Publisher: Fog Field Press

Bite-Sized Reviews of Cybils Nominees: A Game of Fox and Squirrels, Wishes and Wellingtons, Mulrox and the Malcognitos, Cleo Porter and the Body Electric, and Another Dreadful Fairy Book

Bite-Sized Reviews of Cybils Nominees: A Game of Fox and Squirrels, Wishes and Wellingtons, Mulrox and the Malcognitos, Cleo Porter and the Body Electric, and Another Dreadful Fairy Book

Yes, I know I’m STILL working my way through all my Cybils reviews. I just don’t want to leave any of these books out! So, even though the awards have been doled out, I still want to feature some very quick reviews of the nominees I read since there were so many good ones. I’m calling this the Long-Titles Cybils List. I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction. This book […]

Posted March 23, 2021 in Cybils, Reviews / 5 Comments