Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 3/17/24

Posted March 17, 2024 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Sunday Post / 4 Comments

Sunday Post header

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.

What’s been happening since my last Sunday Post:

I listed so many new things with my book last week, so this week there’s not much new to say. I’m still working on my pass pages (technically I turned them in, but then I got them back with proofreader comments). So things are moving along smoothly!

What I Read:

  • I read Iveliz Explains It All by Andrea Beatriz Arango. This layered verse novel has an important message about mental health!
  • And I also read Snowglobe by Soyoung Park, a unique dystopian fantasy that takes place in a time when climate change has turned the whole world to an arctic environment.

Here’s what you may have missed on the blog since my last Sunday Post:

  • Nothing this week!

NEW Pre-order Campaigns 

Head over to my Pre-Order Campaigns Page to see ALL of the pre-order deals, including pictures!!

Here’s a list of the pre-order campaigns I added to the list since my last Sunday Post:

Pre-order BUBBLY BEAUTIFUL KITTY-CORN by Shannon Hale, illustrated by LeUyen Phamto receive an exclusive headband, a tote bag, and a light-up wand! (US only) (Ends 3/25) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Pre-order the paperback of CHILDREN OF VIRTUE AND VENGEANCE by Tomi Adeyemito receive a custom page overlay and a signed bookplate! (US/CAN) (Ends 3/25) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Pre-order BLOOD AT THE ROOT by LaDarrion Williams from a participating indieto receive a signed bookplate, a Caiman U acceptance packet,and a cool double-sided poster with the book cover and a course schedule! (Ends 5/6) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Pre-order THE MYSTERY OF LOCKED ROOMS by Lindsay Currie for the chance to win Box One, a Stanley tumbler with custom Locked Rooms sticker, a custom laminate lock pin, a skeleton key, funhouse themed Jelly Bellies, riddle cars, signed bookplate, & extra Locked Rooms laptop sticker! (Ends 4/1) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Lots of good stuff! Have any news? Feel free to share in the comments!


4 responses to “Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 3/17/24

  1. Jackie Sheehan Brady

    I am Jackie from New Jersey. When the ‘Ghost Traders’ inboxed me on the potentiality of tenfold returns, i caved in. If you have sen the numerous ads running on the same traders, you will definitely be interested to invest, but in this case, I think it was a ploy of the same account by fraudsters. My investment totally came to $400,000 over time in the promise of helping me in trading Bitcoin.  Soon afterwards, the whole website went missing, no traces. And my money with it. Was a pretty low moment for me. Fast forward to finding TheexnerhackerATprotonmailDOTcom. and I shared my nightmare with them. I had given them 12 hours to comlete the necessary but beat me to it, recovering all my money in 6 hours. A quick tip to share as I was personally advised is, if your hacker takes too long to get back your funds/crypto after you have provided all the requirements, seek help somewhere alse. thank you THE EXNER HACKER for the solid. 

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