Do You Have a Fiction Addiction?

Posted August 7, 2015 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Let's Discuss / 28 Comments

I’ve said before that my blog is aptly named. It’s called Feed Your Fiction Addiction for a reason. But I wonder sometimes, is it actually possible to be addicted to books? And can that be a bad thing?

Just yesterday (after I’d already planned out this post), my thirteen-year-old son insisted that I spend way too much time reading, blogging and editing. Apparently, he’s been feeling ignored! Now, I did remind him that I do plenty with and for the family (and that the only thing he really wants to do is play video games – my husband plays with him, but I’m just not all that interested), but he has a point. Sometimes a really good book can have me plenty distracted! And, of course, now that I’m editing, I don’t just hang around the kids or play as often as I used to. I struggle between feeling guilty about that and feeling happy that I have something truly my own after so many years of being a stay-at-home mom. I guess the key is balance, but that can be hard to find.

Am I the only one who has a hard time balancing books and REAL life? Somehow I doubt it. I thought it would be fun to put together this little quiz to find out! Let me know your results in the comments!


28 responses to “Do You Have a Fiction Addiction?

    • Well, you know, even the got it under control category still assumed you were a total booklover – I mean you wouldn’t take this quiz if you didn’t think there was at least a possibility you had a “problem,” right? 🙂

  1. I so have a fiction addiction and yes at times i can ignore my family. The great thing for me is my hubby reads just as much as I do so its not quite so bad. My son who is 18 doesn’t require too much attention but he too likes video games. My daughter who is 22 wants her own time to read but that means I have to watch my grandson. Which brings me to my grandson. The one who pulls me away from it all. And yes I have him addiction to fiction already and he is 2.

    JennRenee recently posted: Wee Reads: Where's Spot by Eric Hill
    • Mine said that I might have a problem, which is probably about right – though I’d definitely say it’s a full-on addiction sometimes! I’ve been trying hard to balance things, but it’s so hard!!

  2. Looks like I need an intervention:) That was not surprising! Great quiz, Nicole, I enjoyed it!
    Btw, I also sometimes find it hard to manage my blogging and reading with my personal life. School, exams, family, friends and all other stuff are often forgotten when I sit down in front of my computer or decide to curl up with a book.

    Mishma @ Chasing Faerytales recently posted: Make sure before you accuse - the world doesn't revolve around you
  3. Ugh, I was just thinking about this the other day. I feel I am addicted to books and sometimes my husband feels a bit left out. He likes to read too, but not to the extent that I do. The other day, he was trying to talk to me while I had thirty minutes left in my book. Ha. I told him to pretend I was in a bubble for thirty minutes so I could finish my book. Then I was all his. There have been times where I get very into a book and I forget that my husband wants some of my attention too. 🙂

    Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books recently posted: ARC August Update - The Six, The Fall and Legacy of Kings
    • My husband definitely feels the same sometimes. I totally understand – when you’re at the end of a book, it’s nearly impossible to put it down!!

  4. I wish I read MORE not less. Lol. My kids try to give me guilt trips over not spending “enough” time with them. But then I put everything aside for them, and they want nothing to do with me 🙂 I think that, ultimately, they just want ice cream (and will guilt trip me till they get it)!

    S. J. Pajonas recently posted: SUMMER HAIKUS & A Trip To Kamakura
    • Yeah, I kind of felt that way about my son – like he was just trying to guilt me into something. I know that what he REALLY wants me to do is play video games with him, but I just can’t do it. I don’t get all that excited about Minecraft or Clash of Clans – sorry, kid!

    • That was my result too, actually. Every once in awhile we pay attention to the people we love – you know, the ones who aren’t fictional.

    • Yay for bookish families! Actually, I think my family doesn’t mind the reading as much as the blogging and editing. The kids are used to having me all to themselves!

  5. I don’t think I have an extreme addiction, but I definitely love to read and wish there was more time for it. I have little ones who usually start needing attention as soon as they notice I’m buried in a book. Luckily, they like books too and sometimes I’ll just switch to kids books so at least I’m still reading in some way.

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