Series: Timekeeper

Bite-Sized Reviews of Firestarter, The Lonely Ones, We Come Apart and The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up

Bite-Sized Reviews of Firestarter, The Lonely Ones, We Come Apart and The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up

I’ve got four reviews for you today: a YA steampunk, two YA verse novels (one of them is borderline YA/MG), and a manga. I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! (Check out my review of the first two books in this series and Sim’s Top Ten Addictions!) What a fabulously wild ride! Though Timekeeper is still my favorite book in this series, the very end of Firestarter made the whole series journey more […]

Posted February 6, 2019 in Reviews / 26 Comments
Timekeeper and Chainbreaker by Tara Sim: Review & Sim’s Top Ten Addictions

Timekeeper and Chainbreaker by Tara Sim: Review & Sim’s Top Ten Addictions

Today I’m featuring the first two books in Tara Sim’s Timekeeper Series, a romantic magical steampunk adventure series that blew me away with its imaginative concept and its heart.’ My first review will be spoiler-free for the series, but skim past the review of book two if you haven’t picked up Timekeeper yet! You know how sometimes you start reading a book and you just instantly LOVE it? That was me with this book. And it never stopped. […]

Posted January 10, 2018 in Author Top Ten Lists, Reviews / 16 Comments