June 2018 Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

Posted July 3, 2018 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Best of the Bunch, Monthly Recap / 32 Comments


My Goings On in June:

  • I attended the WIFYR writing workshop and conference!! And I learned so much. If you are a writer, I highly suggest workshopping your book. Not only do you learn from people’s comments about your own book, you also learn a lot from analyzing other people’s work and discussing it. I LOVED the whole experience!
  • Lots of camp (for the kids). My oldest went to iDTech camp for a week for AI/machine learning (which, for me, mostly meant lots of driving, since it was a day camp). The camp itself was great, but the class was brand new and not so well thought-out. BUT iDTech is pretty amazing because when I expressed my disappointment, they gave me a full refund (including the money I spent on lunch, etc.). Since she loved the camp itself, we’re definitely going to give it another try. In addition, my two younger kids went away to sleepover camp for a week, which gave me some extra free time (to be sick with a summer cold).
  • Testing for my youngest. Those of you who’ve been around my blog for a while know that my youngest has special needs. We got some testing done this month to help us figure out the best ways to plan for his future. We have struggled with knowing what to ask of the school based on his intellectual disability and also knowing what sorts of outcomes to expect from his schooling. This testing helped us a lot and fits more with my understanding of Noah’s abilities than I feel like the school’s testing did. He actually scored functionally lower on these tests, but they’re more in line with what we see in his abilities to take care of himself without intervention on a daily basis. A lot of people would see this as a disappointment, but I would honestly rather have a realistic picture of where he’s at and what to expect so that we can plan accordingly.


I actually posted quite a bit on Instagram now that I have my new snazzy color-coordinated bookcase to dress up the pics. I’m putting my May pics here too since I didn’t put them in last month’s post. (Click on the main image to see them on Instagram.)

Features & Discussions:

June 2018 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway – A few days left to link up your June posts and enter the giveaway!
A Break in Our Regularly Scheduled Programming (& Reasons I’m Excited for WIFYR)  – Where I explained why I was so excited about the WIFYR conference!
Some Changes Around Here – Where I explained some changes in my review and rating policies based on my pursuit of a writing career.
My Personal Connection to Pride Month, Some Recent LGBTQ+ Reads, and Integrating My Faith and LGBTQ+ Issues – A very personal post.
Kiss of the Royal by Lindsey Duga – Giveaway & Duga’s Top Ten Addictions
Top 10 Writing Tips I Learned at WIFYR
June 2018 Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up – Link up your monthly wrap-up posts here!

My 2018 Reading Progress:

At 68 books read, I’m 18 books ahead of my Goodreads goal! I’m not including a pic of my Goodreads stats anymore since I’ve removed ratings from anything less than four stars (and I’m choosing not to review ALL the books I read now). (If you’re wondering why I would do such a thing, read this post.)



June 2018 Reviews

Very sparse review month, mostly because I had a LOT going on, but also because I’ve removed the few reviews that would have been three stars or lower.

  • City of Bastards by Andrew Shvarts | Review | Rating: Fed My Addiction
  • Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman | Review | Rating: Fed My Addiction
  • Words in the Dust by Trent Reedy | Review | Rating: Absolutely Addicted!
  • If You’re Reading This by Trent Reedy | Review | Rating: Fed My Addiction
  • Never That Far by Carol Lynch Williams | Review | Rating: Devoured It

June Best of the Bunch:

(Best of the Bunch is hosted over at Cocoon of Books. We link up our favorite reads of the month!)

I SO loved Words in the Dust, and especially the unique perspective it gave me on the Afghan people. It was the definite winner this month.

2018 Reading Challenges/Goals Progress:

If you didn’t see my update a couple of months ago, I decided to stop doing most of my challenges. Priorities.

Status: 15/31-40 Discussions Posted

I actually might hit my goal if I keep going at this rate, which seems crazy to me because I felt so behind earlier in the year. I posted four discussions this month.

A Break in Our Regularly Scheduled Programming (& Reasons I’m Excited for WIFYR)
Some Changes Around Here
My Personal Connection to Pride Month, Some Recent LGBTQ+ Reads, and Integrating My Faith and LGBTQ+ Issues
Top 10 Writing Tips I Learned at WIFYR
My Newly Organized Bookcases!
My First Time Switching Between an Audiobook and a Print Book.
The Rain on Netflix: Danish or English? (Subbed or Dubbed?)
Why Is Voice in Writing So Hard? And Do You Think About It When You Read?
Expectations About POC Names in Books.
Great Reasons to Get to Know Your Bookish Friends Better
Top 10 of 2017: Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2018
2017 End of Year Book Survey
My Writing & Reading Goals for 2018
My Book Outlet Weakness (& Why My Latest Haul Is All Your Fault)
Which Types of Reviews Are Most Effective? Let’s Discuss!

HOST/SIGN-UP LINK – Feed Your Fiction Addiction & It Starts at Midnight

My 2018 Goals Progress:

  • Complete a second edit of my MG novel. Done!
  • Attend a writing workshop. I went to WIFYR this month!
  • Read more writing craft books/materials. I’m reading more, but I still want to do MORE!
  • Finish the first draft of YA novel. I still haven’t moved back to my YA book, since I’ve been focusing on more edits to my MG. Someday I swear I’ll go back to it!
  • Read one review book for every one that I request/receive. ) I received 3 review books in June (technically more, but to make things easier on myself, I only count what went into the June Sunday Posts—there are a few June books in July 1st’s post). I only posted a review for one, but there was one book I originally reviewed and took it off the blog, so I’m counting it as “crossed off my list.” (So far for the year, I’ve received 41 and read 45, so I’m still ahead.)
  • Read more middle grade. Three of my five reviews this month were MG, so I’m doing great on this! (I’ve reviewed 14 MGs so far this year.)
  • Work out! June started out great, but then I went to that conference, and then I got sick… Yeah, I know, excuses excuses.

Wrap-Up Round-Up!

Don’t forget to link your June wrap-up posts up to the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up! And check out the giveaway, which is scheduled to go up on the 7th!


32 responses to “June 2018 Wrap-Up & Best of the Bunch

  1. Your instagram pics are lovely! I love the color coordinated bookshelves.

    I’m with you on the testing with your son. I’d definitely rather have a realistic picture of what to expect so that I can move forward and plan accordingly.

  2. Oh it seems like you had a pretty great month – that writing workshop sounds so interesting, so glad you had such a great time 🙂
    Congratulations on being ahead of your Goodreads challenge and on finishing your edits for your MG novel, that’s soo very great. I hope to be able to finally start editing someday. It’s so hard haha.
    I hope you’ll have a fantastic July! <3 <3

  3. You’ve been busy! Not just as a mom but attending the writing workshop. ♥️ Plus all your blog work!
    I sympathize with your concerns about your youngest. Trying to balance between reality and hope has been a struggle for my brother and his wife. It has broken my heart watching my nephew struggle in school. He is going to a new school next year setup for special needs only. I’m really excited and hopeful he will be able thrive!

    Dani Eide recently posted: Moving On To… July 2018 TBR
    • Yes, it’s this tough balance of not wanting to sell your child short but also wanting to be realistic about what he can and can’t do so we can properly prepare. We need to understand our options and figure out how he can best be served in the future.

  4. I am really a bit surprised that the camp issued a full refund. That definitely shows that they are willing to go above and beyond. It is great that you got the testing that your youngest needed. I think that having a realistic picture will be better in the long run. The writing conference sounds like it was definitely a positive experience. I can’t wait to hear that your book is being published. Have a great July!

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books recently posted: Review - Sick House by Jeff Strand
  5. Fun Insta photos! I really do want to try and do more #bookstagram pics, so we’ll see. Sounds like you had a great writing month, and that’s awesome you got a refund on the camp since it wasn’t really thought out well (though that’s a bummer!) I’m glad you have more of an idea of your youngest’s skill levels. I’d want a realistic point of view too so you know where to go from there. Hope you’re feeling better!


    • The class was great from an idea standpoint, but it didn’t end up working very well and the teacher didn’t understand the material well enough to be able to help when things went awry. It was a shame, but I think I’d still try the camp again because it really did seem to be a problem just with this one class.

  6. Okay, now I think I like the idea of the colorful bookshelves, even though the librarian in me still cringes at it. 🙂 I think a workshop would be great. Were you paired up with people with similar novels? Did you read the whole thing, or just chapters? I’m so intrigued! I’ve been to ones where I had others read a few pages of mine, but haven’t felt like it was always useful. Although there was some good feedback each time. Awesome job with meeting some of your goals! I need to meet so many more of mine!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: Kiss of the Royal by Lindsey Duga
  7. Jen

    What amazing customer service at your daughter’s camp! Here’s hoping when you try them again in the future that it is better planned out and meets all of your expectations! And I’m glad that you were able to get testing done and hopefully that will make school this fall a more wonderful experience for your son. And such pretty insta pictures!! Happy July! 🙂

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