Top Ten Books I Missed in 2016

Posted January 10, 2017 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Top Ten Tuesday / 46 Comments

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is:

Top Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2016 But Missed

(Links go to Goodreads)

1. The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner

Shannon over at It Starts at Midnight raves about this as her favorite book of 2016. Based on her rec, I bought it at Anderson’s YA Lit Conference, but I haven’t managed to read it yet.

2. Replica by Lauren Oliver

I got this book at BEA and was super excited about it, but then the reviews started trickling in and they weren’t stellar, so I got scared off. I still really want to read this one, though—I just need to be in the right mood for it.

3. The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Another BEA book I was really looking forward to. Why haven’t I read it yet? I have no idea.

4. Ruined by Amy Tintera

I got this one from Edelweiss and it’s gotten stellar reviews, so I don’t know what I’m waiting for!

5. Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch

I wasn’t as enthralled with the second book in this series as I was with the first, so I was wary of picking up number three. But I got a copy of this at the YA Luncheon I went to recently, so I need to get to it!

6. Witch’s Pyre by Josephine Angelini

Ditto what I just said about Frost Like Night—except I still don’t own this one.

7. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by John Tiffany

My mom bought this one and has already read it, but I haven’t gotten to it yet.

8. It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

I won a copy of this one, and my mom read it, but now I’m not sure where it is. I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere in my house, but … Need to find it soon!

9. Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by Rosamund Hodge

I have this one from Edelweiss, but it’s one of those books that I know I need to be ready to really dive into and I just haven’t gotten there yet.

10. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

While everyone else is all abuzz about Wayfarer, I’m still staring at Passenger, which is sitting on my shelf calling to me. I purchased it at an author event when it first came out but still haven’t read it.

What books did you miss out on in 2016? I want to know!


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46 responses to “Top Ten Books I Missed in 2016

  1. Sam

    If I had to tell you which of the above books your should really read, I would say The Serpent King. There was just something so special about that book. I actually read most of the books on your list =) All are great books to be on your TBR.

  2. THE SERPENT KING, really Nicole? You must go right now and read it immediately! It was so powerful. I am still haunted by the setting and the characters.
    Oh, you didn’t write this post to hear things like that?
    Sorry, I just really loved that book. That book and Passenger are the only ones on your list I actually did read. So maybe I should just shut up. Great list, glad to see I am not the only one who hasn’t read all those BEA books.

    • I tried to be really good about the BEA books, but there are definitely some that slipped through the cracks—especially MG books. I still plan to read and review them, though. But I couldn’t manage them all before the pub dates. And, yes, I KNOW I need to read Serpent King. I promise, I’ll do it!!

  3. The Serpent King is the only one of those I’ve read, and yes, I agree with everyone that you need to stop what you’re doing and go read it right now!

    The Sun is Also a Star made my list too, and Replica and Passenger were contenders as well. The good news is, we will never run out of good books to read!

  4. Omg, so, I saw your graphic before I read your comments of course, and this was literally my thought process: “She hasn’t read The Serpent King? But that book is the best! Replica… hmm, that was just okay, such a shame. Aw man, how have I not read The Sun is Also a Star yet?!” So basically… we thought the SAME THOUGHTS ? I also really want to read Passenger, maybe we can make each other. Oh! And Frost Like Night was wayyyy better than book 2, if that helps! (Book 2 probably just didn’t need to be a thing, basically) Anyway, hope you get to read these soon!

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: Life in a Fishbowl by Len Vlahos: Guest Post & Giveaway
  5. I missed Replica, Ruined and Bright Smoke, Cold Fire too!!! I’m actually interested in reading Replica and my TBTB Santa gave me the book! 🙂

    I started reading Cursed Child but…meeehh and now I actually don’t want to finish it!

    oh BTW, my commentluv doesn’t work on this blog.. 🙁

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