Author: Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

I’m Headed Off on Vacation!

I’m Headed Off on Vacation!

Hey, everybody! You may have noticed that I’ve been a little scarce lately. Things have been incredibly crazy around here. So, I’m headed off on vacation and I’ve decided to just go ahead and take the time off from blogging. I’ll be back on August 14th. Since I won’t be posting my normal Sunday Posts, keep an eye on my Twitter feed for blogoversaries and birthdays, giveaways and preorder deals; I’ll tweet them when I can!

Posted August 2, 2017 in Uncategorized / 34 Comments
July Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

July Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up

It’s time for the July Wrap-Up Round-Up! This is the link-up for our July wrap-up posts. If you don’t already know about the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up, read the information below: Every month, at the end of the month, I’ll put up a monthly wrap-up link-up post where everyone can link up their month end posts. There are no specific requirements for what needs to be in your post, as long as you have a book blog […]

Posted August 1, 2017 in Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up / 6 Comments
August Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway

August Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway

Welcome to the August monthly link-up for the 2017 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! Hi, everyone! Hope everyone is doing well- and keep the amazing discussions coming! The winner of our June discussion challenge link-up was AJ @ Read All the Things! She chose History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera, a fabulous choice! Hope you love it, AJ! If […]

Wandering Star by Romina Russell: A Rereadathon Review & Giveaway!

Wandering Star by Romina Russell: A Rereadathon Review & Giveaway!

It’s been a long time since I read the first book in this series (I probably should have actually participated in the rereadathon of the first book, but I just didn’t have time), so it took me a little bit of time to remember what was happening, but once I got myself warmed up, I found that I was enthralled with the worlds of the Zodiac once again! This second book picked up right where […]

Posted July 31, 2017 in Coyer, Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 14 Comments
The Dragons of Nova (& The Alchemists of Loom) by Elise Kova: Review of the Most Fantastical of Fantasies & a Giveaway

The Dragons of Nova (& The Alchemists of Loom) by Elise Kova: Review of the Most Fantastical of Fantasies & a Giveaway

I binge read the first two books of this series and read almost 900 pages in two days. That could have been painful, but Elise Kova is some sort of fantasy genius and she managed to keep me enthralled the whole time. These books are serious fantasy—I called them the most fantastical of fantasies for a reason—there are complex magical worlds, highly developed societal systems and richly drawn characters. Sometimes books with such elaborate worldbuilding […]

Posted July 27, 2017 in Coyer, Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 8 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 7/23/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 7/23/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Another busy week in the Hewitt household! I finished that edit of the book I’ve been working on. Keep your eyes peeled for Acceptance by […]

Posted July 23, 2017 in Sunday Post / 24 Comments
No Good Deed by Kara Connolly: A Fun Time-Travel Take on Robin Hood!

No Good Deed by Kara Connolly: A Fun Time-Travel Take on Robin Hood!

This book takes us on a lighthearted romp through time and lands us straight in Nottingham—where we get to spend time with a certain band of merry men. I hate to overuse the word “fun,” but that’s exactly how I’d describe the book. It twists the tale of Robin Hood quite nicely and never takes itself too seriously. There are lots of elements of the book that I don’t want to give away, so I’m going […]

Posted July 21, 2017 in Coyer, Reviews / 14 Comments
Lucky in Love by Kasie West: Review, Giveaway & West’s Top Ten Addictions (with a Twist!)

Lucky in Love by Kasie West: Review, Giveaway & West’s Top Ten Addictions (with a Twist!)

I don’t even know what to say about this book except that it’s adorable and SO Kasie West (which is a very good thing, mind you). Believe it or not, the themes in this book have been a topic of conversation in our household many times. My husband insists that he would absolutely hate to win the lottery because it would completely change us. And if it somehow didn’t change us, it would, at the very least, […]

Bite-Sized Reviews: Crash Land on Kurai, The Star-Touched Queen and Death’s Queen

Bite-Sized Reviews: Crash Land on Kurai, The Star-Touched Queen and Death’s Queen

I’ve got three bite-sized reviews today—one for a book I loved and two for disappointing reads. I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! This book is a spin-off of Pajonas’s Nojiku Series, but you don’t have to read that first series to appreciate it. In fact, I have to confess that I’m horrible with remembering details of books I read long ago and I was struggling to remember all […]

Posted July 19, 2017 in Coyer, Reviews / 24 Comments
Do You Follow Authors You Haven’t Read? Let’s Discuss.

Do You Follow Authors You Haven’t Read? Let’s Discuss.

I’m wondering if this is a me thing or if others do this as well: There are some authors that I follow closely even though I’ve never read one of their books. I’m not talking about casually following on Twitter because you entered a giveaway somewhere (though maybe that’s where it starts?), but really following them—paying attention to new releases and being excited (or at the very least, intrigued) when they have a new book coming […]

Posted July 17, 2017 in Let's Discuss / 55 Comments