October 2018 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway

Posted October 1, 2018 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Book Blog Discussion Challenge, Giveaways (Ended) / 6 Comments

Welcome to the October monthly link-up for the 2018 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

I don’t know guys, the year is almost over, this is kind of intense. It is getting colder around here and I mean, there are Christmas decorations in stores and is it really time for such a thing? Yikes, time flies!

The winner of our August discussion challenge giveaway was Tarissa @ In The Bookcase! Tarissa hasn’t picked a book yet because Shannon took a literal month of Sundays to email her, so. (Oh, don’t worry Shannon, I’ve definitely been there.) But congrats, Tarissa!

If you don’t know what this challenge is all about or haven’t signed up yet (but want to), head on over to the challenge sign-up page to learn more!

Even if you’d rather not join, we hope you’ll stop by occasionally to check out the MANY discussion posts that are being linked up here – there are lots of great discussions going on!

We’re no longer giving discussion ideas each month (because not that many people seemed to need them), BUT you can check out our list of the topics we’ve suggested over the past two years if you need some inspiration. There are LOTS of ideas there, and I’m sure you’ll find one you love!

Looking for even more inspiration, or want to see some discussion posts as an example? Check out the discussion posts on Feed Your Fiction Addiction or It Starts at Midnight!

Featured Blogger(s!)

This month’s featured blogger (as chosen by Shannon, and just Shannon because Random.org failed miserably) is Jennilyn @ Rurouni Jenni Reads. Here are some of Shannon’s favorite posts:

(Commenting on any of Jennilyn’s discussions will give you extra entries in the giveaway, by the way—if you already commented on them when they went up originally, that counts too!)

Since it is Halloween time, let’s go with any book that scares you! And of course, I have no say in what scares you, so if you tell me that a book about an Italian villa scares you…. cool πŸ˜‰ As always, the giveaway is open to anyone that The Book Depository ships to (or, if TBD doesn’t ship to you, you could choose an ebook!) up to $17 value.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure to link up all of your October discussion posts here. This linky and the October giveaway will be open until November 7th (to give people a little extra time to link up – just in case you’re disorganized like we are). If, by some chance, you forget to link up a post this month, you can add it to next month’s linky (but no duplicates, please).

Go forth and discuss!

Credits for elements used in original button: Clever Monkey Graphics, B2N2 Scraps, Sweet Digi Scraps, Harper Finch


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