Category: Tags

The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag

The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag

Now that we’re nearing the end of the year it’s fun to think back to the bookish “firsts” of 2023. I found this tag over at Metaphors and Moonlight but it originated at girlxoxo. (The categories have been switched up a bit over time, so I decided to pick and choose which ones I wanted to include and added some of my own.) FIRST BOOK READ THIS YEAR Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone by Tae […]

Posted October 16, 2023 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 8 Comments
Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag

Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag

I’m a little late for Halloween, but this tag seemed so fun that I decided to do it anyway! I found this over at Twirling Book Princess. I actually haven’t even read that full post yet because (after reading the mechanics of the tag) it seemed like reading the post would spoil it for me. So I’m going to head over there and read Mehsi’s post as soon as I’m finished writing this.  🙂 The […]

Posted November 9, 2021 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 19 Comments
The Personal Library Book Tag

The Personal Library Book Tag

I found this fun tag the other day over at a GREAT read and decided to join in. The tag was created by the blogger over at 24hryabookblog and the image above was borrowed from them as well! (If you want to join in on the tag, make sure to link back to that original post.)   HOW DO YOU ORGANIZE THE BOOKS ON YOUR SHELVES? My “system” is somewhat haphazard. I have one YA […]

Posted October 19, 2021 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 31 Comments
The Would You Rather Book Tag

The Would You Rather Book Tag

I’m not sure where this version of this book tag actually originated, but I saw it over at a GREAT read. (I’ve definitely seen other versions of it as well.) I thought it was a really fun one and decided to jump in! Would you rather only read physical books for the rest of your life or only audiobooks? This is kind of hard, actually. I lean toward physical books, but this is the rest […]

Posted November 10, 2020 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 11 Comments
Mid-Year Book Freak-Out Tag

Mid-Year Book Freak-Out Tag

Well, I’m a little later than everyone else with this tag this year, but I figure we’re not THAT far past the mid-year point, so I’m still going for it. Besides, it will make me feel better about my current state of non-reading to remember the good things I read earlier in the year. 1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2020 It just so happens I’m going with my two March Best of […]

Posted July 16, 2020 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 35 Comments
Bookish This or That Tags (x2!)

Bookish This or That Tags (x2!)

I first saw these two tags over at Angel’s Guilty Pleasures and thought they looked like fun. So why not combine them into one This or That Tag? I actually did ANOTHER This or That tag a couple of years ago, so feel free to check that one out too! The creator of the first one is Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks. This or That? Reading on the couch or on the bed? Both, but […]

Posted July 15, 2019 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 44 Comments
Why I’m Weird Tag

Why I’m Weird Tag

This tag was created by Dellybird, and I was tagged by Renee @ Renee’s Bookcase. Thanks for tagging me! Basically, we’re just supposed to list ten things that make us weird. Not too tough, considering I have plenty of weird quirks (just ask my kids—they make fun of me for them all the time). Why I’m Weird I sing nonsensical, made-up songs constantly. They usually involve puppies (’cause puppies are just awesome). Often, they’re sung […]

Posted June 25, 2019 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 53 Comments
Briggs Book Tag

Briggs Book Tag

I saw this over at It Starts at Midnight about a month ago (and a couple other places as well) and thought it would be a fun tag to try. The tag originated at Jaded Reader. In case you’re not familiar with it, here’s some info on Myers Briggs  (and the test, if you want to try it out yourself). I’ve taken this test a few times in the past, and I always come out very borderline […]

Posted December 12, 2018 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 18 Comments
The Mid-Year Book Freak-Out Tag

The Mid-Year Book Freak-Out Tag

I saw this tag first over at Read All the Things, but it’s been around for years and it’s making its way around the blogosphere! Best book you’ve read so far in 2018? Aru Shah and the End of Time is definitely my favorite MG I’ve read this year. This book has such gorgeous writing and the best MG voice I’ve ever read. It’s the kind of book that makes me wonderfully happy and weep in jealousy at […]

Posted July 11, 2018 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 42 Comments
Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag

Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag

I wasn’t planning on posting today (my Sunday Post actually went up yesterday for just that reason), but then I found this fun tag over at A Dance with Books and just had to jump in! It was originally created over at A Page of Jenniely as part of Blogmas. She asked us some tough book blogger questions that we need to answer to find out if we’re on the Naughty List or the Nice List this […]

Posted December 24, 2017 in Let's Discuss, Tags / 22 Comments