Author: Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Giveaway of the Gorgeous Juniper Books Edition of The Hunger Games Trilogy

Giveaway of the Gorgeous Juniper Books Edition of The Hunger Games Trilogy

Today, I’ve teamed up with Lauren over at Shooting Stars Mag, Shannon at It Starts at Midnight and Elle at Words On Simmer to offer a special giveaway of the Juniper Books Edition of The Hunger Games Trilogy. (The whole thing is Lauren’s brainchild, so you really have her to thank, but we’re all sponsoring it). If you haven’t heard of Juniper Books, you should definitely check them out. They’ve created stunning custom covers for many books […]

Posted May 15, 2017 in Giveaways (Ended) / 6 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 5/14/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 5/14/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): First of all,  happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there! I hope you get pampered today. Today is my daughter’s 13th birthday, so I’ve […]

Posted May 14, 2017 in Sunday Post / 36 Comments
It Started With Goodbye by Christina June: Review, Giveaway, and June’s Top Ten Addictions

It Started With Goodbye by Christina June: Review, Giveaway, and June’s Top Ten Addictions

This book was exactly what I was hoping for—a fun contemporary twist on Cinderella that reminds us that sometimes family is complicated. And that’s okay. What Fed My Addiction: Focus on family. Sure this book has a cute romance element, but the story focuses a whole lot more on family issues than it does on the “prince.” (Actually, now that I think about it, I guess the original Cinderella kind of did too.) Tatum learns that […]

Meet a #BroodyBFF! My Foray Into Street Teams. Let’s Discuss.

Meet a #BroodyBFF! My Foray Into Street Teams. Let’s Discuss.

(This little guy is totally going to grow up to be a Brooding YA Hero. Just look at him—he’s already got that piercing heartthrob stare going on!) In my four years of blogging, I’ve only joined a few street teams. I kind of have to feel obsessed with the author to feel like I want to be a part of that author’s promotion. I’m a part of Evelyn Skye’s Tsar’s Guard because I’ve been a […]

Posted May 12, 2017 in Let's Discuss / 14 Comments
April Wrap-Up Round-Up Giveaway

April Wrap-Up Round-Up Giveaway

I created this giveaway as a scavenger hunt to encourage people to visit people’s wrap-ups. There are entries for commenting on the wrap-up posts in the link-up. The Link-Up Check out the April wrap-up posts in the linky below. These are the posts that can be used for the giveaway ( chose ten of them for the commenting portion of the giveaway). Didn’t have a chance to link up your April wrap-up post? That’s okay—you can still link up […]

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 5/7/17

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 5/7/17

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): I know I’ve been saying this a lot lately, but this is going to be a quick post today (I’m not adding many new links). […]

Posted May 7, 2017 in Sunday Post / 32 Comments
Do You Ever Add to Your Posts After You’ve Published Them? Let’s Discuss.

Do You Ever Add to Your Posts After You’ve Published Them? Let’s Discuss.

I was recently reading Becky @ A Fool’s Ingenuity’s post about The Fear of Not Having a Post Queue, and it (once again) made me realize how random and disorganized my blogging really is. If I manage to have a post or two in my drafts, it’s a miracle. Most of the time, I write my posts on the fly and hit Publish thirty seconds after I’m finished with them. For the most part, I’m fine […]

Posted May 5, 2017 in Let's Discuss / 45 Comments
Kill All Happies by Rachel Cohn: Review & Giveaway

Kill All Happies by Rachel Cohn: Review & Giveaway

I have a confession to make: I didn’t think I was going to like this book. In fact, when I received it in the mail and re-read the blurb, I thought to myself, “Why did I accept this book for review? What was I thinking? This is not my kind of book at all!” You see, I’m not usually a fan of the type of book that glorifies teenage partying and general bad behavior, and […]

Posted May 3, 2017 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 8 Comments
May Discussion Challenge & Link-Up

May Discussion Challenge & Link-Up

Welcome to the May monthly link-up for the 2017 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! Hi, everyone! Sorry we’re late getting the May link-up today. I just know that a few of you have already posted May discussions (because you’re totally on top of things like that) and you’ve been wondering where the link-up is! (It’s totally my fault, by the way. Shannon is […]

April Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

April Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

My Goings On in April: Things around here have been pretty up and down when it comes to that curveball that I mentioned last month. Just when I’ll think we’re moving along swimmingly, things will go south. Have I ever mentioned that parenting a teenager is hard? Parenting a teenager is very hard. (Actually, I take that back—all parenting is just really freaking hard.) Our homeschool co-op year is just about over, giving me a […]