I have not been this obsessed with a series ever. I’ve certainly never prepared to read a new book in a series so thoroughly:
- I first reread “The Young Queens”
- And then read “The Oracle Queen” (I posted a Spoiler-Filled Discussion of both novellas just yesterday.)
- Then I read recaps of both Three Dark Crowns and One Dark Throne (Click the link if you need a reminder and want to read the recaps on Recaptains)
- And then reread my Spoiler-Filled Discussions of TDC and ODT as well.
For me, that’s a lot of prep work! But it’s all worth it because the mysteries in this series keep getting twistier and twistier, and I love every minute of the sleuthing!!
You can watch for a Spoiler-Filled Discussion of Two Dark Reigns to come next week (to give more people a chance to read it first), but for now, check out my completely spoiler-free review below.

Series: Three Dark Crowns #3
Also in this series: Three Dark Crowns
Published by HarperTeen on September 4, 2018
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 464
Source: Blog Tour
My content rating: YA (Characters have sex, but it's not shown; Violence)
My rating:

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kendare Blake returns with the highly anticipated third book in the Three Dark Crowns series!
Katharine sits on the throne, Mirabella and Arsinoe are in hiding, and an unexpected renegade is about to wage a war of her own. The crown has been won, but these queens are far from done.

What Fed My Addiction:
- The Blue Queen. We get lots of backstory about the last Blue Queen in this book. Her story is a major part of the plotline (I won’t tell how), and I LOVED it. In fact, I think the Blue Queen subplot was my favorite part of this book because we learn so many new and interesting things about the history of the queens and the island. Plus, the subplot sends the series off into a new direction (and maybe becomes the main plot by the end?). (It also helped that I had a major theory about the Blue Queen storyline, and I couldn’t wait to see if I was right!)
- The old Katharine is back (sometimes). Katharine is back to being the softer, sweeter version of herself in this book. Most of the time. But when she’s not, she’s not!
- Look out world, here Jules comes! I am a HUGE fan of Jules, so I was ready to see her rise up in a major way in this book and become her own person, apart from Arsinoe and Joseph. I got my wish! (Though it didn’t go as far as I’d hoped it would—won’t say more because of spoilers.)
- A taste of the mainland. We got to see a little bit of what the mainland is like through Arsinoe’s and Mirabella’s eyes.
- An ending that has you chomping at the bit for more. I can’t believe I now have to wait another year to find out how this whole thing is going to end! Blake left our characters in some pretty serious quandaries, and it’s hard to imagine how they’ll all make it out alive/in one piece/sane. Maybe they won’t!
What Left Me Hungry for More:
- Maybe expected a little more forward motion? Based on the title of the book, I was expecting we’d see the details of two reigns—and we sort of did, but they weren’t the reigns I was expecting, and we really didn’t get very far into either reign at all. (More to look forward to in the final book?) This book focused a lot more on a huge brand new obstacle that wasn’t an issue in earlier books, so that was a bit of a surprise. Still, I enjoyed the ride, and I trust Blake to pull it all together in book four!!
Hold onto your head because the twists and turns in this dramatic installment just might give you whiplash! (And we don’t want anyone to get hurt.) If you’re a fan of this series, you’ll find plenty in Two Dark Reigns to get excited about—changing allegiances, bloody standoffs, the possible wrath of a Goddess, and four young women who aren’t afraid to fight for the island they love! Bring on book four!!!
***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher via Jean Book Nerd Tours in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***
About The Author
Kendare Blake is the author of several novels and short stories, most of which you can find information about via the links above. Her work is sort of dark, always violent, and features passages describing food from when she writes while hungry. She was born in July (for those of you doing book reports) in Seoul, South Korea, but doesn’t speak a lick of Korean, as she was packed off at a very early age to her adoptive parents in the United States. That might be just an excuse, though, as she is pretty bad at learning foreign languages. She enjoys the work of Milan Kundera, Caitlin R Kiernan, Bret Easton Ellis, Richard Linklater, and the late, great Michael Jackson, I mean, come on, he gave us Thriller.
She lives and writes in Kent, Washington, with her husband, their cat son Tyrion Cattister, red Doberman dog son Obi-Dog Kenobi, rottie mix dog daughter Agent Scully, and naked sphynx cat son Armpit McGee.

– 2 Winners will receive a Copy of I Winner will receive a Copy of TWO DARK REIGNS by Kendare Blake.
– 1 Winner will receive a $25.00 Amazon/PayPal Gift Card.
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I had to go look at the giveaway to see what the question was. LOL! I agree that one was scary! Good luck!!
I’ve kind of been on the fence about trying this series but whiplash sounds fun! lol
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
Oh, if you love twisty plots that keep you guessing, you definitely need to pick this series up! And then go read all of my spoiler-filled discussions and share your predictions with me (because that’s half the fun!!).
Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Thank you
I have not seen that one. Too scary for me! LOL!
I loved the first book sooooooo much! I suggested it to everyone I knew. But now I haven’t read on in the series and I really need to. As to the question in the giveaway Rafflecopter, one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen was the first Conjuring movie, or else the 2nd or or 3rd Paranormal Activity movies. I love scary movies! In fact can’t wait to go see one this Friday!
Okay, well now you need to go catch up and then tell me all your theories about what you think is going to happen. I LOVE the roller coaster ride this series is sending me on!
It’s Alive
I don’t know that one. I avoid scary movies! 🙂
My friend made me sit through Nightmare on Elm Street.
That one haunts me. I can still remember the little chant from the dream. “One, two, Freddy’s coming for you…” Yikes!!!
wow this is probably the most beautiful and elegant and just downright gorgeous cover I remember seeing!
I’m glad you got to learn more about The Blue Queen and the island and that the plot was surprising!
I’ll have to check this series out! Just if it is to see this cover on my bookshelf! 😉
Hey, if the beautiful covers get this series on your shelves, I’m all for it! Anything to get everyone I know to read it!! 🙂
The original Poltergeist haunted my childhood
Oh. My. Goodness. Mine too! I went to a sleepover when I was like 7 or 8 and the girl’s mom thought it was a good idea to let us watch horror movies. We watched Poltergeist and The Exorcist!!!!! I was scarred for life. (I seriously never did really like horror after that.)
That is a lot of prep work before starting a book 🙂 I am thinking that this might be a series that would be great to binge read. Glad you enjoyed it!
Binge reading it would work well, I’ll admit. Just make sure you get to it. 🙂 (I’m very demanding when it comes to this series. Everyone MUST read it. LOL!)
Trying so hard to be NOT jealous, but also not succeeding hahah. I pre-ordered the Australian edition (I need matching covers for this series, even though I have been good about not caring lately) and it doesn’t release until Sept 25th and then it’ll take at LEAST a few weeks to get here and I SOB. I am so, SO happy that it was great though- this means I might actually make it through the wait 😉
As for scariest movie… the only movie that ever truly scared me was technically a TV mini-series, Stephen King’s Storm of the Century. My mom and I watched it together, I was in high school at the time, and neither of us slept nightmare-free for WEEKS.
Oh, now I’m jealous about those Australian covers. This is the one and only series I’m tempted to collect like ALL the versions of ever. I want them!!!
That is a lot of prep! But to be honest I get it- I mean this series is twisty, and a lot like Game of Thrones in the sense that it’s very convoluted. In a good way! I think I’m definitely here for the Blue Queen subplot, and nice to hear that old Katherine is (mostly) back. Those make me happy. 🙂
Scariest movie? I don’t even know- sorry!!! I’m drawing a total blank, but of course I’ll think of something as soon as I hit the Post Comment button!
This is the only series that gets this sort of devotion—but it seems well worth it to me because of all the fun I have trying to figure out what the heck Blake’s going to do next!
I don’t do scary movies! Lol, yes it is a scary one!
I don’t really do scary movies either. They’re just not my thing.
I’m sooo excited to read Two Dark Reigns! I’m not entering the giveaway since I plan on buying the book ^_^
Thanks for sharing,
~Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles
I hope you love it!! This whole series has sucked me in so deeply—it’s fantastic!
I must admit to not knowing much about this series, Nicole. *gasps* However, if you’re this obsessed it’s a series I’ll be checking out. And, yay for me – there are already so many out to read. 😀
You need to jump in—and then come reply to my thousand posts about the books and tell me all your predictions. I LOVE reading everyone’s.
I saw this post on release day, read all the related posts, and somehow wound up buying all three books in the series on my way home. I wanted to re-read the first two before reading the third one, and I didn’t have the patience to wait for the third at the library, so I figured I may as well buy all of them. FOR MY CLASSROOM LIBRARY of course. Just…not until I’m done with them.
Oh, I totally get it. The lure of this series is just way too strong. Your class will thank you for it (eventually). 🙂
The scariest movie I saw was probably “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. I also thought the movie “The Bees” was horrifying. I think my age at the time played a huge factor.
I’ve never seen The Bees, but the title alone instills terror. 🙂