Siren’s Fury by Mary Weber – Review & Giveaway

Posted May 25, 2015 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 20 Comments

Siren's Fury by Mary Weber - Review & Giveaway

Siren’s Fury by Mary Weber – Review & GiveawaySiren's Fury by Mary Weber
Series: The Storm Siren Trilogy #2
Also in this series: Storm Siren
Published by HarperCollins, Thomas Nelson Inc on 6/2/15
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Source: Blog Tour, NetGalley
My content rating: YA (Nothing More Than Kissing; Fantasy Violence)
My rating:
4 Stars

"I thrust my hand toward the sky as my voice begs the Elemental inside me to waken and rise. But it's no use. The curse I've spent my entire life abhorring—the thing I trained so hard to control—no longer exists."

Nym has saved Faelen only to discover that Draewulf stole everything she valued. Now he’s destroyed her Elemental storm-summoning ability as well.

When Nym sneaks off with a host of delegates to Bron, Lord Myles offers her the chance for a new kind of power and the whispered hope that it may do more than simply defeat the monster she loathes. But the secrets the Bron people have kept concealed, along with the horrors Draewulf has developed, may require more than simply harnessing a darker ability.

They may require who she is.

Set against the stark metallic backdrop of the Bron kingdom, Nym is faced with the chance to change the future.

Or was that Draewulf’s plan for her all along?


My Take

***NOTE: This review is for the second book in The Storm Siren Trilogy and may contain spoilers for the first book. You can find my review of book #1 HERE.***

It’s been quite a while since I read, Storm Siren – so long, in fact, that I had to skim it before I read this second book in the trilogy. I remembered that I loved it and that there was a huge cliffhanger, but I didn’t remember what it was! Well, I was definitely glad that I refreshed my memory because SO much happens in these books, and those little details matter.

I was just as impressed with this second book in the series as I was with the first, though I wasn’t quite as wrapped up in the story. Still, I feel like Weber pulled out all the stops, especially at the end of the book, and she has me begging for more!

What I loved:

  • The worldbuilding. Just like in the first book, I kept finding myself so incredibly impressed with this world that Weber created and how all of the magical elements fit together. I felt like, if anything, Weber took the worldbuilding up a notch in this book, giving us a richly woven story filled with beautiful and dangerous magic alike.
  • Darker tone. This book had a slightly darker tone than the first book because Nym acted out of desperation and started to explore a darker side to her magic. I don’t want to give away what happened with Eogan, but his calming presence was missing through much of this book, and Nym struggled to balance doing what she felt she had to do and staying the person she wanted to be, both for herself and for Eogan (who helped teach her that her compassion was her greatest strength). At times, Nym almost lost herself in this book, and it was thrilling to watch that journey – I was constantly wondering how far she would go and what it would take to bring her back!
  • Plotting and intrigue. Nym found herself constantly wondering what Draewulf wanted with her and why he hadn’t tried to get rid of her completely. She knew that he had hige plans and that he somehow needed her in order to fulfill them, but she was left guessing throughout the book what those plans might be (as were we!). Plus, there were plenty of other characters that Nym had to decide whether or not to trust – no one’s motives were completely pure, so she had to sift through the plotting in order to figure out how to proceed. The decisions were never easy!
  • The ending. Once again, Weber gives us an epic battle at the end of this book and sets us up beautifully for the final book in the trilogy! While this book didn’t end on a complete cliffhanger, like the first one did (and I did kind of see the end twist coming this time, unlike in the first book), I can definitely say that I am eagerly awaiting the next book!!!

The negatives:

  • Missing the romance. Considering how the first book ended, I was seriously worried about Eogan and whether or not he would even be in this book. Well, he was – sort of. But I definitely missed his presence, because the romance was one of my favorite elements of the first book. I don’t want to say anything more about how things play out, but I did miss him. Even when he was there.

So, this second installment in the series definitely did not disappoint! It was full of fantastical adventure, epic battles and strong but flawed characters. Plus, the overarching message of the book is wholly positive – something that I love to see in YA fiction. I can’t wait to see where Weber takes us next! I give this book 4/5 stars.

***Disclosure: I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***

About the Author

Mary-WeberMary Weber is a ridiculously uncoordinated girl plotting to take over make-believe worlds through books, handstands, and imaginary throwing knives. In her spare time, she feeds unicorns, sings 80’s hairband songs to her three muggle children, and ogles her husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. They live in California, which is perfect for stalking L.A. bands, Joss Whedon, and the ocean. Her debut YA fantasy novel, STORM SIREN, is available now in bookstores and online, and SIREN’S FURY (book 2 in the trilogy) will be out June, 2015 from TN HarperCollins.


Author Links:

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20 responses to “Siren’s Fury by Mary Weber – Review & Giveaway

  1. I’m glad that you managed to enjoy this one almost as much as you did the first one. I’m not surprised that the romance was…kind of missing, considering how the first book ended. I didn’t have as much luck with book one as you did so I’m really not sure if I’ll go on with the series at this point, but your review has made me more curious/interested^^

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews recently posted: Fandom Mashups #3
    • Yes – you’re definitely right about the romance! I’m trying to remember – were you not that thrilled with the first book in this series? I really loved both!

    • I thought that this second book was almost as good as the first book (for me) – but I’m a sucker for romance and missed that element. Obviously with the way the story went, the romance wasn’t the focus of this one! 🙂

    • Good plan. Though, as of the first two books there is no love triangle, and I can’t imagine how one would be introduced in the third book. Okay, in the first book, there are hints that Nym might be interested in a certain flirtatious character (who is definitely at least slightly interested in her), but she never seriously considers him, so I don’t really count that.

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