Series: The Storm Siren Trilogy #3
Also in this series: Storm Siren
Published by Thomas Nelson Inc on 3/1/16
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 384
Source: Blog Tour, NetGalley
My content rating: YA (Nothing more than kissing, Some violent battles)
My rating:

Nym and Draewulf prepare to face off in a battle destined to destroy more lives than it saves.
With the loss of Tulla still fresh in mind, Rasha’s fate unknown, and Lord Myles taken over by the dark ability, Nym and the few Bron soldiers rush to warn Cashlin’s queen. Only to discover it may already be too late for the monarch and her eerie kingdom. As the Luminescents are sifting through Nym’s past memories and the queen is reading into her future, Nym is given a choice of how to defeat Draewulf, but the cost may be more than she can bear. And even then there are no guarantees.
With that reality burrowing into her bones—along with the guilt of the lives she will sacrifice—Nym returns to her homeland of Faelen to raise an army of peasants through promises of freedom. But when the few friends she has left, along with the world and citizens she loves, are staring down the face of a monster and his undead army, will Nym summon every element her blood is capable of controlling . . . or surrender to a different strength—one of sacrifice?
Because in the end, death may be more merciful for them all.
I absolutely adored the first two books in this series, so I was eager to dive into this final installment. Unfortunately, I have to confess that my experience reading this one was marred a bit by the simple fact that I couldn’t remember enough of what had happened in the first two books and I therefore struggled with connecting to the story – both the high stakes and the secondary characters. Still, by the end, I was absolutely in love again. This is the type of series that I think I’d like to read again someday (and I never reread!) all at once so that I can experience it properly!
What Fed My Addiction:
- Nym and Eogan. The connection between Nym and Eogan has always been one of my favorite aspects of the series. I’m a romantic at heart, and these two are the ultimate example of a couple who has had to overcome incredible obstacles in order to be together. Even when I was struggling to remember plot details from the first two books, I always remembered the intense connection between Nym and Eogan and they were the glue that held this third book together for me.
- An epic conclusion! The final twenty percent of this book was so incredibly stupendous and glorious that it made up for any lack of connection I was feeling earlier in the book. It overwhelmed me with so many intense emotions that I had to read it out loud to fully experience it all and force myself not to rush through it. Reading it out loud was sometimes difficult because there was some weeping involved, but I managed. Obviously, I can’t tell you what happened in the final showdown in this book, but I can tell you that it was both epically spectacular and hauntingly beautiful.
What Left Me Wanting More:
- I forgot too much! Like I mentioned at the top of this review, the only thing that kept me from absolutely adoring this book is that I had forgotten too much of what happened in the first two books! I was hoping the Recaptains might help, but alas, there were no recaps for this series. I didn’t have time for a reread, so unfortunately, I spent the first twenty-five percent of the book trying to remember what the heck was happening. Luckily, Weber wove in some really good reminders, but there was still something missing for me – even once I remembered a good portion of the main plot, I didn’t remember the connections between the characters (besides Eogan and Nym) and I struggled with constantly feeling like, “Oh, yeah, I’m supposed to kind of hate this Myles character, but all I really remember about him is that he talks with a hiss. And I’m supposed to love Princess Rasha. Wait, who’s she, again?” I never did really get around to really loving or hating anyone but Eogan and Nym (both of whom I loved) because I just couldn’t scrounge up any feelings for them at all – I’d forgotten them too thoroughly! This really wasn’t Weber’s fault at all – her writing was brilliant and she did weave in clues, but unfortunately, whether it was her fault or not, it stifled my enjoyment of the book. Luckily, the ending was so masterful that she made me lay aside all of my qualms by the time I put the book down.
SO, if you haven’t started this series yet, this is perfect timing – you should pick all three books up and be prepared to binge read this series in all its gloriousness! If you’ve already read the first two books (or just the first), I recommend at least a quick skim read of the previous books to refresh your memory – I wish I had done that so that I could have avoided the distraction of my poor poor memory. I had a hard time rating this book. I really think it deserves a better rating based on the quality of the writing and the story. But because I had a hard time connecting to the first half of the book, I really wasn’t enjoying it – and I don’t feel like I can completely ignore that in my rating. Because of that, I landed at 3.5/5 stars.
***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher via The Fantastic Flying Book Club and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***
About Elise Kova

I’ve been curious about this series for a long time now, but I don’t know. I think I have the first book somewhere…
I definitely recommend the series, but just binge read the whole thing so you don’t fall into the same trap I did and forget things.
I have to admit I didn’t read the review because I just bought this series on Audible. Although the 3.5 stars makes me a little nervous!
If you have the whole series, you’re just fine. If you would have been able to read my review (totally understand why you didn’t), you would have seen that this was one of those cases where I just waited too long between books and spent way too much time trying to remember what was happening and how I was supposed to feel about certain characters. It was really hard to rate because of this – I honestly think it was a flaw of my reading more than of the book!!
I’m so glad that I decided to re-read Siren’s Fury before reading Siren’s Song because I would have been so lost if I hadn’t. I don’t know why but I wasn’t expecting the book to pick up right where we left off.
Nym and Eogan definitely stole the show for me. I love the connection they have and even though I was frustrated when Eogan pulled away from Nym, his reasoning for doing so made me melt and want to smother him with hugs. I was also very surprised at the other romantic development in the book. I did not see that coming at all.
The final battle made me shiver. I was so emotional as I read it and I was terrified at the prospect of Eogan and Nym not making it to the finish line. My heart was all over the place with this book.
I always struggle with series when it’s been too much time between books. It’s just leaves me feeling like I’m missing something and I never want to re-read. Too bad series can’t be released closer together. Nice review though!
I have been wondering about trying this series for ages. The covers always look so intriguing and I wonder if I should pick it up or not! But I feel like these books aren’t going to be for me because of the reviews I have been seeing. It’s been cool to read about them nonetheless :3