Month: September 2016

The Copper Gauntlet and The Bronze Key by Holly Black & Cassandra Clare – Bite-Sized Reviews

The Copper Gauntlet and The Bronze Key by Holly Black & Cassandra Clare – Bite-Sized Reviews

***NOTE: This review is for the second and third books in a series and may contain spoilers for the first book. To read my thoughts on The Iron Trial (the first book), click HERE.*** I had to catch up on this series when I saw that the latest was coming out (the third out of five listed on Goodreads). Both my son and I really enjoyed the first book. He said that it had all of […]

Posted September 15, 2016 in Middle Grade, Reviews / 4 Comments
The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron – An Unforgettable All-Time Favorite!

The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron – An Unforgettable All-Time Favorite!

This book. I LOVED this book! I was in a serious reading funk when I started reading The Forgetting—not a slump because I had actually read a couple of really good books, but nothing that truly excited me. Nothing that gripped me from the very beginning and made me super eager to pick up my book anytime I was forced to put it down. The Forgetting was that book for me. I actually went into it […]

Posted September 12, 2016 in All-Time Favorites, Reviews / 22 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 9/11/16

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 9/11/16

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): So, last Sunday my whole family ran a 5k, and I’m thrilled to say that I actually managed to run the whole thing. This is […]

Posted September 11, 2016 in Sunday Post / 25 Comments
Bite-Sized Audiobook Reviews: On the Jellicoe Road, Forgotten, Spin, Zac and Mia

Bite-Sized Audiobook Reviews: On the Jellicoe Road, Forgotten, Spin, Zac and Mia

A few quick reviews of audiobooks I’ve been listening to this summer. Hopefully these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta Published by Bolinda Audio (originally by Penguin Australia) in 5/2010 Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary, Magical Realism Pages: 290  Audio Length: 8 hours and 53 minutes Source: SYNC My content rating: YA (Characters have sex, Death & dying described) My rating: I’m dreaming of the boy in the tree. I tell him stories. […]

Posted September 10, 2016 in Reviews / 11 Comments
Assassins: Discord by Erica Cameron – Review, Author Playlist & Giveaway

Assassins: Discord by Erica Cameron – Review, Author Playlist & Giveaway

Click here to Purchase the book at Riptide Assassins: Discord follows Kindra, a teenage girl who’s been raised as an assassin. Yeah, I know this sounds a tad bit far-fetched, but I was able to suspend disbelief for the most part—I mean, it’s not that much stranger than crime families who raise their kids to be in the “business,” right? If mom and dad are both assassins, it seems logical that they’d train up the kids to […]

Posted September 9, 2016 in Author Interview, Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 9 Comments
August Wrap-Up Round-Up Giveaway!

August Wrap-Up Round-Up Giveaway!

I created this giveaway as a scavenger hunt to encourage people to visit the wrap-ups. There are entries for commenting on wrap-up posts and then there are additional entries for visiting specific posts and answering a question about them. The Link-Up Check out the August wrap-up posts in the linky below. These are the posts that can be used for the giveaway ( chose ten of them to for the scavenger hunt portion of the giveaway). Didn’t […]

September is for Sequels Sign-Up

September is for Sequels Sign-Up

Hey, everybody! I’m going to be participating in September is for Sequels, which is being hosted over at Lisa Loves Literature. The goal is to read and review at least four sequels during the month of September. This is actually going to be tough for me since I have so many ARCs that I need to read in September, BUT I also have plenty of other books that I’ve been meaning to pick up, and […]

Posted September 8, 2016 in Challenges / 4 Comments
Blogging 101: What Do You Wish You’d Known When You Started Blogging?

Blogging 101: What Do You Wish You’d Known When You Started Blogging?

A lot of you know that I’m going to be teaching a Blogging 101 class at our homeschooling co-op this year. It’s a relatively small class—only eight 8th-11th graders. The class runs for 24 weeks in total (two semesters of 12 weeks), and we have one hour-long class per week. Not all of the kids will be blogging about books, but most topics can be generalized to any type of blogging. Since the class starts […]

Posted September 5, 2016 in Let's Discuss / 39 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 9/4/16

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 9/4/16

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): Not much to say about this week. We’re settling into our school routine, which is good. Other than that … yeah, I got nothing. UPDATE: […]

Posted September 4, 2016 in Sunday Post / 21 Comments
A Spoiler-Filled Discussion of Me Before You: Book and Movie

A Spoiler-Filled Discussion of Me Before You: Book and Movie

Obviously, you should not be reading this right now if you haven’t EITHER read the book OR watched the movie (and don’t want to be spoiled). I already posted a review of the book with no spoilers, but I really wanted to talk about the ending and how the book and the movie handled Will’s issues due to his disability differently (which made me like the movie less than the book). Before I read the book, […]

Posted September 3, 2016 in Let's Discuss, Spoiler-Filled Discussion / 18 Comments