My Top Ten (Actually Five) Bookish Goals for 2025
1. Get back to blogging
My blogging has been so sporadic lately, and I know I’ve said this before, but I think I have a plan for getting back on track with an actual schedule. I miss this community, and I want to make it a priority in 2025.
2. Start participating in my own link-ups again!
This is directly related to my first goal. I’ve been hosting the Book Blog Discussion Challenge and the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up for many years now, but this past year I barely interacted with them at all. Not only did I not post for them, but I wasn’t visiting posts often either. Considering the fact that I used to make a point of visiting every post linked, this was a huge shift for me.
3. Participate in some other link-ups
As I mentioned previously, I miss the blogging community! Link-ups are often the best way to reconnect. So I’m going to try to participate in TTT as often as I can, along with a few kidlit link-ups.
4. Finish editing my current WIP
Okay, well now that I’ve talked about blogging, I also need to keep up with my writing in 2025! I plan to try hard to stick to working no more than three days a week at Barnes & Noble so I can focus on writing. I’ve been working on converting a WIP from prose to verse, and I really need to finish it in February!
5. Edit one of my other WIPs (or write something new?)
I’m leaning toward the first option because I have a tendency to write something and then never quite get it to the finish line. I have a few projects that are either completed first drafts or partially finished drafts. In 2025, I want to get one of those drafts in submission condition.
And I’m stopping at five – because, honestly, these five tasks are already stretching me. I don’t need more goals than that!
What are your bookish goals in 2025? I wanna know!
Life has ebbs and flows, there’s really no such thing as being perfectly balanced at all times. You were focused on your book so it’s only natural that you wouldn’t have as much time for blogging. Sounds like five goals are the perfect amount for you.
Very true! I wouldn’t change this year, but I do miss having more interaction with this blogging community, so I’m trying to get back to it more again!
I have a bad habit with not finishing WIPs, too.
And good for you for getting back into participating in your own link-ups!
I’m great at starting projects – not so great at finishing them. LOL!
Good luck! Blogging is hard because it takes so much time. I struggle to keep up too.
Even though you only have five goals, they all sound like a lot of work! Good luck with them all.
Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!
Hoping to see you around more. It’s so easy for blogging to take a backseat when so much is going on in your life. Best of luck!
I can only imagine that the authoring will be very time consuming but I love reading your posts when you blog. Good luck with all these goals.
Good luck with your goals, Nicole!
This is such a great post! I really like your goals, and can see some on this list that I need to focus on more of. Hopefully we’ll be crushing goals in 2025!
Good luck with your goals! It would be great to see you more around the blogosphere again 😊