Rea and the Blood of the Nectar by Payal Doshi: Review and Payal’s Top Ten Addictions

Rea and the Blood of the Nectar by Payal Doshi: Review and Payal’s Top Ten Addictions

Today I’m featuring REA AND THE BLOOD OF THE NECTAR by Payal Doshi, an engaging Own Voices middle grade fantasy adventure set in India (and beyond!). Read on for my review of the book, and then make sure you also check out Payal’s list of top ten addictions to find out more about the author! Rea is an exciting portal fantasy set in Darjeeling India and in a magical land that will fascinate kids of […]

Posted June 22, 2021 in Author Top Ten Lists, Reviews / 2 Comments
Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/20/21

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/20/21

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Quick trip to Tucson: My husband and I are in Tucson right now, visiting his mom, who’s in a memory care facility there. […]

Posted June 20, 2021 in Sunday Post / 14 Comments
Glow by Ruth Forman & Illustrated by Geneva Bowers

Glow by Ruth Forman & Illustrated by Geneva Bowers

I wanted to feature a book that celebrates the beauty of being Black for Juneteenth, and this book does exactly that. It’s incredibly simple and sweet, told in the voice of a very young child who is just starting to understand the world. With gorgeously vivid illustrations, this book will help any Black boy see himself as something just as precious and beautiful as the moon that glows in the sky! It would be a […]

Posted June 18, 2021 in Reviews / 3 Comments
Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/13/21

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/13/21

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): My anniversary! My husband and I celebrated our 22nd anniversary on Friday and went out to a restaurant for the first time since […]

Posted June 13, 2021 in Sunday Post / 25 Comments
How to Create Book Page Art. (And a Peek at Mine!)

How to Create Book Page Art. (And a Peek at Mine!)

For Mother’s Day this year, I decided to create some book page art for my mom’s room (the one at our house, since she basically lives with us half the time). I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was and how fantastic it turned out, and I thought it would be fun to share it with all of you. I hope this inspires you to add a little bookish art to your life! Step […]

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/6/21

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/6/21

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): School’s out! The kids are done with school, so things are a lot less busy around here. Gardening (and a tick INVASION)! Still […]

Posted June 6, 2021 in Sunday Post / 19 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews of These Violent Delights, Sunkissed, Cemetery Boys, and The Startup Squad Series

Bite-Sized Reviews of These Violent Delights, Sunkissed, Cemetery Boys, and The Startup Squad Series

Today, I have a YA fantasy, a YA contempory, a YA urban fantasy, and a MG contemp series! I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! I was hoping to sneak this review in during May for AAPI month, but let’s face it, we need to lift up Asian and other diverse authors every month. So, a few days into June is still a good time to celebrate this book! […]

Posted June 3, 2021 in Reviews / 32 Comments
May 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

May 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

My Goings-On in May: Here are the things stand out to me this month: Dog Agility. We’ve been doing agility training with Digit again. So much fun! Landscaping and gardening. We’ve been working more on the yard and the gardens. Lots of mulching and trying to get rid of weeds. Our bulbs in the front are coming up (mostly) and we’ve planted wildflower plants at the back of the yard. It’s looking better and better! […]

Posted June 2, 2021 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 20 Comments
June 2021 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway

June 2021 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway

Welcome to the June monthly link-up for the 2021 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! I can’t believe this year is already half over. It’s a little surreal, honestly. I’ve been very lax in posting discussions lately, but I’ve been enjoying reading yours, so keep them coming! The winner of our April discussion challenge giveaway was Sam @ We Live and Breathe […]

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 5/30/21

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 5/30/21

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): I don’t even know where the week went. I went to my daughter’s final track meet, had a Zoom meeting with her college […]

Posted May 30, 2021 in Sunday Post / 10 Comments