Author: Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

July & August Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

July & August Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

  My Goings On in July & August: At the very beginning of July I won the opportunity to get editorial feedback on my MG manuscript from a Penguin UK Children’s editor (via the Authors for Grenfell Tower auction). Then, at the end of August, I got that feedback back, and it was incredibly positive! (Click the links to read more since I’ve already gushed about both of these things.) I took my kids to […]

Posted August 31, 2017 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 30 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews Audiobook Edition: Midnight Jewel, Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy, and Of Beast and Beauty

Bite-Sized Reviews Audiobook Edition: Midnight Jewel, Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy, and Of Beast and Beauty

I’ve got bite-sized reviews of some of the audiobooks I’ve been listening to lately. I truly love my library (or, technically, most of these came from my mom’s library). If you have access to Axis 360, I highly recommend you check it out—they have a fantastic selection of audiobooks! I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! One thing to know going into this book is that it takes place concurrently with […]

Posted August 29, 2017 in Coyer, Reviews / 24 Comments
August Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

August Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

It’s time for the August Wrap-Up Round-Up! There was no July giveaway, but it will be back for August! This is the link-up for our August wrap-up posts. If you don’t already know about the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up, read the information below: Every month, at the end of the month, I’ll put up a monthly wrap-up link-up post where everyone can link up their month end posts. There are no specific requirements for what needs to […]

Posted August 28, 2017 in Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up / 9 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 8/27/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 8/27/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): I’m writing this post while in the car on the way to my in-laws’ 50th anniversary celebration weekend. We are going to have a fun […]

Posted August 27, 2017 in Sunday Post / 36 Comments
Book Title Tag

Book Title Tag

I recently found this tag over at Metaphors and Moonlight. and I also saw it at It Starts at Midnight. It looks like this actually originated way back in 2014 on Rachel Reads. (Yep, I actually did a little research here, people! You should be proud.) I thought this was one of the best tags I’ve seen in a long time! Anyway, I’m finally getting back into the swing of things after vacationing, but my brain […]

Posted August 25, 2017 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 24 Comments
Little Monsters by Kara Thomas: A Shockingly Spooky Read! (Review & Giveaway)

Little Monsters by Kara Thomas: A Shockingly Spooky Read! (Review & Giveaway)

This is another one of those books that I can’t say much about because it would be way too easy to give things away. Little Monsters is something between horror and a contemporary thriller—wrapping a small-town ghost story around the mysterious disappearance of a teenage girl. Throughout the book, you find yourself wondering if there’s something paranormal going on or if the answer is much simpler than that. Kacey herself wonders that too, and the […]

Posted August 24, 2017 in Coyer, Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 26 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews of Hello Sunshine, In 27 Days, Love and First Sight, and Oishinbo a la carte: Volume 1

Bite-Sized Reviews of Hello Sunshine, In 27 Days, Love and First Sight, and Oishinbo a la carte: Volume 1

I’ve got four bite-sized reviews today—for four great books! One of them (Love and First Sight) is a review written by my mom (Gay), and then I just added my two cents.  🙂  I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! I was a theatre major in college, so this book called to me. Reading the Leila Howland’s bio, you’ll find that she spent five years acting in New York, […]

Posted August 22, 2017 in Coyer, Reviews / 8 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 8/20/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 8/20/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): I’m back! It’s funny because I realized that the heading above should say “This past month on FYFA.” I haven’t put up a Sunday […]

Posted August 20, 2017 in Sunday Post / 50 Comments
Acceptance by Trish Beninato: Spotlight of a Book Edited by Me, Nook Reader Giveaway & Trish’s Top Ten Addictions

Acceptance by Trish Beninato: Spotlight of a Book Edited by Me, Nook Reader Giveaway & Trish’s Top Ten Addictions

  It’s been awhile since I’ve featured a book I’ve edited on the blog, and I’m excited to introduce you to Acceptance by Trish Beninato! I don’t write reviews of books I edit (since it’s a conflict of interest), but I will say that Acceptance is a really fun and unique take on mythology that I’ve never seen before. I’m looking forward to editing the next book so I can keep reading! BLOGGERS, IF YOU’RE […]

Deception So Deadly by Clara Kensie: Deceptive, Indeed!

Deception So Deadly by Clara Kensie: Deceptive, Indeed!

The title of this book does not lie. There were some surprises in this book that caught me totally off-guard (and a few that I guessed, but that’s par for the course). Many characters in the book are deceived by someone or other, but of course, I can’t tell you much more than that. In fact, this is a tough book to review without giving things away, so I’m going to have to be very […]

Posted August 14, 2017 in Coyer, Reviews / 16 Comments