Series: The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3
Also in this series: My Ex from Hell
Published by Te Da Media on 3/20/14
Genres: Fairy Tales Legends & Mythology, Greek & Roman, Love & Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 414
Source: NetGalley
My content rating: Mature YA (Sex is mentioned, but not shown; LGBT relationship; Some violence)
My rating:

To say that Sophie Bloom is at the top of her game with one only week until spring equinox and the final showdown with Zeus and Hades would be, well, lying. The Goddess of Spring feels more like the Goddess of Bzz Thanks For Playing than the savior of humanity. And could her relationships be any more messed up?
Good times.
Sophie is convinced that things can’t get any worse than crawling back to her mother Demeter and begging for help. But she’s about to find out how very wrong she is.
It’s a race against time for Sophie to implement the big battle strategy in the YA romantic comedy, Greek mythology finale My Life From Hell. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book three of this teen fantasy romance series. Save herself; save the world. Humanity may be screwed.
My Life From Hell is the awesome final showdown in the Blooming Goddess Trilogy. In this book, Sophie tries to prepare for the apocalypse – rather unsuccessfully and ends up getting sent back to Persephone’s life in order to learn the lessons she needs to win. But can she figure out what those lessons are?
- The characters. We got LOTS more of all the characters we love in this book! Kai and Sophie are still together, but they’re having some communication issues (they’ve spent quite a lot of time avoiding their Persephone issues by making out). Sophie’s relationship with Hannah also gets a bit sticky. We get lots of Theo and Festus in this book. And we get to see all of these characters in their pre-Sophie lives, which I loved! We also meet a new character named Oizys, a cool goth type girl who I ended up absolutely loving. Her snarkiness definitely rivaled Sophie’s!
- Twists and turns. I was never quite sure what was going to happen next in this book! There were tons of interesting twists and turns that led us to that final battle. And then the showdown itself – some big surprises!!
- The final message. In the end, Sophie learns some pretty important lessons about herself and about what’s really important. The final battle wasn’t won in the way I expected at all, and Sophie’s premonitions all come true in ways that were surprising too. I don’t want to spoil what happens or what Sophie’s conclusions were, but suffice it to say that Darling put some powerful messages in her book that really lifted the series to a new level.
- Nothing. I don’t really have any negatives for this book. I will say that it didn’t quite capture my attention as much at the beginning as the first two, but I was really distracted while reading this one (I was in the hospital with my daughter – everything’s okay, but it didn’t make for the best uncluttered reading time). So, I’m not even counting this as a real negative.

3. Sassy minx.
Geeks out over: cool tech.
Squees for: great storytelling.
Delights in: fabulous conversation.
Writes about: where love meets comedy. Awkwardness ensues.
Tellulah Darling is a firm believer that some of the best stories happen when love meets comedy. Which is why she has so much fun writing young adult romantic comedy novels. Her tales span contemporary, teen fantasy romance, and YA Greek mythology, and range from stand alone books to series. For Tellulah, teen romance is the most passionate, intense, and awkward there is – a comedy goldmine. Plus smart, mouthy, teen girls rock.
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