Posted July 22, 2014 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Top Ten Tuesday / 0 Comments
Top Ten Characters I’d Want With Me On A Deserted Island
Image courtesy of lkunl / |
- Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games Trilogy – Let’s face it, if I was stranded on a deserted island, I’d last about an hour on my own. Maybe. But Katniss could manage to keep us both alive. She’d hunt us some food with her trusty bow. And then skin it. And cook it. I’d watch.
- Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series – If I didn’t have a companion with awesome survival skills, someone with magic would work just as well. Hermione is easily the smartest, most resourceful witch I know. She’d be able to conjure up some food and shelter I’m sure!
- Tarver from These Broken Stars – Tarver was the perfect companion for Lilac when she was stranded on a deserted planet that was haunted by strange beings. So, a deserted island would be nothing for him. I’m married, so I guess I can’t want Tarver to fall in love with me, like he did with Lilac – but as long as we’re talking hypothetical …
- Addie from Pivot Point – When things started to get rough on the island, Addie could just look into all of the possible futures – we’d always know what the best course of action was!
- Rose from the Vampire Academy series – I’d mostly want Rose around because she’s a cool girl. If I’m going to be stuck on an island with someone, it might as well be someone I’d like. Plus, she’d be able to take on any challenges that came our way. If she can fight Strigoi, she can totally take on attacking monkeys.
- Nynaeve from the Wheel of Time series – My time on the island would be a lot easier with the protection of an Aes Sedai. Nynaeve might get a bit bossy sometimes, but her strength in the One Power and her talent for healing would come in really handy if disaster struck.
- Four from the Divergent series – As a Dauntless, Four would be brave in the face of all of the challenges we would face on our island. Four might counterbalance my complete wimpiness and pull me out of my comfort zone too.
- Chris Merrick from the Elemental series – On a deserted island, the ability to control water would probably come in very handy.
- Dee from the Lux series – I know what you’re all thinking – “Why wouldn’t you choose Daemon?” But let’s face it, Daemon would just be cranky and annoying until he decided he was in love with me, and I just don’t have the patience for that. Dee on the other hand is cheerful and awesome and would make a great friend. And she still has all those amazing Luxon powers, which we would probably need often on that island!
- Ridge from Maybe Someday – Life with Ridge would never get boring, even on a deserted island. We’d write beautiful music together and he could teach me sign language (I know a little, but I’m way out of practice – if I was on a deserted island we’d have nothing but time!). I mean, a girl needs something to take up all that free time on an island, right? It’s totally practical. And … yeah, I’m just totally in love with Ridge.
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