Welcome to the June monthly link-up for the 2021 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
I can’t believe this year is already half over. It’s a little surreal, honestly. I’ve been very lax in posting discussions lately, but I’ve been enjoying reading yours, so keep them coming!
The winner of our April discussion challenge giveaway was Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books. She got to pick a book by an Asian author, and she chose Lucy and Linh by Alice Pung. Hope you love it!
- If you don’t know what this challenge is all about or haven’t signed up yet (but want to), head on over to the challenge sign-up page to learn more!
- Even if you’d rather not join, we hope you’ll stop by occasionally to check out the MANY discussion posts that are being linked up here – there are lots of great discussions going on!
- Looking for even more inspiration, or want to see some discussion posts as an example? Check out the discussion posts on Feed Your Fiction Addiction or It Starts at Midnight!
Featured Post (More Rafflecopter Entries!)
Our post of the month for May (as chosen by Random.org) is from Heather @ Based on a True Story! Random.org chose “Get to Know the Fantasy Reader.” Commenting on that post gives you FIVE extra entries in the giveaway (if you already commented, that counts too!).
Also remember that there’s a new entry to the Rafflecopter: Comment on either of our monthly link-up posts telling us about a discussion you’ve particularly enjoyed this month, and grab yourself some extra entries!
For the June giveaway, let’s celebrate Pride Month! You can choose any book with an LGBTQ+ character. As always, the giveaway is open to anyone that The Book Depository ships to (or, if TBD doesn’t ship to you, you could choose an ebook!) up to a $17 value.
Make sure to link up all of your June discussion posts here. This linky and the June giveaway will be open until July 7th (to give people a little extra time to link up – just in case you’re disorganized like we are). If, by some chance, you forget to link up a post this month, you can add it to next month’s linky (but no duplicates, please).
Credits for elements used in original button: Clever Monkey Graphics, B2N2 Scraps, Sweet Digi Scraps, Harper Finch.
Pride vectors are from Freepik: Flag by pikisuperstar, Heart. Other vectors from Pixabay
I hope I have time to write and post a discussion this month. My calendar is pretty full with reviews…
I definitely get that. Good luck!
I actually think I might be able to participate more this month! I’m starting back at my old retail job after ghosting in January ? different location, different people, and now I have boundaries. ? I’ve been stressing about income, so haven’t quite been feeling blogging lately. ?