Review – The 100 by Kass Morgan

Review – The 100 by Kass Morgan

I was a little late to the CW TV show. I just basically marathoned the entire first season and half of the second season over Christmas break. And, of course, after watching the show, I was curious to read the book that had started it all. I had heard that the book and the show were quite different, so I was prepared for that going in. There’s no Finn or Raven in the books, Wells […]

Posted February 9, 2015 in Reviews / 26 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore 2/8/15

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore 2/8/15

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): This week was much calmer than last week. I completed editing The Core by Kate Thomas (L.A. Starkey) – it will be featured on my […]

Posted February 8, 2015 in Sunday Post / 6 Comments
Let’s Discuss – I’m a Series Failure

Let’s Discuss – I’m a Series Failure

Lately, I’ve been noticing that I am HORRIBLE at finishing series, and I started thinking about why. And I realized something – it’s all about the fact that my reading habits have changed dramatically since I started blogging a couple of years ago. I never used to know about all of the latest releases. I heard about books kind of randomly – often when I saw them at the library or when a friend mentioned […]

Posted February 7, 2015 in Let's Discuss / 68 Comments
Review, Giveaway & Author Top Ten List – Racing Hearts by Laura Lascarso

Review, Giveaway & Author Top Ten List – Racing Hearts by Laura Lascarso

Racing Hearts is a great start to a series of novellas that feature romance and race car driving. I haven’t read very many serial novellas, so this was a bit new for me, but I enjoyed getting to know the characters for this series and I’m eager to read more! What I enjoyed: Jesse. Jesse is one of those characters who is just instantly likable. He’s working hard to take care of his family after his […]

Review – Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Review – Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Red Queen is an exhilarating ride. This book has all of the elements that fantasy lovers adore – magic, power struggles, deception, political intrigue, uprisings … and plenty of twists and turns to keep you on your toes! What I enjoyed: The characters. I felt a real connection to pretty much all of the characters in this book, which is probably the main reason that I loved it so much. Mare has spent her life […]

Posted February 5, 2015 in Reviews / 37 Comments
January Wrap-Up and Best of the Bunch

January Wrap-Up and Best of the Bunch

My Goings On in January: In December and January, I marathoned the first two seasons of The 100. I’m loving this show and glad to be caught up to the rest of the world! I finished up editing Dare by Allie Juliette Mousseau (an NA book that got rave reviews and even made it to spot #61 on the USA Today Best Sellers list!) I finished a first edit for the first book in a new series […]

Posted February 2, 2015 in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 19 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore 2/1/15

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore 2/1/15

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): This week was crazy, as predicted (in last week’s Sunday Post). I ran hospitality for my daughter’s home gymnastics meet, feeding probably 200 people over […]

Posted February 1, 2015 in Sunday Post / 18 Comments
February 2015 Discussion Challenge Link-up (& Giveaway)

February 2015 Discussion Challenge Link-up (& Giveaway)

Welcome to the February monthly link-up for the 2015 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! We are seriously blown away by the response to January’s link ups! You guys came up with some amazing topics, and we have enjoyed reading them, so keep ’em coming! If you don’t know what this challenge is all about or haven’t signed up yet (but want […]

Let’s Discuss – I Wasn’t Stressed About Blogging Until I Found Out I Was Doing it Wrong

Let’s Discuss – I Wasn’t Stressed About Blogging Until I Found Out I Was Doing it Wrong

Okay, I have to start off by saying that I don’t really think I’m blogging wrong (but that got your attention, right?).  But I was inspired to write this post because I do sometimes feel under pressure to blog a certain way (or to avoid blogging a certain way) and I start to stress out when I feel like I’m not making everyone happy. And here’s the thing – THAT’S ALL ON ME. Because the reality is, you can’t please […]

Posted January 29, 2015 in Let's Discuss / 81 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/25/15

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/25/15

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): This week has been exhausting, mostly because I have a million things all going on at once. Trying to finish up a first edit, getting […]

Posted January 25, 2015 in Sunday Post / 22 Comments