Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge Day 1

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge Day 1

Day 1: My Blogger Resolutions I’m joining in on the New Year’s Challenge, which is being hosted over at Parajunkee! Each day, we’ll have a new post.  Today is all about our 2014 blogger resolutions! 1. Create a Feature (or Two) I’ve had an idea for a feature that I’ve wanted to run on my blog for quite some time now, but I never seem to get myself coordinated enough to actually put it together. […]

Posted January 2, 2014 in Challenges / 0 Comments
2013 Year-End Wrap-Up – The Best Books of 2013!!!

2013 Year-End Wrap-Up – The Best Books of 2013!!!

I read so many amazing books this year and I wanted to feature the best of the best!!  These are all of my 4.5 and 5 star reviews from this past year (my first year of blogging!).  Plus, I’ve highlighted some of my absolute favorites! Keep an eye out at the end of this month for my blogoversary giveaway.  It is going to be epic and I’m going to be giving away LOTS of these […]

Posted January 1, 2014 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 3 Comments
Best of the Bunch – December 2013

Best of the Bunch – December 2013

Best of the Bunch is a book blog hop hosted over at Always Lost in Stories on the last day of each month, where we can look back over the books we have read over this past month and give a Best of the Bunch award to our favorite book of that month. December 2013 With the holidays, I didn’t get quite as much read this month, but I still read a few fantastic books! This month […]

Posted January 1, 2014 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 0 Comments
2014 Reading Challenges!

2014 Reading Challenges!

I wanted to sign up for some challenges for 2014.  I didn’t have great luck with challenges last year.  Since I just started blogging last February, I didn’t really know much about them and I only signed up for one (The Debut Authors Challenge).  But, pretty early on I won one of the giveaways and never did receive my prize and I signed up for two debut ARC tours through the challenge site and never […]

Posted December 31, 2013 in Challenges / 0 Comments
5 Star Review – All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

5 Star Review – All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

Title: All Our Yesterdays Series: All Our Yesterdays #1 Author: Cristin Terrill Release Date: September 3, 2013 Pages: 368, Hardcover Goodreads Rating: 4.09 stars My Rating: 5/5 stars My Content Rating: PG-13 (Sex is vaguely implied, but not shown, Some violence) Summary from Goodreads: “You have to kill him.” Imprisoned in the heart of a secret military base, Em has nothing except the voice of the boy in the cell next door and the list of instructions she finds taped inside the drain. Only Em […]

Posted December 31, 2013 in Reviews / 1 Comment
5 Star Review – The Prophecy by Erin Albert Rhew

5 Star Review – The Prophecy by Erin Albert Rhew

The Prophecy is an exciting new YA fantasy novel.  It’s a fantastic hidden gem that I’m hoping lots of people will find – because it definitely deserves an audience!   Layla has lived her life hiding her eyes – purple eyes that mean she could be The Fulfillment, the girl who is prophesied to bring peace to the warring Ethereals and Vanguards.  Between the Vanguards’ incredible strength and the Ethereals’ uncanny ability to control minds, trust […]

Posted December 30, 2013 in Reviews / 0 Comments
Review – Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

Review – Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

Title: Not a Drop to Drink Author: Mindy McGinnis Release Date: September 24, 2013 Pages: 320, Hardcover Goodreads Rating: 3.89 Stars My Rating: 4/5 stars My Content Rating: PG-16 (Nothing more than kissing, though sexual assault is referred to, Violence) Summary from Goodreads: Regret was for people with nothing to defend, people who had no water.  Lynn knows every threat to her pond: drought, a snowless winter, coyotes, and, most importantly, people looking for a drink. She makes sure anyone who comes near […]

Posted December 29, 2013 in Reviews / 0 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 12/29/13

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 12/29/13

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.  Last week on FYFA:I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas (or holiday, if you don’t celebrate Christmas).  I had some nice time with my family and took a couple days off of blogging.  Here’s what […]

Posted December 29, 2013 in Sunday Post / 0 Comments
Review – Bloodmark by Aurora Whittet

Review – Bloodmark by Aurora Whittet

Bloodmark was a little difficult for me to rate because I thought it started out really promising, then it lost me for a bit in the middle, and then picked up again at the end. The story centers around Ashling, a werewolf princess who is struggling to escape the suffocating traditions of her immortal (and therefore, very old-fashioned) father. Still, even a life with a man she doesn’t love might be preferable to being hunted […]

Posted December 28, 2013 in Reviews / 1 Comment