Author: Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

October Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

October Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

My Goings On in October: I watched Season 7 of The Walking Dead (while doing the elliptical) and now I’ve moved on to finally catching up with Game of Thrones (I’m at the beginning of Season 3). I’m also watching iZombie with my husband and mom and we watched all of the current episodes of Ozark. My daughter had her first swim meet of the season. I finished editing Orion by Raeah Wilding (AKA Allie […]

Posted October 31, 2017 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 38 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 10/29/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 10/29/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Not too much to say about this week. I finished the edit I was working on (Orion by Raeah Wilding AKA Allie Juliette Mousseau)—this […]

Posted October 29, 2017 in Sunday Post / 33 Comments
October Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

October Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

It’s time for the October Wrap-Up Round-Up! First of all, I have to apologize that I just finally got around to reading all of the September wrap-up posts. Um, running just a little bit late! This past week, I posted my first dual review for the Make Me Read It Giveaway (which I’ve been doing for the giveaway for this event). It was so much fun to review Dreamland Burning with AJ @ Read All […]

Posted October 28, 2017 in Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up / 7 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews of Long Way Down, Nyxia, Hanna Who Fell from the Sky & My Heart and Other Black Holes

Bite-Sized Reviews of Long Way Down, Nyxia, Hanna Who Fell from the Sky & My Heart and Other Black Holes

I’ve got four bite-sized reviews today. Three new(ish) releases and one backlist book. I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! I honestly don’t even know how to describe in words how I felt about this book. You almost just have to experience it for yourself to understand its brilliance. When I started the book, I was both delighted and scared to see that it was written in verse (it’s all […]

Posted October 27, 2017 in Reviews / 23 Comments
Seize Today by Pintip Dunn: Review & Giveaway

Seize Today by Pintip Dunn: Review & Giveaway

***NOTE: Seize Today is the third book in the Forget Tomorrow Trilogy (the first book was a NYT Bestselling and RITA™ Award-winning book). This book doesn’t really contain anything but minor spoilers for the first two books in the series. Click to read my reviews of Forget Tomorrow and Remember Yesterday.*** The books in this trilogy just got progressively better and better! I really enjoyed the first book, but I had some qualms that held me back from loving it. […]

Posted October 26, 2017 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 6 Comments
Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham: A Dual Review with AJ @ Read All the Things!

Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham: A Dual Review with AJ @ Read All the Things!

Today I’ve got something a little different on the blog. Some of you may have seen my Make Me Read It Giveaway (as part of the Wrap-Up Round-Up). AJ @ Read All the Things was the first ever winner, and she chose to make me read Dreamland Burning—and then she got the book as soon as I was done. (I know the graphic above might make it look like AJ had to challenge me to […]

Posted October 23, 2017 in Dual Reviews, Make Me Read It, Reviews / 16 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 10/22/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 10/22/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Yesterday was my daughter’s first swim meet of the season and today we’re celebrating my youngest’s birthday with extended family, so it’s a busy […]

Posted October 22, 2017 in Sunday Post / 26 Comments
My Unpopular Opinion About Banned Books Week: Let’s Discuss!

My Unpopular Opinion About Banned Books Week: Let’s Discuss!

Okay, first off, let me start off by saying I don’t think that books should be banned—my opinion isn’t that unpopular, and I don’t want you to go into this post thinking I’m a crazy person advocating pulling books off the shelves of libraries or anything. I think that people should have the freedom to choose for themselves what books they want to read and that no one should dictate that choice for others. Still, I noticed something just […]

Posted October 20, 2017 in Let's Discuss / 60 Comments
Scion of the Fox by S.M. Beiko: Review, Giveaway & Beiko’s Top Ten Addictions

Scion of the Fox by S.M. Beiko: Review, Giveaway & Beiko’s Top Ten Addictions

I called this book Urban Fantasy because that’s what it feels like to me, though I don’t generally associate the genre with YA (that’s why I also added Paranormal as a genre). It’s set in the modern-day world, but one steeped in ancient mythology and fantastical magical creatures. It’s an exciting combination! What Fed My Addiction: The worldbuilding. The basis of this world is that there are some people who have animal spirits and magic (at […]

Brooding YA Hero by Carrie DiRisio: Review & Broody’s Top Ten Addictions

Brooding YA Hero by Carrie DiRisio: Review & Broody’s Top Ten Addictions

If you’ve seen Brooding YA Hero’s Twitter feed, then you pretty much know exactly what to expect from this book. Many of the witty gems that Broody shares with us on a daily basis can be found here, only he gets to expand his wisdom far beyond 180 characters. I decided I was going to underline some of my favorite lines in my ARC as I read, and I was worried I just might run […]

Posted October 17, 2017 in Author Top Ten Lists, Reviews / 24 Comments