Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is:
Top Ten Finished Series I’ve YET to Finish!
I have a problem. A real, actual bookish problem that haunts me. I can’t bring myself to finish series – even the ones I love. I’ve written about being a series failure in the past, you may remember. Out of the six series I mentioned in that post, seven months ago, I’ve only caught up on TWO of them. And these are some of my favorite series! What is wrong with me? Am I just scared to see it all end? (Probably.) Do I fear that I’ve forgotten too much about the previous books in the series? (Yes.) Am I just ridiculously good at procrastinating at reading books that haven’t been specifically scheduled? (Uh huh.) Whatever the reason, I have plenty of series to list here!

The Unwind Dystology: I’m cringing right now because I swore (seven months ago) that I was going to finish this series soon. I even had my son AND my mom read it. They both read the entire series. Have I read that last book yet? No. (Hides under table and cries.)

The Blood of Eden Trilogy: (Continues cringing). Yep, another favorite that’s been on my list for months. Why haven’t I read the final book in this trilogy? Because I’m insane. It’s the only explanation, since I loved the first two books.

The Darkest Minds Trilogy: I adored the first book in this series and have a signed copy of the second book sitting on my shelf. Have I read it? No. Why would I do that?

The Bloodlines Series: I own all of these, but I still haven’t read the final two books in the series. I think this is one of those cases of not wanting a good thing to end, but who knows – my neuroses are far too complicated to comprehend.

The Maze Runner Series: My son zipped through all three of these books right quick (not sure if he ever read the prequel), but while I read the first two books, I haven’t managed to get beyond that.

The Blood Prince Series: This is an awesome self-pubbed series (adult fairy tale retellings). The author gave me the first four books for review as they were released, but I never got the last one. When I realized it, I bought it, but apparently the lack of a review “due date” has led me to ignore it. Sigh.

The Pushing the Limits Series: I think I felt like I needed a little break from this series after Crash Into You. I still haven’t read the final book (and I didn’t pre-order to get Chasing Impossible, so I guess I’m missing out on that one forever.)

The Dark Elements Trilogy: To be fair, I’m not that far behind on this one. But considering how eager I was to find out who Layla ended up with (especially with the whole fun thing where the readers voted for it), I really should have read this one by now!

Hopeless & Slammed: For both of these series, I read the original book(s), but never read the version that was from the guy’s POV. I’ve been kind of on the fence about those alternate perspective books, but I do think I want to read them.
I give every single one of you full permission to bug me on Twitter and in my comments and anywhere else until I have actually read these books. It’s getting more than a little ridiculous!
So, am I the only one who does this? Do you have any series you’ve started but held off on finishing? I want to know!
I’ve read Hopeless and liked it alright, but I have no interest whatsoever towards the second book.
Also, I read Pushing the Limits but never ended up picking the other books.
I’m on the fence about books written from the other person’s POV. They don’t really interest me all that much, but I’ve read quite a few that say that, in Hoover’s case at least, they’re definitely worthwhile. I feel like I could read them after it’s been awhile since I read the original book.
Awww, you haven’t ‘failed’! There’s simply not enough hours in a day/days in a week to read all the books we should have read by now! I still need to even start The Darkest Minds, The Maze Runner and The Blood of Eden Series so you’re way ahead of me there 😉
So true. But in this case, I think it’s more than time that’s holding me back. I just have an issue with finishing series for some reason!
I’m also a chronic series un-finisher. I usually lose interest in the series while waiting for the next book to come out. Sometimes I wait until all of the books are out and then buy a boxed set so I can marathon them. Even that is a challenge because I get distracted by other books. This is why I don’t read many series.
That happens to me too – when I finish a book, I’m breathlessly waiting for the next one, but the more time that goes by, the less anxious I feel to go back to it. And then a lot of time passes and I feel like I’ve forgotten too much of the first book and I have an even harder time getting back to it.
I seem to be the absolute worst at this as well, in fact, I haven’t finished either of these series either! I mean, trilogies, come on, I should be able to finish them right? It’s only three books, but, nope, for some reason I put them off all the time. I did finish a few this year/spring. I made it my goal but there are still way too many that I have yet to finish.
I really need to make a solid goal. I should just put these in my calendar and treat them like review books. In fact, I think I’m going to do that right now!!
I am with you on those last three! I picked up Pushing the Limits and liked it but haven’t gotten to the others. I am waiting for the library to get the last book of the Dark Elements series. I own Losing Hope but just need to get to it. Great list!!
I own both Losing Hope and the last book of the Dark Elements series. I seriously think that I just need to schedule them so that I’ll actually read them. This seems sad to me in some ways, but it’s the only way!!
There are so many books on here that I actually want to start. Shame on me. I hope you get to these soon!
Better not to start them than to read one book (or two) and then abandon the series!!
I just read Unwind, and I thought it tied up all the loose ends beautifully (I had my doubts). So I’m pretty content with that series (I can’t remember how many there are). Would you recommend continuing the series?? Is t one you plan on returning to??
Unwind was originally a standalone – the second book didn’t come out until like seven years later. But the other books are pretty amazing too, and I recommend them!!
UNWIND. DO IT. There’s going to be a movie AND a 5th book, so I insist! Now the others… that’s a different story 😉 Darkest Minds was good. The sequels were…okay. I mean, the characters are still awesome, but the plot was kind of slow for my taste. And I feel like I hated the rest of The Maze Runner? It was so long ago, who really knows. Clearly they didn’t blow my mind 😀
I knew I could count on you to yell at me about Unwind (and I mean that in the best of ways)!
I don’t really hold off on finishing a series if I’ve loved it because I don’t have that kind of self control! But I will hold off on starting a series that I’ve bought because I’m worried about adding another another series into the mix and because I like to binge read series, I know that it will take up a good chunk of my reading time.
I think what happens to me is that I LOVE a book or two in a series, but then the time that passes between books makes my excitement dwindle. And then I feel like I’ve forgotten details about the original book, so I stress myself out even more and don’t end up ever picking up that next book! (Plus I think I have an issue with finishing series that I’ve loved – maybe I don’t want them to end?)
Only read a handful of these myself, Dark Elements, Maze Runner, Blood of Eden, and Bloodlines! All great series…so hopefully you’ll finish them soon! 😉
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Yes – you are a GOOD series reader. I need to follow your example.
I also have Unwind on my list. I so enjoyed the first book, and I hear the rest of the series is just as good. I’m hoping to get to it soon! I haven’t made it past Book 1 of the Maze Runner, but I’m not sure that I’m going to. I just didn’t love the book quite as much as I thought I would :(.
Maze Runner is one that I want to finish to see what happens, but I’m losing interest in it. We shall see!
Hmmm, I have a lot of series I’ve started and haven’t finished, mostly because I just found them. My most notable one is the Divergent series, which I “gave up on” and just read the spoilers. I’m not sure if that’s the same thing, though. Lol.
Ha! I think giving up on a series is different. That’s a conscious choice. For me, it’s just a matter of procrastinating – for far too long!!
I didn’t finish The Maze Runner until after the movie and I am glad I did, just to feel like I understood it a bit. The Darkest Minds series has been on my radar for a while and I still haven’t gotten to it.
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
I read The Maze Runner after the movie too – and I think I liked it better that way. Maybe I’ll wait to read the third book until right before the third movie comes out!
I have not read any of these series, but I AM really bad at starting series and not finishing them. I just run out of time by the time the next book comes around usually. haha
Yep – that happens to me too. I’ve been meaning to read the follow-up to Kiss of Deception for quite some time and just keep scheduling other things!!
Nicole, I am the same way. I think mine is I really don’t want to see the characters and story change and come to an end. I have two favorite series. After almost 5 years I am still in book 5 in the Outlander series. I just stopped one day and couldn’t get back to it. I stopped at book 8 in the Bloody Jack series (12 total). Book series are intimidating.
Those really long series are the worst! It’s so hard to continue them when they go on for years and years!!
I’ve dropped way more series than I’ve ever finished. In fact there are only a couple I stay current on, but I start new ones all the time. I think a lot of series go on way too long, or they really should have just been one good book. I haven’t read any of the ones you mention except The Maze Runner, and then I didn’t feel the need to read on. Some of my favorite series writers are Patricia Briggs, Diana Gabaldon, Ilona Andrews, and Scott Westerfeld.
I really want to read the Outlander series, but it’s SO long!! I have a hard enough time with trilogies – I just don’t know if I can commit!
For me your list is series I have been meaning to *start*! I haven’t read a single one of these but most of them have been on my TBR forever!
That’s okay – you can just binge read them then! That’s even better!
I’m also not very good at finishing series! Instead of finishing a series that I already started and liked, I tend to start reading new series. I really loved Matched by Ally Condie when I read it some years ago, but somehow never continued the trilogy. The same goes for Fallen by Lauren Kate, and at this point it is not even a series that I feel like I want to continue anymore. It has been so long since I read the first book that my taste in books has changed quite a bit! One series that I hope to finish soon is the Divergent trilogy. I read the first two books, but I still haven’t read the last book eventhough it has been on my shelf for a while. I really don’t get why it’s so hard to finish series!
I know, right? It’s like there’s some psychological switch that tells me, “No! You can’t let that series end!”
Oh oh I loved the Maze Runner and I think they’re totally worth finishing! SO MANY QUESTIONS THOUGH. OMG. It’s a series that’s notorious for giving more questions than answers, heeh. xD
Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!
I haven’t started them, but I’ve had The Immortal Rules and The Darkest Minds on my e-Reader for years. Glad to know I’m not the only one. Like your son, I devoured The Maze Runner trilogy, and I couldn’t stop myself from finishing Bloodlines. Now I’m sad. Hope you get a chance to finish some of these on your list. At least.
Sometimes it feels like an impossible battle. The neverending TBR!
It can become so hard to finish a series, especially when the rest of the books aren’t even released yet and then by the time they are you’re distracted with other books. *hides face* I haven’t finished The Dark Elements either, eeks.
But for the Darkest Minds series, there were a few things that weren’t wrapped up in the final book. Personally that bothered me, but it’s supposed to be answered in Beyond The Night which releases next month, thank goodness. ?
I think it is interesting that you don’t like to finish series! I would think that I would end up too curious about how it ends and I want to know! But well, it seems like we are opposites! I can’t remember the ending to the Maze Runner, but I do remember loving the series. I haven’t started on any of the other series, but I have heard brilliant things about a lot of them.
This is a sickness that makes no sense. I’ve given up on trying to analyze it. 🙂