Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 6/8/14

Posted June 8, 2014 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Sunday Post / 0 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. 

Last week on FYFA:

I think I’ve done most of my updates on BEA now (though I might have one more post about what I learned and what I hope the BEA organizers learned).  Things should be getting back to normal around here!  Here’s what you may have last this week:

Coming this week on FYFA:
  • 10 Things I Did Wrong at BEA (Last BEA post, I promise!)
  • Time Return & Time Lock by Micah Caida (reviews & giveaway)
  • Rematch, Double Fault & Deuce by Janine Caldwell (reviews & giveaway)
  • The Artful by Wilbert Stanton (excerpt & giveaway)
  • Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan (review)
  • Middle Grade Spotlight – The Unicorn Thief by R.R. Russell (review & giveaway)

Here’s what I got this week!

Um, nothing.

Which is honestly a good thing – I have plenty to read!!

Other Current Giveaways on FYFA:
(Besides the ones that are listed above.)
  • The Only Boy by Jordan Locke – Last chance to enter to win a $50 gift card!
  • Missing Lily by Annette K. Larsen – Still time to enter to win a $25 gift card!
  • True North: Finding Us by Allie Juliette Mousseau – Still time to enter to win!
  • My Last Kiss by Bethany Neal – Still time to enter to win!
Even More Awesome Giveaways on Other Sites:
  • Armchair BEA Giveaway – Over at Jellyfish Reads, you can win your choice of one of 12 LBBTQ YA titles!
  • Confessions of a Book Geek – Rachel has five different giveaways going on right now!  This links up to one of them and then you can see the others in her right sidebar!
Lots of good stuff!  Have any giveaways running on your site right now?  
Feel free to share them in the comments!


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