Cover Artist Spotlight: Red Nose Studio

Posted June 5, 2023 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Let's Discuss / 10 Comments

This is the first time I’ve ever done a post exclusively about a cover artist (though maybe I should do it again sometime?), but I just had to write this post when I discovered something astounding about the covers of TJ Klune’s and Sophie Anderson’s books: They aren’t illustrations; they’re created as 3D “sets” (as the artist calls them) and then photographed! That’s right, the gorgeous cover you see below is actually a painstakingly created 3D model…

Don’t believe me? Take a look at this fly-through of the set! But be warned: if you’re anything like me, you will then spend the next two hours watching videos and checking out pictures of Red Nose Studio’s glorious creations! And you will probably wish you had the funds to buy a Red Nose Studio puppet of your very own.

I don’t want to infringe on copywrites or I would include more pictures here, but trust me when I say it’s well worth your time to click those links! You can also check out some books that Red Nose Studio has fully illustrated at this link.

Before you go, feast your eyes on these covers and find yourself in awe of the fact that they are not just illustrations, but fully built creations.

I should also mention that I’ve loved all of the books that I’ve read that appear on this page, so you should definitely feel okay about judging a book by its cover.  🙂

Did you know about Red Nose Studio? When was the last time you found yourself in awe of a book cover? I want to know!



10 responses to “Cover Artist Spotlight: Red Nose Studio

  1. Amazing! Doing posts about cover artists is a great idea. They deserve a lot of credit, and I think we live in a golden age of cover art. I did one post on my former blog (the Balbusso sisters) but there is so much talent to explore. I had no idea how these covers were created, what a fascinating process.

    Lory @ Entering the Enchanted Castle recently posted: Month in Review: May 2023
  2. Yes! I love these covers! I have highlighted cover artists before on my blog, but I still don’t do it often enough. Though I do include the name of the cover artist whenever I post a book review, as long as I can find who did the cover. It’s not always easy to figure out who the artist is.

    Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday ~ Sunny Books
  3. Melanie B

    Love these gorgeous covers! I didn’t know they were created as 3D sets, how amazing is that?!

  4. Oh my gosh! How charming and unique….and honestly, now I can’t unsee it in those covers and I’m very impressed with the color and light balance.

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