judy Blume and anything by Beverly Cleary.

  5. You had me at The Wheel of Time Series. 🙂 That’s got to be one of my favorite series ever. I read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy about a year ago, and I loved it. Sadly, I haven’t read any of the other books in the series. They’re on my reading list, though.

    Ardelia recently posted: 10 Awesome Quotes About Writing
    • My daughter is ten, which seems to be a good age if you’re going to have them read them independently (rather than aloud). I love reading books with my kids!

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