Tagapalooza – To All the Tags I’ve Skipped Before

Tagapalooza – To All the Tags I’ve Skipped Before

I am the WORST about doing tags! I have been tagged so many times, and they always look so fun and I think, “I’m going to do this one!” And then I forget about it. I’m not trying to be a horrible tagee (yeah, that’s totally not a word), but I just realize that I need to put a little thought into a tag and then eventually let it slip off my radar. SO, this […]

Posted May 9, 2015 in Tags / 17 Comments
To Redesign or Not to Redesign – I Need Your Help!

To Redesign or Not to Redesign – I Need Your Help!

  I’ve been thinking for a long time about redesigning my site, but I keep going back and forth on it. (Gasp! Really, Nicole? You going back and forth on a decision? I can hardly believe it!) Okay, now that you’ve all got that out of your systems …   My current design is actually a random design that I got as a freebie from a now-defunct designer when I first started my blog. I thought it was […]

Posted May 8, 2015 in Let's Discuss / 39 Comments
A Matter of Heart by Amy Fellner Dominy – Review & Giveaway

A Matter of Heart by Amy Fellner Dominy – Review & Giveaway

When I signed up for this tour, I was told to write about something sporty. I thought for a moment that this might be impossible, because I am one of the least sporty people in the universe. Unless you count marathon reading as a sport, I’m pretty much lost. But, then I realized I DO have something to write about. I may not be athletically inclined, but my daughter and husband both are – at least in certain things. […]

Posted May 7, 2015 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 9 Comments
Ash and Ruin Series by Shauna Granger – Review & $25 Giveaway

Ash and Ruin Series by Shauna Granger – Review & $25 Giveaway

World of Ash by Shauna Granger  Series: Ash and Ruin #1 Published on 12/2/13 Genres: Dystopian Pages: 263 Source: Won It! My content rating: Very Mature YA/NA (Characters have sex, though it’s not explicit; Some violence) My rating: There are two inherent truths in the world: life as we know it is over, and monsters are real. The Pestas came in the night, spreading their pox, a deadly plague that decimated the population. Kat, one of the unlucky few […]

Posted May 6, 2015 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 18 Comments
Top Ten Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read

Top Ten Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is: Top Ten Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read This is a tough list because, I mean, NEVER – that’s really saying something. I don’t like that word. And you all know how completely indecisive I am (just look at my Why I’m Changing My Ratings post and my What I Did Instead of Changing My Ratings post that went up the next week), so really, I don’t think that I can say never about anything. Still, there […]

Posted May 5, 2015 in Top Ten Tuesday / 38 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 5/3/15

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 5/3/15

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): We spent the day at Six Flags Great America yesterday – first day it opened this season! I love roller coasters, so Six Flags is […]

Posted May 3, 2015 in Sunday Post / 27 Comments
April Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

April Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

My Goings On in April: I  posted a tongue-in-cheek April Fools’ post all about why I was planning to ban books in my household and give away all of my children’s books. Some of you thought I had truly gone insane! (I actually added April Fools’ to the title on April 2nd so that people wouldn’t be too confused.) I finished editing Baited by Ali Parker and started editing The Light by Kate Thomas and Burn by Allie […]

May 2015 Discussion Challenge Link-up (& Giveaway)

May 2015 Discussion Challenge Link-up (& Giveaway)

Welcome to the May monthly link-up for the 2015 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! I can’t believe the year is nearly halfway over! This challenge has been going better than we ever could have imagined – we’ve been having an amazing time discussing books with all of you! The winner of our March discussion challenge link-up was Silvara over at Fantasy of […]

Do You Use Affiliate Links? – Let’s Discuss!

Do You Use Affiliate Links? – Let’s Discuss!

I recently went through a phase where I was buying more books than usual for one reason or another. I had a bit of birthday money to spend (books!), I was getting things for my OTSP Secret Sister (books!), I was going to more author events (books!) … and then there were just some books that I couldn’t resist based on reviews that I’d read. And it suddenly dawned on me that I should be purchasing […]

Posted April 29, 2015 in Let's Discuss / 59 Comments
Cress by Marissa Meyer – Review

Cress by Marissa Meyer – Review

***NOTE: This review is for the third book in a series and may contain spoilers for Cinder or Scarlet, the first book. Click here to read my review of Cinder or here to read my review of Scarlet.*** After reading Scarlet, I had to jump right into Cress because I was so excited about the story. Well, I was not disappointed at all!! What I LOVED: Cress. Cress’s story is probably my favorite of the series so far. I just loved […]

Posted April 27, 2015 in Reviews / 18 Comments