2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge Sign-Up!

Posted December 11, 2015 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Book Blog Discussion Challenge, Challenges, Let's Discuss / 145 Comments

2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge

Welcome to the 2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

We came up with this challenge last year because we wanted to encourage our fellow book bloggers to not only read more (since there are already lots of challenges for that), but talk more too! Well, it was SO successful last year that we decided to bring it back!

So often book bloggers mean to post more discussions on our blogs, but we just don’t quite get around to it. Well, we wanted to give everyone a little motivation to keep the discussions going, plus give us a place to link up our discussions so that more people will see our precious words of wisdom (or … you know … our GIF-filled rants).

I hope you’ll join us for this challenge and pledge yourself to posting more discussions in this upcoming year. I promise we’ll have lots of fun talking together!

 Here’s All You Have to Do:

  • The 2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge runs from January 1st until December 31st, 2016.
  • Sign-ups will remain open until December 31st, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. Central. (So, you can sign up all year long! Come join us!)
  • You DO NOT have to have a book blog to join this challenge. If you don’t have a book blog, you may link up to discussions that you’ve started on Goodreads groups.
  • Create a sign-up post announcing your intention to participate and link up below. If you don’t have a blog, you can link up to your Goodreads profile. There is no need to say what your discussion posts will be about – just tell us that you’re joining and let us know what your goal is. (Please note, you may do this in an update post, or a post of other challenges- you’re not required to make a completely separate post- but you can if you’d like!) 
  • Please link back to both challenge hosts and include the challenge button in your sign-up posts.
  • Every month, we’ll update this 2016 Book Blog Challenge Page with the links to that month’s Challenge linky – so you’ll always know where to find the latest link-up!
  • Share it! The more people we get to participate in this, the more awesome discussions we can all be a part of and the more fun it will be! So, invite your friends to join us!
  • This challenge is to help get us discussing books and book blogging, so talk about whatever you want as long as it’s relevant to book blogging. Discussions can be book related or book blogging related (or generally blogging related – no discussions about things that are completely off-topic like travel or fashion, etc). Discussions can also be about you personally if it’s a get-to-know-you type post.
  • There will be a kick-off post on January 1, 2016 on both Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight where you’ll be able to leave your links for any January discussions. At the beginning of every month, a new post will go up on both blogs for that month’s links. New this year – Every month, we’ll feature one randomly chosen discussion from the month before.
  • If you forgot to leave your discussion link in the challenge month in which you posted the discussion or the linky list closed before you had a chance to leave it, you can leave it in a future month. (No duplicates, though.)
  • There will also be monthly giveaways, so make sure you check in each month!
  • Use the hashtag #LetsDiscuss2016 to share your progress and connect with other participants on Twitter.
  • Have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments!

 The Levels:

1-12 – Discussion Dabbler
13-24 – Creative Conversationalist
25-36 – Chatty Kathy
37-48 – Terrifically Talkative
49+ – Gift of the Gab

I’m shooting for Gift of the Gab, which works out to just less than one discussion per week!

Monthly Link-up Posts & Giveaways:

January Link-Up Post
February Link-Up Post
March Link-Up Post
April Link-Up Post
May Link-Up Post
June Link-Up Post
July Link-Up Post
August Link-Up Post
September Link-Up Post
October Link-Up Post
November Link-Up Post
December Link-Up Post

Use the Linky Below to Sign Up!

Credits for elements used in button: Tracey Monette, Clever Monkey GraphicsB2N2 ScrapsSweet Digi Scraps, Harper Finch


145 responses to “2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge Sign-Up!

  1. This is a great challenge! I have some ideas for posts that I really want to discuss next year, and hopefully this challenge will motivate me even more to come up with topics and write them. Thank you for hosting! I’ll add my intentions to sign up on my Weekly Recap and add to the Linky by the end of the weekend.
    Thanks for hosting, Nicole! 🙂

    Nick @ Nick & Nereyda's Infinite Booklist recently posted: Review: Dirty Deeds by Megan Erickson
  2. There, I just signed up! I didn’t know about this challenge at the beginning of last year so “more discussions” was one of my personal resolutions, but I can’t wait to discover other participants’ posts!
    Thanks for hosting this!

  3. my 2015 year wasn’t too good but I just signed up for 2016!:) looking forward to this challenge. My first discussion post “5 lessons I learned when my theme crashed” already scheduled! Thanks for hosting this wonderful feature Nicole! 🙂

    Daniela Ark recently posted: Godspeed 2015… Hello 2016
  4. I’m doing it Nicole!! I love you and Shannon’s discussion post so i am taking the plunge! This is my most scary challange cause I feel like I never have any oroiginal idewas. Hopefully this will amke me dig some up. So excited and thank you for hosting. PS love the new look! Ive been mia for a bit!
    <3 Britt @ PleaseFeedTheBookworm.com

  5. I just have to say that I am lovig this challenge already. I originally only set my goal for 12 discussions becuase I wasn’t sure what I would possibly write about. Now I have 6 post ideas already 🙂 I’m trying to make my way to everyone’s post by the end of the month.

  6. I love that you are hosting this challenge, as I really wanted to get more discussions on the blog this year. I was thinking of having one a month, so this challenge is perfect to keep that goal in line. I have a few post ideas already so I think that this will be quite doable for me, even with a brand new baby days away from coming!

    I look forward to reading everyone’s posts!

    Lily @ Bookluvrs Haven

    Lily @ Bookluvrs Haven recently posted: Book Review - Feed, by Mira Grant
  7. […] Feed Your Addiction is hosting another year for the Book Blog Discussion challenge and I am in! I loved participating last year and am looking forward to great new topics this year. This challenge is all about getting discussions going on blogs and interacting. I’m shooting for “Creative Conversationalist” with 24 discussion posts. […]

  8. […] Book Blog Discussion Challenge: 3/49+ 1. Let’s Talk: Do you read non-fiction or only fiction? 2. Let’s Talk: Why I lowered my Goodreads goal 3. Let’s Talk: How do you keep track of your blogging ideas/schedule? […]

  9. I just stumbled upon this challenge and so excited to participate in it. I am new to book blogging and want to become more active in it. I just completed a blog challenge and really enjoyed it. It allowed me to meet new book bloggers. I am looking forward to participating in this challenge.

  10. […] After last month Blogging Extravaganza, I really wanted to continue to be more active on my blog and in the book blogging community. So when I stumbled upon BookStacksAmber‘s March Challenge update post I discovered a year-round Book Blog Discussion Challenge. […]

      • Thanks, it seemed to choke at the add an image stage. It wouldn’t let me post without one, but it wouldn’t take one of any size either from my computer or hosted online. (It kept saying it wasn’t a image or was too large – I tried jpg & png and various sizes.)

  11. Very helpful post. Sharing fair point of view, experience and/or opinions by posting comments, reviews, discussions always helps us and others.

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