Month: July 2013

Sunday Post 7/28/13

Sunday Post 7/28/13

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.  Last week on FYFA: Radiant by Christina Daley (book blitz & giveaway) – ends Tuesday! Top Ten Tuesday & Teaser Tuesday – Top Ten Topics that Turn Me Away & Haven by Celia Breslin A Wicked Kind […]

Posted July 29, 2013 in Uncategorized / 0 Comments
Feature & Follow Friday – Bookshelves

Feature & Follow Friday – Bookshelves

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! This is a blog hop that allows bloggers to gain new followers and find some awesome new blogs to follow themselves! The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has a blog that they feature each week! So, if you’re a blogger, come join in on the fun! Here’s today’s question […]

Posted July 26, 2013 in Feature and Follow / 0 Comments
Top Ten Tuesday (Top Topics that Turn Me Away) & Teaser Tuesday (Haven by Celia Breslin)

Top Ten Tuesday (Top Topics that Turn Me Away) & Teaser Tuesday (Haven by Celia Breslin)

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is: Top Ten Topics or Words That Make Me Not Want to Pick Up a Book I actually had a hard time coming up with this list because I’ve never really thought about it before.  But there are definitely types of books that I lean toward and types of books that I avoid.  So, in no particular order, here is a list of topics/words/genres that just don’t do it for me: Non-fiction – The […]

Posted July 23, 2013 in Teaser Tuesday, Top Ten Tuesday / 0 Comments
Sunday Post 7/21/13

Sunday Post 7/21/13

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.  Last week on FYFA: Matt Archer: Monster Hunter Series by Kendra C. Highley (review & giveaway) – still time to win a $25 Amazon gift card Summer Kindle Fire Giveaway – Still time to win! Teaser Tuesday – […]

Posted July 22, 2013 in Sunday Post / 2 Comments
Installing CommentLuv (I think) & My Perfect Adrian Ivashkov

Installing CommentLuv (I think) & My Perfect Adrian Ivashkov

Okay, this is a generic post because I’m trying to install CommentLuv on my blog.  I’m not really sure if I’m doing it right, though!  I really want all of you lovely people to receive my replies to your comments, so I’m trying CommentLuv out.   Just to make this post more fun, here’s a picture of Joseph Morgan from Vampire Diaries.     I saw this picture over at BS Reviewers (on a post that had […]

Posted July 21, 2013 in Uncategorized / 8 Comments
ARC Review: Indelible by Dawn Metcalf

ARC Review: Indelible by Dawn Metcalf

Title: Indelible Author: Dawn Metcalf Release Date: July 30, 2013 Pages: 384, Paperback Goodreads Rating: 3.79 stars My Rating: 5/5 stars Content Rating: PG-16? (Some pretty scary scenes and references to sex-though none is shown) Summary from Goodreads: Some things are permanent. Indelible. And they cannot be changed back. Joy Malone learns this the night she sees a stranger with all-black eyes across a crowded room—right before the mystery boy tries to cut out her eye. Instead, the wound accidentally marks her as […]

Posted July 20, 2013 in Reviews / 11 Comments
Feature & Follow Friday – Destination Reading Spot

Feature & Follow Friday – Destination Reading Spot

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! This is a blog hop that allows bloggers to gain new followers and find some awesome new blogs to follow themselves! The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has a blog that they feature each week! So, if you’re a blogger, come join in on the fun! Here’s today’s question […]

Posted July 20, 2013 in Feature and Follow / 5 Comments
Review & Waiting on Wednesday – Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Review & Waiting on Wednesday – Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout

My Waiting on Wednesday post has been combined with my review of Opal because they are so related… I think you can probably figure out what I’m waiting for, but scroll down to the bottom to see for sure… Title: Opal Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Release Date: December 11, 2012 Pages: 382, Paperback Goodreads Rating: 4.49 stars My Rating: 5/5 stars Content Rating: PG-16? (My made-up rating to mean something between PG-13 and R, Some near-sex scenes and one sex scene which […]

Posted July 17, 2013 in Reviews, Waiting on Wednesday / 5 Comments
Teaser Tuesday 7/16/13

Teaser Tuesday 7/16/13

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: ~Grab your current read ~Open to a random page ~Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on the page ~BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! ( make sure that what you share doesn’t give away to much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) ~Share the title & author too, so that […]

Posted July 17, 2013 in Teaser Tuesday / 3 Comments
Review & $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway – Matt Archer: Monster Hunter, Blade’s Edge & Legend (Books 1-3 of the Matt Archer Series) by Kendra C. Highley

Review & $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway – Matt Archer: Monster Hunter, Blade’s Edge & Legend (Books 1-3 of the Matt Archer Series) by Kendra C. Highley

Title: Matt Archer: Monster Hunter (Matt Archer #1) Author: Kendra C. Highley Release Date: August 18, 2012 Pages: 299, Paperback Goodreads Rating: 4.35 stars My Rating (For all three books): 4/5 stars Content Rating (For all three books): PG -13 (some swearing; in book three the characters have sex, but it is not described in any way; relatively strong violence) Summary from Goodreads: Fourteen-year-old Matt Archer spends his days studying Algebra, hanging out with his best friend and crushing on the Goddess of […]

Posted July 15, 2013 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 2 Comments