My 2016 Reading/Blogging Challenges

Posted January 2, 2016 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Challenges / 32 Comments


First of all, if you’re here looking for my comprehensive list of 2016 Reading and Blogging Challenges, you’re in the wrong place. 🙂 Click the link to go there!

These are the challenges I plan to participate in in 2016. Let me tell you, it was HARD to come up with this list because there are so many amazing challenges out there – creating that comprehensive list was dangerous! But these are the ones I ended up with:


I thought I’d start with the obvious. Since Shannon and I are hosting this one, it would be a little strange if I didn’t plan to participate.

The goal of this challenge is to post book related discussions (or getting to know you type discussions work too.) I have LOVED getting to know new bloggers through this challenge and reading everyone’s discussions. Seriously, this is the BEST thing I did in 2015!

Goal: 49+ Discussions – Gift of the Gab
(This goal actually seems kind of impossible and I didn’t quite make it this year–I actually meant to reduce the level slightly, but I forgot! Still, I’m going for it again this year because I feel like if I make it my goal to post a discussion every week, it will be more likely that I’ll get nearly there.)

HOST/SIGN-UP LINK – Feed Your Fiction Addiction & It Starts at Midnight

Unique Format Challenge

This one caught my eye because it’s so different. The challenge is to read books that have interesting formatting.

Types of different formats-
*Books with letters/diaries/emails/i.m.’s, etc.
*Books with drawings/photos, etc.
*Books like Illuminae that have a mix of different things!
*Books with footnotes
–etc. etc.

Goal: 5 Books Read – Uniquely Good
I’m giving myself an easy goal for this one since I want to make sure not to overwhelm myself and this might not be the easiest challenge to meet (not sure, though – I might find more books that fit into this than I thought!)

HOST/SIGN-UP LINK – Shooting Stars Mag

diverse challenge1

I’ve made it a goal of mine to read more diverse books, so this challenge is perfect for me! I love that Mishma and Shelly give lots of suggestions because I like the idea of looking for different types of diversity in my books.

Goal: N/A
There are no specific goals or levels for this one, but I’m making it my personal goal to read at least one book per month that fits the challenge.

HOST/SIGN-UP LINK – Chasing Faerytales & Read Sleep Repeat


The goal of this challenge is to read books that are in your personal library that were obtained before this year. If you’d asked me last year, I would have said I had this WAY under control – my bookshelves were full, but not overflowing or anything. But THEN I got three new giant bookshelves for Christmas last year. And what do you do when you have bookshelves? Why, you fill them of course! And that’s what I did!

Goal: 21-30 Books – Give your shelves a warm friendly hug
Personally, I’m not really trying to limit the number of new books I get this year. I KNOW I’m going to get lots books at BEA and I’m going to buy some books – especially when I go to signing events (which happen decently often around here). But my goal for this challenge is to READ THE BOOKS I ALREADY OWN! I’m going to challenge myself to read at least two books off my shelf per month.

HOST/SIGN-UP LINK – Chapter Break, Second Run Reviews & Bookworm Brandee


Oh boy, do I need this challenge! You all know how horrible I am at finishing series. Well, this challenge will definitely help me out! The goal is to read one series every month in 2016. How many books that series entails is up to you, but it must be at least two full length books (one book + one novella does not count).

Goal: One series finished per month (with at least two books left that I need to read)

HOST/SIGN-UP LINK – Love at First Page

And that’s it! Like I said, there are a TON of other series that I would love to join, but I’m trying to keep my goals reasonable. Even these might be a challenge to keep up with (but I think it’s doable), and I don’t want to overwhelm myself and give up! I’m planning on using the UBB Reading Challenges Add-On to track my challenges this year too. I highly recommend UBB if you’re on WordPress – it makes life SO much easier!


So, what challenges are you planning to participate in this year? I want to know!




32 responses to “My 2016 Reading/Blogging Challenges

  1. I don’t really have any challanges I’m participating in… But I think I might join your 2016 discussion challenge hehehe… I really wanted to get more involved in the bookish community, and joining a challenge sounds like a great way to do so! Out of all the challenges I have come across, yours seems to suit me the best, because it doesn’t affect what books I can read, I’m still free to choose! And I love reading about other peoples opinions and writing about my own!

  2. These are some great challenges! I like the Unique Formatting Challenge hosted by Lauren. Also, Shelf Love is always good. I’m doing something similar this year, which is called, From the Basement. Basically, these are unread books collecting dusts in my basement.

    Well, I wish you the best of luck with these challenges, Nicole!

  3. Hm, I like the sound of the Shelf Love challenge. I really need to get around to reading some of the books I own before I buy more! And also I want to do more rereading (otherwise why am I keeping those books ?!?) Have a great time with all of these!

  4. Thanks for joining my challenge. I hope it will be a fun experience for everyone – and I hope to have another post this week with lots of other book ideas, so maybe you’ll find some goodies. No worries about missing the sign up either; you’re still in!

    I’m excited for the discussion challenge this year. I hope to do a LOT better. I have the ideas – just need to get them written out and scheduled. haha


    ShootingStarsMag recently posted: Happy New Year Giveaway!
  5. Uhhh. Ours. Goodreads’. Yep, I’m out 😉 In seriousness, while I would LOVE to do more, I cannot put more pressure on myself. I will probably do ARC August again (and ARC April, since I heard a rumor about that being a thing) because that was helpful for me. Otherwise, I really can’t do it because I fear my head will explode 😉

    TOTALLY random: are you going to BEA? I am hoping yes since you’re so close? My fingers will be crossed 😀

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: A Look Back, a Look Ahead: 2016
  6. The unique format challenge sounds really interesting but at the same time, I don’t know where I would go around looking for books like that. Illuminae was my first book told with a unique format and there was Hello? by Liza Wiemer too which had a blend of formats to it.

    I’m doing the series a month challenge too. I did Danielle’s summer of series challenge and it was so helpful and motivated me to read all these series. I’m even hoping to read 2 series or more some months.

    Good luck with all of these challenges, Nicole! I hope you’ll meet all of your goals, but mostly that you’ll have fun during the events. 🙂

    Nick recently posted: Monthly Recap: December 2015
    • I really need that series challenge because there are so many series I want to catch up on. I’ll have to read Hello? as part of the unique format one. I know Lauren’s going to give us some suggestions for that one to help us out. I’m actually reading a book with a lot of texting right now, so I’m using that one!

  7. You will be busy!!! There are so many amazing challenges out there, and I’m honestly having a hard time pulling the trigger on my 2016 Challenges post because I keep coming across new and intriguing ones. Hopefully later today you will see it :). I thought the Unique Formatting Challenge was intriguing as well! I’ll be curious to follow your progress on that one!

  8. YAY!!! Thanks for joining Diverse Reads 2016! I hope you have a lot of fun with it and find some new favourites!
    I am joining your discussion challenge – of course! 😀 – and the series a month one. The unique formatting one looks good, but I’ve already signed up for 10 challenges, so I guess I’ll pass! 😀

    Mishma @ Chasing Faerytales recently posted: Fairytales Report #9
  9. All the best with your challenges, I really like the idea of the unique formatting – I love Ellen Hopkin’s books which would fit perfectly.

    I find challenges pretty intimidating – mostly because I think I can do more than I actually can and over subscribe! I didn’t quite make my Goodreads 150 book challenge, but came quite close. I’ve reduced it to 120 this year 🙂 I will be doing your discussion challenge – of course!! I really need the incentive to write these, I am still finding it difficult to put myself out there and tend to over edit.

    Have a great year 🙂

    Sue @ Crushingcinders recently posted: One Hell of a Year
  10. You are participating in quite a lot of challenges, good luck! I definitely hope you get to write a lot of discussions, those are my favorite posts from you to read 😀
    Reading some books I already have on my shelf is something I also hope to be doing this year. I tend to buy several books at a time of which I read one right away and the rest just disappears to somewhere in my bookcase…

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