Published by Silver Stag on 1/1/14
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 273
Source: The Author
My content rating: YA (Nothing more than kissing, Some violence)
My rating:

Thea, all-mighty Mother Earth, only had one rule to follow above all else, one promise to keep to her brother: never take a human form. She would've kept that promise if it weren't for Brice. He's handsome and confident, but above all he's merciless.
He's also a hunter who has tormented Thea for years. She believes if she could teach Brice compassion, she might finally be able to save her creations and herself from his savage ways. Then she meets Chamber: another hunter.
She soon finds herself fascinated by−and torn between−the two boys: Brice and Chamber. Lost within a torrent of human emotions, Thea starts to lose who she is as she falls in love with the one thing that she's always hated: a hunter… a human.

Transformed is a young adult paranormal romance that offers a unique twist on the creation story. The story follows Thea, who is actually Mother Earth in human form, sister of God. Thea has suffered through the human treatment of her creation (wildlife) for centuries, but she has been forced to stay near one particularly cruel family for generations, being killed over and over by hunters. She believes that the only way she will be allowed to leave the area is if she changes the family’s youngest son – and the only way she can think to change him is to make him fall in love with her so that he can watch her die (in her animal form) and realize the damage he had done. But her plan goes awry, and things get very complicated when she meets Chamber and starts to have very human feelings for him.
What fed my addiction:
- The alternate creation story. The most interesting thing about this book was discovering the story behind the creation of the world and exactly who Thea and her brother truly are? Are they God and Mother Earth as we know them in the traditional sense? Yes and no. As the book goes on we discover that there are aspects of this story that overlap with the traditional Christian creation story and ways that it varies greatly from that story (the same with the nature of God himself). There are actually quite a few revelations that occur that were surprising – not just to me, but to characters in the book. I really enjoyed this alternate version of history and found myself wanting to unravel these characters secrets.
- Thea. I really liked the character of Thea, even though she was not a typical heroine. Because she wasn’t used to being human, she was often a bit naive, but it was kind of fun to see the world through her eyes and see her try to untangle the complexities of human emotions and human relationships. I also thought she had a unique perspective on the value of all life (as Mother Earth), and it was interesting to get her thoughts and perspective on our cavalier treatment of much of God’s (or Mother Earth’s) creation.
- The romance. For the most part, I was fully invested in the romance element of this book, even though there was a bit of instalove (it was justified via the concept of a soul mate connection, and I was actually way more okay with it than I usually am). And once we got past that initial attraction, I did feel the connection between Thea and her love interest deepen. I don’t want to say much more about it because I feel like I’d be spoiling things, but I’ll just say that I was a fan of the romantic connection!
What left me wanting more:
- Slight instalove, slight love triangle. Like I said, the instalove aspect was explained as a connection between soul mates, and I was actually mostly okay with it. I was actually more annoyed at Thea’s jealousy and attraction when it came to the guy she didn’t end up with. Speaking of which, yes, there was a love triangle of sorts, but Thea was only ever really interested in one of the guys. The other one she obviously did not have a true connection with. Again, I don’t want to say too much, but it becomes pretty clear early on who Thea should be with, and even she knows it, but there are complications.
I really enjoyed the unique journey that this book sent me on. If you’re looking for a young adult paranormal romance with something different to offer, pick this one up. I give it 4/5 stars.
***Disclosure: This book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***
About the Author
The hunger is encompassing, so she feeds the beast books. But the hunger never settles… so she writes. E.V. Fairfall has an itch that drives her to the world of story telling. With several published short stories, and soon several books (fingers crossed), she explores the topics of humanity and hardship.
During the daylight hours, a book is always within reach. She spends her nights reading with her husband, surrounded by towers of tomes and three furry children curled in close. If she isn’t reading, she is browsing bookstores or hiking, but always awaiting her next adventure.
Ugh…I am glad you liked it but I probably won’t pick it up knowing that there is insta love AND a love triangle. Two of my pet peeves in books. Sometimes it works I have to admit but if I KNOW it’s there I won’t willingly pick it up. Thanks for letting me know. I am glad you liked it though. Great review.