My Writing & Reading Goals for 2018

My Writing & Reading Goals for 2018

I’m a little late with this, but I wanted to get my 2018 blogging, reading and writing goals written out so that I can (hopefully) track them. Otherwise, I’ll whisper them to myself and then pretend they don’t exist! Writing Goals Complete a second edit of Meet You in Convinerimus (the current working title of my middle grade book) and submit it to at least ten agents. I can’t get published if I don’t submit the […]

Posted January 16, 2018 in Challenges, Let's Discuss / 59 Comments
Sunday (Monday) Post & Giveaways Galore

Sunday (Monday) Post & Giveaways Galore

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): Sorry this post is late, but I headed out to Boston on Friday for a fun girls’ weekend with some friends. I had aspirations […]

Posted January 15, 2018 in Sunday Post / 20 Comments
Year-End Wrap-Up Round-Up Giveaway (With a Make Me Read It Twist)

Year-End Wrap-Up Round-Up Giveaway (With a Make Me Read It Twist)

I created this giveaway to encourage people to visit people’s wrap-ups. There are entries for commenting on the wrap-up posts in the link-up. Last month’s winner was Danielle Hammelef. She chose for us to read You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour. As you can tell, I’m running late this month, but I’m going to be picking up the book soon. Watch for our dual review! The Link-Up Check out the December and year-end wrap-up posts in […]

Timekeeper and Chainbreaker by Tara Sim: Review & Sim’s Top Ten Addictions

Timekeeper and Chainbreaker by Tara Sim: Review & Sim’s Top Ten Addictions

Today I’m featuring the first two books in Tara Sim’s Timekeeper Series, a romantic magical steampunk adventure series that blew me away with its imaginative concept and its heart.’ My first review will be spoiler-free for the series, but skim past the review of book two if you haven’t picked up Timekeeper yet! You know how sometimes you start reading a book and you just instantly LOVE it? That was me with this book. And it never stopped. […]

Posted January 10, 2018 in Author Top Ten Lists, Reviews / 16 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews of Love, Life, and the List, The Young Queens, Seriously Wicked and The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series

Bite-Sized Reviews of Love, Life, and the List, The Young Queens, Seriously Wicked and The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series

I’ve got four bite-sized reviews of YA books today. Three books and a series! I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! This book is SO Kasie West (which is a very good thing, trust me). First off, I pretty much always love stories that involve best friends becoming more—I’m a complete sucker for that trope. But this book is a lot more than the romance. Abby is a pretty typical […]

Posted January 8, 2018 in Reviews / 38 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/7/18

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/7/18

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. This past week on FYFA (and in my life): So, 2018 has already been a lot better than 2017 for me personally. I know we still have a long way to go, but […]

Posted January 7, 2018 in Sunday Post / 28 Comments
2017 End of Year Book Survey

2017 End of Year Book Survey

Once again, Jamie over at The Perpetual Page Turner has created her annual End of Year Book Survey and I thought I’d join in the fun! I skipped some that I’ve already included in top ten posts and added some fun graphs to my stats at the beginning. Hope you enjoy! 2017 Reading Stats Number Of Books You Read: 200 As I mention all the time, the unrated books are books I edited or proofread […]

Posted January 5, 2018 in Monthly Recap / 43 Comments
A Distant Heart by Sonali Dev: Review & Giveaway

A Distant Heart by Sonali Dev: Review & Giveaway

Today I’m participating in the tour for A Distant Heart by Sonali Dev. I’ve been meaning to read her books for years, partly because she’s a local author and partly because I heard her speak on a diversity panel at RT a few years back, and she caught my attention there (I can’t remember anyone else on the panel, but I distinctly remember her). I picked up a copy of her latest at ALA and […]

Posted January 3, 2018 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 16 Comments
(Quick) December Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

(Quick) December Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

  I decided to make this month’s wrap-up post quick since there are so many year-end wrap-ups going up. I couldn’t bear to leave my December reviews (and other posts) out in the cold, though! Features & Discussions: 2018 Book Blog Discussion Challenge Sign-Up – Come join us and discuss books in 2018!! Looking for a List of 2018 Reading/Book Blogging Challenges? Look No Further! – This list is HUGE and you should definitely check it out! […]

Posted January 2, 2018 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 18 Comments
January 2018 Discussion Challenge Linkup & Giveaway!

January 2018 Discussion Challenge Linkup & Giveaway!

Welcome to the January monthly link-up for the 2018 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! It’s a new year! Which means a new year of discussing books with all of you! We’re excited to welcome new challenge members AND to welcome back those of you who are joining us once again. Looking forward to a fantastic year! The winner of our November discussion […]