I Want to Post It NOW! (AKA One Reason I Almost Never Blog Ahead.) Let’s Discuss.

Posted April 25, 2019 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Let's Discuss / 61 Comments

I am always in awe of people who manage to blog ahead. I mean, some of you guys have things scheduled out for months. It’s beyond my comprehension.

I always say that I’m just not organized enough to manage blogging ahead, but I’ve realized that there’s another reason as well: I am terribly impatient and I can’t wait to get that post I’ve just written out there.

Case in point: I just wrote a goofy little post about exclamation points. It’s nothing brilliant or mind-blowing, but the second I finished it, I really wanted to post it. Except I couldn’t. I had a tour post that went up that morning, and it needed to be top post of the day (plus, I’m aware that it would be silly to put up two posts in one day when I had only put up one other post that week). So, my next instinct was to schedule it to go up the following day. I can usually bear to wait a day to post.  Except, the following day was a Saturday, and I’ve noticed that I don’t get all that much traffic on my blog on Saturdays. So, logically it would make sense to wait and schedule the post for the following week. 

This kills me.

Like, honestly, it is a horrible feeling for me to write a post and not just put it up. Maybe it’s because my own enthusiasm for a topic wanes if I don’t write it immediately. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve thought of a topic I really wanted to write about, but then I don’t get to it and … then … by the time I go to write it … the topic just doesn’t seem all that interesting anymore. I literally can’t bring myself write about it! Usually I eventually end up deleting the unwritten post.

I think I might have some sort of weird fear that the topic isn’t going to be interesting to anyone once my own enthusiasm has died off (which happens all too quickly). Of course, that makes no sense because the topic is always brand new to you guys, no matter how long it’s been in my head.

Anyway, this little psychological problem of mine actually leads to some unfortunate blogging repercussions: my blogging is disorganized and inconsistent. I have weeks where I cram in the posts (this is especially true at the beginning/end of the month) and then weeks where I post almost nothing at all. I had one week where I posted two sets of bite-sized reviews, and I thought to myself, “I really should spread these out a little bit.” But did I? No. Once the post is written, it’s like I have to post it. Soon.

So, I’m going to try to turn over a new leaf and convince my illogical mind to use logic. I scheduled that exclamation point post for the following week. And this post? (Which I actually wrote immediately after the exclamation post because the idea struck me and I knew if I didn’t write it immediately, I wouldn’t do it.) I’m scheduling it to go up in two weeks. I think my brain might explode, but I’m forcing myself to do it anyway!

Are you one of those fabulous people who actually blogs ahead or are you like me and you have to put up a post as soon as you write it? Does it actually make you crazy to wait to long to get your posts out into the world or am I the only one who feels this way? I want to know!



61 responses to “I Want to Post It NOW! (AKA One Reason I Almost Never Blog Ahead.) Let’s Discuss.

  1. I blog ahead, and blog posts don’t happen when I run out of scheduled posts. Right now, I have reviews scheduled until June and Top Ten Tuesdays scheduled until mid-May. I didn’t post any discussions or tags in April because I got a new job and didn’t have any of those posts written in advance. If I don’t binge-blog and schedule, things don’t get done.

  2. I like blogging ahead, but I need to get better at it. I’ll have lots scheduled and then nothing…LOL It’s easier for me to schedule as much as I can because I don’t always have time when I want the post to go up, and I hate leaving the blog empty for too long. I can see why you’d want certain posts to go live right away though – if you’re excited with the post, you want to share that!


  3. I’m glad I’m not the only one that does that first and last week of the month thing. Part of that is because more books release the first week of the month so more reviews get scheduled. Another factor may be the monthly recap. When I get to the last week and realize there’s nothing on it, I make myself write something.

  4. LOL I don’t often blog ahead because time is so SCARCE, but I also get that feeling when I do. Say, I have three posts ready by some miracle. I need one to get on the blog ASAP. The other two I can spread out. But I always need at least one to be published as soon as possible. A few years ago I cared about when it’d be best to publish traffic wise, but now I only care about getting the damn thing out there XD While I’m not as active as before, I do get anxious if there hasn’t been a post in a while.

  5. This is such a great post! <3 I try my best to blog ahead, but I only manage to blog one week ahead. I love having things planned out and not having to worry about what's coming next, doing everything last minute just stresses me out haha. I do get that rush, though, when I finish drafting a post, to publish it right away sometimes, but… sometimes I actually prefer waiting because I'm too nervous about it right now haha 🙂
    Lovely post! 🙂

  6. I think I am more like you, if I get an idea and write the post then I want to publish it!! But sometimes I do hold onto it for a lean week ( I have lots of lean weeks). The only blog ahead I do is for reviews if they have to go up on a certain date or to keep them near to publication date.

    Kathryn Trask recently posted: Join in Connect Five Books April-June
  7. Ooooh! This is so interesting because I struggle with something very similar! I’m usually okay to let my reviews get posted weeks after writing them, but when it comes to discussion posts it’s a totally different story!

    I’ve written discussion posts in advance, but I’ve found that either as you say, I lose interest, or my thoughts have changed or grown since I originally wrote the post. When that second option happens, I tend to rewrite the entire post, just to update my feelings! I can’t say I mind though, because I’d much rather revise a first draft than deal with an empty page with nothing in mind to write.

    Malka @ Paper Procrastinators recently posted: Review of A Prince on Paper
  8. This cracks me UP! Because well… the only posts I am really giddy excited to post are probably The 100 posts. Everything else is a mess because I am a mess, for real. Though there HAVE been a handful of discussions that I was eager to post because apparently I was quite taken with myself and said posts ? But those are definitely the exceptions, not the rule. Nah, most of the time I try to talk myself into scheduling ahead and then just… fail hahah. Oopsie?

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: Book Cover Glow Ups
    • It’s not even so much that I’m in love with the posts but more that I just feel the NEED to get it out there right away. In fact, sometimes when I leave posts for later, I start to second-guess myself. Plus, when I’m in the mode of thinking about the topic, it’s nice to get comments soon afterward. (Of course, that reasoning doesn’t make much sense when it takes me weeks to RESPOND to my comments, but I never claimed to make sense.)

  9. I’m the opposite. It gives me more anxiety to post things immediately. I hate having to write something and then post it the next day because every time I write a post, when I go and look back at it a few days or weeks or whatever later, I’m like, “Yikes, this is awful,” and then I do a bunch of editing. But if I had posted it immediately, I wouldn’t have gotten to edit it. So I always worry the post is bad and I’m gonna hate it if I try to post it too quickly. Although if I wait *too* long to post something after I write it, then I do just lose interest sometimes. But yay I’m proud of you for scheduling two weeks ahead!

  10. I cannot schedule blog posts! I always want to post my reviews right away, which is why my DNF&Y posts go up on Goodreads and Amazon before they post on my blog. I start a DNF&Y post at the beginning of every month, and just add books/reviews as I go. I like to write my reviews when a book is fresh on my mind, and I can recall all the small details. However, once those reviews are written, I feel compelled to share them! I want to talk about my thoughts, and I don’t want to wait, so I post them elsewhere. It’s a lovely little loophole I’ve found for my one planned blog post every month, haha.

    I also don’t have time to read constantly, so there’s usually a delay between review posts. Sometimes I’ll finish an audiobook and a physical book on the same day, but it’s rare, so I just write reviews and post them as I go. I’ve also noticed (like with my DNF&Y posts), that I have to re-read my reviews to answer some of the comments. I totally forget what I’ve written after a week or so! I also like to spend down time visiting other blogs, instead of trying to get things solely on my own. It works for me!

    (Even when I’m on a blog tour, I typically finish those books the night before I need to review them!)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ?

  11. I am terrible at scheduling ahead– and in 7 years I can’t think of a time where anything I’ve written was scheduled more than 24 hours ahead. I start writing stuff beforehand (sometimes), but when I finish it, it goes up the next day. I also have 21,622 emails so………

  12. tonyalee

    YES, I do blog ahead. But I also have a lot of last minute posts that go up and I am usually able to rearrange things. Like today, I just finished my Father’s Day Gift Guide Post, and another relationship post scheduled for mid may! I do this because I work full time, and having everything pre written and scheduled allows time for engagement, and other things. Plus, I’m always worried I wont have enough content created to post.

    I do understand wanting to post right away though!

  13. Lol. I almost never blog ahead either! It’s just not something I’m good at. Best I can do is a week ahead. Tops. And I’ve been blogging since 2003, so I know this is not something I’m going to get over any time soon!

    S. J. Pajonas recently posted: Where Do You Buy Books?
  14. So we’ve got through those two weeks and I hope your brain hasn’t exploded?!
    I have a mix of blog ahead and spontaneous posts. For example my regular series like the WorldReads posts are always on the same date each month and I put them together as soon as I have the material available. Others like the Sunday Post are written pretty much at the last minute (or even later!) which is why they don’t always happen. It’s a juggling act for sure

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  15. I never blog ahead either, but with me, it is just lack of organisation! I can definitely understand that feeling of wanting to post something when it’s still exciting to you though, rather than when your own enthusiasm has tailed off.

  16. Meg

    Ha, I just started scheduling posts! I keep hearing that a regular schedule is important, but I’ve just started trying it. My work schedule affects how much I read and how much I can blog (I think I wrote a review a day when I was recovering from strep…). I have one post queued now that’s part of a book tour, and another that I was asked not to post until launch date, too.

    Meg recently posted: That Churchill Woman
    • In the past I was terrible about waiting until the last minute to write things, even reviews. If a publisher asked reviewers to hold off on reviews, I would just wait to write mine until it could get posted (and by then my memory was foggy). I’m hoping I’m turning over a new leaf here and it will help that problem too. 🙂

  17. I’ve started blogging ahead more! I used to struggle with the exact same feeling of wanting to post something now, but lately I’ve realized I like having consistent content more. What really helped me was picking a certain day(s) that I absolutely would post on each week, and if I had more posts than I had days, they got scheduled further down the line.

    Lizzy recently posted: Sunday Post #6 – Just Breathe
    • Yes, and I think this attitude has actually helped me write more discussion posts. Suddenly I’m managing to get more written, and I think it’s because I’m writing a post as soon as the idea comes to me instead of waiting for a “good time” when I know I’ll be able to post it. (I wasn’t even consciously doing this, but it’s the only explanation I can come up with for why I suddenly have three discussion posts written and scheduled instead of struggling to come up with one).

  18. I wish I could blog ahead more often. Every time I end up writing a new post, I can’t wait to share it with the world. Even while going through a blogging slump, the moment I have the graphics done and the article revised, I need to share it (of course, due to my impatience to share new posts, the text always ends up with missing words and a few grammar/spelling mistakes).

    However, I realized that if I write the post on paper first, I’ll not feel the will to click the “share” button as soon as I finish writing the last sentence. Writing on paper first helps me to schedule the post because I’ll only allow myself to write it on computer on the day that I actually want to publish the article.

    Happy readings! 😉
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

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  19. I am actually like you! I do write the reviews ahead – so I have the review text ready to go. But all the photo editing, and any of my other posts that aren’t reviews, I write on the day and make go live on the day. It’s not even that I wouldn’t be able to plan ahead and schedule — I could do it easily enough. But I think it’s because of that feeling of excitement you mentioned! I want to feel immersed and get that enjoyment from pushing publish ^.^

    Olivia-Savannah Roach recently posted: She Bakes the Cakes [Book Review]
  20. Jen

    I’m one of those that blogs ahead. I feel so much happier not having to do anything last minute and for some reason I find peace knowing that I already have the next week or weeks reviews ready to go. Although it kinda has to be that way for us, since we have 4 ladies on our blog. Because if I went on there today to schedule a post, there may not even be an opening until next week. 🙂

  21. Until a couple of years ago, I didn’t schedule posts. It just never occurred to me. Then I started to blog ahead, and now I’d be lost without my Excel spreadsheets (I say “spreadsheets” because I don’t only use them for blogging purposes…). I’ve become more productive and reliable. And of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t change things on the fly if needed. Of course, since I don’t feel the compulsion of putting up a post immediately after I wrote it, it’s easier for me LOL. But I do believe you can get used to let a post sit for a while and still love it when it goes live!

  22. I LOVE This post Nicole, My greatest goal in life is to blog ahead like Kimberly and be months ahead. Even if its just on review posts. Or just manga posts. Or my Character posts. Hahaha. but yeah its hard for me to stay ahead even if I get one or two posts scheduled. And normally its just for the next day. 😉 We’ll all have to work on it. ❤️

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