Publisher: Harry N. Abrams

Dear Wild Child: You Carry Your Home Inside You – Review & Giveaway

Dear Wild Child: You Carry Your Home Inside You – Review & Giveaway

Buy the Book This lovely letter from a father to a daughter after a wildfire destroys their family home celebrates our bonds with nature. It tells the tale of a girl who grows up surrounded by the beauty and majesty of the outdoors in a home filled with the love and dreams of her parents. And the book shows how home is not a place, but the essence of what makes us who we are. […]

Posted September 20, 2022 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 3 Comments
Cybils Poetry Finalists! And Bite-Sized Reviews of Everywhere Blue, Snow Birds, You Don’t Have to Be Everything, and Call Me Athena

Cybils Poetry Finalists! And Bite-Sized Reviews of Everywhere Blue, Snow Birds, You Don’t Have to Be Everything, and Call Me Athena

As my regular readers know, I was a round-one judge for the Cybils Awards in the Poetry category. Well, the finalists have been announced, so I thought I’d share them! You can check out the lists of finalists for the other categories on the Cybils website. Since I hadn’t yet reviewed four of the finalists on the blog, I thought I’d feature those reviews for you now. (I’ve already posted reviews of Me(Moth), Starfish, and […]

Posted January 7, 2022 in Cybils, Reviews / 8 Comments
The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass by Anna Priemaza: “Things I Wish I Could Remember” Guest Post & Giveaway

The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass by Anna Priemaza: “Things I Wish I Could Remember” Guest Post & Giveaway

Welcome to The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass by Anna Priemaza Blog Tour! Those of you who frequent my blog know I don’t often post tour stops that don’t involve a review, but when the publicist reached out to me about this one, the concept of the book had me so intrigued that I decided to go ahead with it. (I’ll be reading the book myself and posting a review, but there wasn’t enough time to get […]

Posted November 23, 2021 in Author Guest Post, Giveaways (Ended) / 10 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews of The Thing About Jellyfish, Unwritten, and The Girl with More than One Heart

Bite-Sized Reviews of The Thing About Jellyfish, Unwritten, and The Girl with More than One Heart

I’ve got three middle grade reviews for you today: two contemporaries and a contemporary fantasy. I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! This book is really interesting because it’s written from the POV of a character who seems like she’s probably on the autism spectrum (but it’s never explicitly said, and she might not even be diagnosed as such). I actually sort of love this because I have a kid […]

Posted August 25, 2018 in Middle Grade, Reviews / 12 Comments