Richelle Mead Book Signing Event Recap

Posted April 3, 2015 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Book Events / 24 Comments

Richelle Mead

Last Friday, I headed to Anderson’s Bookshop for the Richelle Mead book signing. I was so excited to meet her and to get the final book of the Bloodlines series. Those of you who read my blog all the time know that Adrian is one of my all-time favorite book boyfriends (honestly, even with VA, I was pretty much Team Adrian all the way), so I’m really excited to read more of him! (The only reason I haven’t finished the series yet is because of that thing where I get scared to read the final book in a series – pure insanity!)

Richelle Mead was one of the most gracious authors I’ve met at a signing. After the Q&A, she said, “Feel free to ask questions when you come up for your signing. I’m here to talk to you!” And she did have full-blown conversations with every person there – it was pretty impressive!

Oh, and I realized that the very first review I ever wrote on my blog was for a Richelle Mead book!! I reviewed Shadow Kiss, which I totally adored. Okay, so it’s sort of weird that I started out with reviewing a book in the middle of a series that had been out for quite some time, but what can I say, I loved the book and I was a newbie blogger who had no idea what I was doing! We all have to start somewhere, right? At least I chose a fantastic series to start with!

Anyway, on to the good stuff. Here’s a little recap of the event:


First off, Richelle read us an excerpt from her upcoming book, Soundless!! She said that this was the first time she’s shared an excerpt, so I was especially thrilled to hear it. I even had a video that I was planning to share (with permission, of course), but after many hours of trying, even my techie husband couldn’t get the darn thing to play, so with much sadness, I gave up.  You’ll just have to take my word for the fact that the excerpt was awesome. Anyway, can I just tell you how excited I am about this book?! Here are just a few of the reasons:

  • It’s about a whole village of people who can’t hear. I’m fascinated already. (If you’ve seen any of my posts about the book I worked on for NaNoWriMo, you know that one of my characters is deaf, so I already feel connected to this book.)
  • It’s “steeped in Chinese folklore.” What’s not to love about that?
  • It’s a standalone! Yep, a fantasy standalone. Yay!!
  • Just look at that cover. Look at it some more … If you’re like me, you’re still looking at it.
  • It’s Richelle Mead. Enough said.

Then there was a Q & A. Here are some highlights:

  • Richelle said that she had just been in Michigan to visit family and mentioned to her publicist that she wondered if she set up a last minute signing in the Chicago area if anyone would come. Yeah, people came. Crowds were lined up to the back of the store!
  • As of right now, it doesn’t look like there will be another VA movie (and the rumor of a VA TV show is just that – a rumor).
  • The next Gameboard of the Gods book will be coming – probably at the end of this year.
  • She does have another project coming next year that she wasn’t even supposed to mention existed – but she did, so I will too. It will be a new series!
  • She’s still thinking of possibly writing another Dark Swan book eventually. She left the series open-ended, and while she says that she almost never writes anything based on fan feedback, she does think that her fans have a point about this one. She can see that there’s more of the story to tell and might come back to it someday. BUT, for now, the YA stuff is taking precedence and she just can’t write as much now, with two kids, as she did before. (I definitely understand that!)

My mom (who was with me) and I ended up buying the whole Bloodlines series because she hasn’t read any of them yet (though I did have her read the whole VA series). It worked out perfectly, because Richelle signed three books per person, so that way we got the whole series signed!

All in all, this was a pretty awesome way to spend a Friday night! What has been your favorite author signing event?

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24 responses to “Richelle Mead Book Signing Event Recap

  1. Pah

    Hello, I am a Brazilian fan of Richelle, you have no idea of the will I have to know her. Unfortunately she never came to Brazil and I have no way to get the US. You are very lucky.
    Sorry for the bad English.

  2. WooHoo! Yay for author events, and exciting books 😀 I’m dying to read Soundless and I absolutely still need to read VA and Bloodlines – they’ve been on my tbr shelf for AGES. I read Gameboard of the Gods by her^^ but I haven’t had a chance to crack open the sequel…yet! Anyway, it sounds like you and your mom had a blast and that Richelle Mead was a great person 😀

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews recently posted: Review: Dealing with Dragons
    • I’ve been meaning to read Gameboard for a long time – I even got the sequel from NetGalley, but never managed to read them. I REALLY need to fix that!

  3. I’m so excited about her latest book. I haven’t had much luck with her Bloodline series and her latest adult fiction, so I’m looking forward to this one. She sounds so nice, and down to earth. 🙂

    • Richelle was great! Sorry you haven’t loved Bloodlines. That series has been my favorite of hers so far. Hopefully Soundless will be more your speed!

  4. Sounds like you had a blast, and that’s great you were able to go with your mom. 🙂 I STILL need to read something by Richelle. Her new book sounds awesome, and I love that it’s a standalone. Seems so rare these days! The last signing I went to was Marissa Meyer, and that was a ton of fun. I don’t know if I have favorite. Seeing John Green was pretty awesome.


    ShootingStarsMag recently posted: When You Leave by Monica Ropal + Make it a Gift
    • Oh, then BEA will be really exciting for you! I’m very lucky that there is a bookstore nearby (relatively – it actually takes me like an hour to get to Anderson’s) that has TONS of author appearances. I really love meeting authors at this type of environment even better than at BEA because it’s so much smaller and more casual, and you actually get to hear them speak and talk to them! But the sheer number of authors at BEA is amazing!! If you can, make sure you attend the Teen Author Carnival (I think that’s what it’s called) and some breakout sessions at BEA. I regret not doing that last year.

  5. Awesome that you got to meet her and get books signed! I really enjoyed the VA series, but wasn’t the biggest fan of either Adrian or Sydney. However, I recently bought Bloodlines because I just want more! I hope it will be as good as VA.

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