Blog Tour Sign-Up: Scars of the Bifrost by A.J.M. Mousseau

Posted August 21, 2013 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

I am so excited to have completed my first fiction editing job (I used to write and edit technical documentation, but it’s not nearly as exciting!).

I had such an awesome experience working with author A.J.M. Mousseau, and I wanted to help her get the word out about her book.  So, I’m putting together a blog tour for her!

The tour will run from September 23rd-October 4th and there will be options for review stops, guest posts, interviews and/or spotlight stops. I will provide html for the tour that you can modify as desired. This tour will include a giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card as well as copies of the book (and its sequel, which will be released soon!).  If you host, there will be an option on the Rafflecopter form for people to follow your blog.  

Scars of the Bifrost
by A.J.M. Mousseau
Genre: YA paranormal/sci-fi romance

Freya Catten has lived on the fringes of society her entire life, growing up in hiding with her mother in the deepest, wildest places left in North America—the national parks and forests. Freya’s mother taught her how to live off the land, away from civilization—mysteriously warning her of the dangers of getting involved with society and leaving traces of her DNA behind. But five years ago Freya’s mother abandoned her, leaving Freya to survive on her own. 

Freya knows how to stay alive, whether she’s hiding in the forest or running on the city streets. She changes her appearance often and owns nothing but her backpack filled with survival gear and a necklace that had been her mother’s. 

But, keeping one step ahead of Social Services isn’t her biggest fear. Freya’s true terror lies with The Takers—strange men who rappel from silver cords out of the deep blue sky from nowhere. They snatch up their victims then evaporate without a trace. Freya holds a dark suspicion—that the Takers are really after her, and they are closing in.

Freya realizes that if she is to ever have a normal life she must first find her mother and answer the questions that have kept her in hiding. Along the way, she meets Theron Hawk—a rugged teenage soldier from a war-torn country—and finds herself truly trusting someone for the first time in her life.

As secrets are uncovered, and Freya comes closer to solving the mysteries surrounding her life, her blood and the priceless necklace that lays at her throat, the scars of the Bifrost will threaten to rip apart Freya’s very existence.

SCARS OF THE BIFROST is the first story in The Scars Saga and is a Young Adult science-fiction/fantasy/paranormal romance novel infused with wilderness survival, urban fantasy, dystopian elements and mythological realism.

If you are interested in participating in this blog tour, please sign up here!


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