Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee: Review, Guest Post & Giveaway

Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee: Review, Guest Post & Giveaway

I decided to start reading this book before bed a few nights ago, and the next thing I knew it was midnight and I was finished. And I had shed tears. I was not expecting to have this reaction to this book. In fact, honestly, at the very beginning of the book I was feeling a tad bit skeptical. I was thinking, “Wait, is this going to be a book about a boy who squeezed a girl’s shoulder […]

September 2019 Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

September 2019 Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

My Goings On in September: My family ended up in the ER twice this month. Once for my husband to get eight stitches in his finger, and once because my daughter got in a car accident. Since I already went into detail about the incidents (including a pic of the car!) in two Sunday Posts, I won’t elaborate here—you can click on the links if you want to see what happened. Here’s an update, though: Scott’s […]

Posted October 2, 2019 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 34 Comments
Scars Like Wings by Erin Stewart: Review & Giveaway

Scars Like Wings by Erin Stewart: Review & Giveaway

This book is so engrossing and emotionally compelling that I read it in one evening! I was immediately drawn in by the concept: Ava is the sole survivor of a house fire that claimed the lives of her parents and her cousin—she’s now recovering from burns that covered over 60% of her body and living with her aunt and uncle, who are also trying to hold it together after the loss of their daughter in the […]

Posted October 1, 2019 in Giveaways (Ended) / 16 Comments
October 2019 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway

October 2019 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway

Welcome to the October monthly link-up for the 2019 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! It’s almost Halloween here in the US, so lots of us are getting ready for some spooky reads! (And maybe some spooky discussions?) Hope you all enjoy the holiday! The winner of our August discussion challenge giveaway was Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures! She was able to choose […]

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 9/28/19

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 9/28/19

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Another unfortunately eventful week in the Hewitt household. We ended up at the ER for the second time in two weeks (in case you […]

Posted September 29, 2019 in Sunday Post / 56 Comments
September 2019 Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up & Giveaway

September 2019 Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up & Giveaway

It’s time for the September Wrap-Up Round-Up!  The August giveaway ends soon, so head over there for your last chance to enter! This is the link-up AND giveaway for our September wrap-up posts. If you don’t already know about the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up, read the information below: Every month, at the end of the month, I’ll put up a monthly wrap-up link-up post where everyone can link up their month-end posts. There are no specific […]

Cursed by Thomas Wheeler & Frank Miller: Review & Giveaway

Cursed by Thomas Wheeler & Frank Miller: Review & Giveaway

Just the pitch for this book told me there was a whole lot to love: an illustrated YA King Arthur retelling from the perspective of Nimue (the Lady in the Lake). First of all, why aren’t more books for older readers illustrated? I didn’t stop loving artwork when I was a little kid, and I think many other people feel similarly, so I would love to see more illustrated books for older readers. But I digress… I’ll confess […]

Posted September 26, 2019 in Reviews / 14 Comments
I’m a Judge for the 2019 Cybils Awards!

I’m a Judge for the 2019 Cybils Awards!

I’m excited to announce that I’ve been selected as one of the round two judges for this year’s Cybils Awards in the category of Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction!! What are the Cybils Awards, you ask? Well, they are officially the Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards (I’m assuming the I in the acronym was added to make it a name that flows better). As you can guess from that name, this is an award […]

Posted September 24, 2019 in Cybils, Let's Discuss / 32 Comments
Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 9/22/19

Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 9/22/19

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): The back yard is officially done!! And it is gorgeous! We’ve already had fires out there a few nights (and all fingers have remained […]

Posted September 22, 2019 in Sunday Post / 26 Comments
Picture Book Spotlight: Sulwe and Smarter Than a Monster

Picture Book Spotlight: Sulwe and Smarter Than a Monster

Today I’ve got two soon-to-be-released picture books under the spotlight. Check out these two adorable reads! This book is stunning in just about every way imaginable. The story follows little Sulwe, who struggles to see her own beauty because of the darkness of her skin. Sulwe wishes she could look more like her parents, more like her sister, more like the other boys and girls at her school. Like most children, she doesn’t want to feel […]

Posted September 20, 2019 in Reviews / 14 Comments