Let’s Discuss – Why Authors Write Insta-Love (No, Really – I Think I Know)

Let’s Discuss – Why Authors Write Insta-Love (No, Really – I Think I Know)

We all know that insta-love is one of the biggest bookish sins. Almost everyone hates it. Really, when was the last time you read a book with insta-love and thought, “I’m so glad those characters fell in love as soon as they met. I hate it when characters wait a whole week or two before they really fall for each other”? Um, never. (Though, I did do a post awhile back about whether or not […]

Posted January 24, 2015 in Let's Discuss / 48 Comments
Review & Giveaway – Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

Review & Giveaway – Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

Isla and the Happily Ever After is a fun, romantic read that’s pretty much right on par with its predecessors. While this story is a bit different than the first two (since it explores Isla and Josh’s relationship after they become a couple instead of focusing solely on them getting together), I felt like this book was a fitting end to the series. What I enjoyed: Isla and Josh. Just like we’ve come to expect from Perkins, Isla […]

Posted January 22, 2015 in Giveaways (Ended), Reviews / 41 Comments
Review – Split Second by Kasie West

Review – Split Second by Kasie West

I was surprised (and actually a little worried) when I read the back of this book (which wasn’t as detailed as the actual blurb) – it sounded like it would focus on Laila instead of on Addie. But my fears were unfounded. The book actually switched back and forth between Laila’s and Addie’s POVs, so we got to learn a lot more about Laila while, at the same time, her story was entwined with Addie’s. […]

Posted January 19, 2015 in Reviews / 28 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/18/15

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/18/15

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): I hope everyone’s having a good start to their year. I feel like I’m finally getting back into gear – busy, but nothing more than […]

Posted January 18, 2015 in Sunday Post / 46 Comments
ARC Review – Inked by Eric Smith

ARC Review – Inked by Eric Smith

Inked is a fun fantasy story that starts out really strong, but loses a little bit of it’s flair as it moves along (at least for me). Overall, I still did really enjoy the book, though. I loved the concept, and I enjoyed the characters, but I found my interest waning a bit in certain parts. Here’s more of an explanation why: What I enjoyed: The tattoos. I loved the concept of this book – that people […]

Posted January 15, 2015 in Reviews / 18 Comments
Let’s Discuss – The Irresistible Pull of ARCs

Let’s Discuss – The Irresistible Pull of ARCs

Let’s face it. I have plenty of books to read. I don’t need more. Really, shouldn’t the shelves full of books be enough to satisfy me? But then I go to an event or click onto NetGalley or Edelweiss … and there are all these books. They’re calling to me. It’s like there’s a magnetic pull, and I can’t resist them … At BEA, I felt like I was really using restraint. I was making […]

Posted January 14, 2015 in Let's Discuss / 70 Comments
Top Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2014

Top Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2014

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is: Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To There are definitely WAY more than 10 of these, but these are the first ten I thought of! (I tried to only include books that were released earlier in the year.)   Alienated by Melissa Landers – Why haven’t I read this book yet? I’ve been in love with it ever since I saw the cover, and it seems like everyone has really […]

Posted January 13, 2015 in Top Ten Tuesday / 50 Comments
Review – Jackaby by William Ritter

Review – Jackaby by William Ritter

I’ve heard Jackaby described as a fun cross between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who, and I think that description really does do it justice. It’s Sherlock Holmes with a paranormal twist. The book takes place in the late 1800’s and is told from the point of view of Abigail, a young woman who has come to America looking for adventure. Abigail has spent her life wanting to follow in her father’s footsteps – he’s an […]

Posted January 12, 2015 in Reviews / 29 Comments
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/11/15

Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 1/11/15

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. Last week on FYFA (and in my life): Well, here we are in 2015! Whew! It feels like there’s so much to catch up on right now. I love reading all of the […]

Posted January 11, 2015 in Sunday Post / 19 Comments
ARC Review – When by Victoria Laurie

ARC Review – When by Victoria Laurie

I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from When, but I loved the concept, so I thought I’d give it a try. This book was an emotionally impactful, exciting YA mystery with a paranormal twist (and just a hint of romance), and the blend ended up being just about perfect! Maddie can see when a person is going to die – she sees their deathdate floating on their forehead. Maddie’s mother has her using her […]

Posted January 9, 2015 in Reviews / 27 Comments