February Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

Posted February 27, 2017 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up / 2 Comments

It’s time for the February Wrap-Up Round-Up! The January Wrap-Up giveaway is being hosted right here on FYFA. This is your last chance to enter so make sure you head over there!

This is the link-up for our February wrap-up posts. If you don’t already know about the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up, read the information below:

Every month, at the end of the month, I’ll put up a monthly wrap-up link-up post where everyone can link up their month end posts. There are no specific requirements for what needs to be in your post, as long as you have a book blog and your wrap-up summarizes your month in some way.

road-trip_ad77design_element03  Then, one week later, I’ll create a giveaway that encourages people to visit YOUR month end link-ups, giving entries for commenting and/or sharing.
road-trip_ad77design_element03  Anyone can participate in the giveaway – you won’t have to actually link up in order to participate.
road-trip_ad77design_element03  I also plan to turn it into a fun scavenger hunt type game by allowing Random.org to choose some of the posts and creating specific giveaway entries for those posts (for instance, I might ask, “What was so-and-so’s favorite book she read in July?” or something similar). I figure this will be a fun way to engage people in our monthly happenings!

If you don’t already post a monthly wrap-up and want some ideas on what to include, click here to check out my advice on the topic!

Share with your friends so they’ll know to join us! You can tweet using #WrapUpRoundUp

Future Wrap-Up Round-Up Giveaway Hosts:

The February giveaway will be posted right here at Feed Your Fiction Addiction right around March 8th.

The March giveaway will be hosted by Lisa @ Lisa Loves Literature!

The February Link-up

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Font by Word Art World


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