Do you ever read through the spam comments that you get on your blog? They can be pretty frustrating, but they can also be a source of great entertainment! I mean, really, who do they think they’re fooling? Since those poor spammers never get a single reply, I thought I’d take a sampling of my spam and respond to their comments here. It’s only fair, right?
First, we have the insulting spam. Is this supposed to get my attention? I guess it worked.

The least you can do if you’re going to spam me is praise my wonderful work!

And then there are those spam comments that are just downright weird and confusing!

Ah, the joys of spam. Since I’ve moved to CommentLuv, I don’t get much of it anymore, but the ones that slip through (on old posts) are so much fun! Who needs books? I should just start reviewing spam!
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