Month: May 2017

May Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

May Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

My Goings On in May: My daughter turned 13. Another teenager in the house. Yikes! I volunteered at the Scholastic warehouse sale and earned LOTS of free books! The new swim season has started, so my two older kids (and I) are busy with practices and meets. Our house got robbed! My daughter won a writing competition for her cute short story! I finished the first draft of that new editing project that I’ve been […]

Posted May 31, 2017 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 28 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews of The Names They Gave Us, The Crown’s Fate, Tell Me Three Things and We Were Liars

Bite-Sized Reviews of The Names They Gave Us, The Crown’s Fate, Tell Me Three Things and We Were Liars

Today I’ve got bite-sized reviews of a few of my recent reads. This was a great batch of books, so I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! This book gave me all the feels and it was just what I needed right now. I’ve heard amazing things about Emery Lord, but I’ve never read her, and I have to confess that I was hesitant about this book because of the […]

Posted May 30, 2017 in Reviews / 24 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore 5/28/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore 5/28/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): Much better week this week (no robberies, so you know…). We got to hang out with family at my niece’s confirmation last Sunday and then […]

Posted May 28, 2017 in Sunday Post / 33 Comments
May 2017 Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

May 2017 Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

It’s time for the May Wrap-Up Round-Up! The April Wrap-Up giveaway is being hosted right here on FYFA. There are a few more days to enter so make sure you head over there! This is the link-up for our May wrap-up posts. If you don’t already know about the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up, read the information below: Every month, at the end of the month, I’ll put up a monthly wrap-up link-up post where everyone can link up their […]

Posted May 27, 2017 in Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up / 3 Comments
Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee: Review, Giveaway & Dee’s Top Ten Addictions

Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee: Review, Giveaway & Dee’s Top Ten Addictions

This book is incredibly adorable and a perfect way to introduce MG readers to the concept of LGBT relationships. Since Mattie herself is unsure of how she feels, it gives the reader permission to be unsure with her, and it eases the MG reader into the idea that Mattie might be having romantic feelings for another girl. Because of that, a relatively simple book becomes powerful. What Fed My Addiction: Slow realization. At the start of this book […]

Why Rating Middle Grade (and Sometimes YA) Is So Darn Hard for Me! Let’s Discuss.

Why Rating Middle Grade (and Sometimes YA) Is So Darn Hard for Me! Let’s Discuss.

I have a MG review that’s scheduled to go up tomorrow (for Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee) and I really loved the book. Not only is it adorable and well-written, it highlights a middle grade girl who discovers that she has a crush on another girl (after having a crush on a boy), which is a topic that middle graders need to see. And let me tell you, this book was so hard for me to rate! Here’s […]

Posted May 24, 2017 in Let's Discuss / 45 Comments
A Start of Two Series: Bite-Sized Reviews of (the Start of) The Ruined Series and The Gold Seer Trilogy

A Start of Two Series: Bite-Sized Reviews of (the Start of) The Ruined Series and The Gold Seer Trilogy

Today I’ve got bite-sized reviews of two awesome fantasy series that I’ve started (they’re not done yet, so it’s actually not my fault this time that I haven’t finished them!). Hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! On the surface, this book seems like it might be sort of derivative. It’s not. Well, okay, it sort of is. I mean, just based on the basic description, I feel like I’ve read this […]

Posted May 22, 2017 in All-Time Favorites, Reviews / 25 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore 5/21/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore 5/21/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): This week started out great, but then got strange fast. I’ll start with the good. I’m writing this post from a swim meet again (on […]

Posted May 21, 2017 in Sunday Post / 56 Comments
What You Need to Know Before You Open a NetGalley Account

What You Need to Know Before You Open a NetGalley Account

NetGalley is an incredible way to start receiving review copies of books. In general, getting approved for a book via NetGalley is much more likely than getting a physical ARC of that same book. Which makes sense—publishers can afford to give out digital ARCs a lot more freely than physical ARCs. Sometimes bloggers are scared to jump into NetGalley, but if you follow a few simple guidelines, you’ll see that there’s absolutely nothing to worry […]

Posted May 20, 2017 in Blogging Tips, Let's Discuss / 91 Comments
The Truth About Happily Ever After by Karole Cozzo: Review & Giveaway

The Truth About Happily Ever After by Karole Cozzo: Review & Giveaway

Once again, Cozzo gives us a realistically romantic story of fairy tale proportions. A little note about the genre: The book is officially billed as YA, but the characters are all in college, so I think of it more as NA. I think it’s YA because there are no actual sex scenes (a few implied fade to black scenes) and it’s overall a sweet romance, appropriate for high schoolers, even younger ones (there is a bit […]

Posted May 19, 2017 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 14 Comments