Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Incentives & Giveaways Galore – 2/3/19

Posted February 3, 2019 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Sunday Post / 26 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.

This past week on FYFA (and in my life):

First off, I just have to thank all of you who sent your heartfelt well-wishes for my blogoversary. I feel really lucky to be a part of the book blogosphere! If you haven’t already, make sure you enter my blogoversary giveaway!

I’m in the midwest, so the windchill here got all the way down to -51 degrees because of the polar vortex!! School was obviously cancelled for a couple of days, and we just hid out indoors.

Last night I attended an SCBWI event featuring agent Sara Megibow from KT Literary, who gave us so many insights on how the publishing really works and how an agent decides if she can sell your book. She also mentioned that she gets 25,000 queries a year and signs 3 people a year. Wow! Let’s just not think about those numbers, shall we?

I registered for SCBWI’s Wild Wild Midwest Conference, which is coming in May! If you’re a writer in the midwest, you definitely want to check it out. (And let me know if you’re going!)

Here’s what you may have missed on the blog since my last Sunday Post:

Book Blogger Birthdays and Blogoversaries:

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Here are the birthdays and blogoversaries for this week! I hope you’ll go wish these bloggers well on their special days! Make sure you check out the calendar to see what you might have just missed or what’s coming up. (If you want to be added to the calendar, it’s easy! Just fill out the birthday/blogoversary form.)


For Review:

I received No Place Like Here from Blink. I really enjoyed June’s first book It Started with Goodbye, so I need to jump into the second one and then read this one. (Though I don’t think they’re technically a series, so maybe I can read this one first? If you’ve read them, let me know!)


The Sara Megibow event that I went to was at a bookstore, so she of course encouraged us all to buy something–gee, twist my arm why don’t you? I bought Winterhouse by Ben Guterson, which is a book I’ve had my eye on for a long time. And then Sara gave away a few books from people she represents and I was able to pick up The Door to the Lost. I hadn’t heard of it, but she said it’s a MG fantasy that touches on immigration themes, so I was sold!

Great Discussions/Goings On Around the Blogosphere:

Pre-order Incentives

Listed in order of release date. Any new deals that I just added to the list this week will be denoted with a *** so you can easily find them!

Please note: Almost all pre-order giveaways run “while supplies last,” so I can’t guarantee that they’ll be open until the date listed. Pre-0rder early for your best chance to get all the goodies!

More Awesome Giveaways:

Lots of good stuff! Have any giveaways or great discussions happening on your site right now? Feel free to share them in the comments!


26 responses to “Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Incentives & Giveaways Galore – 2/3/19

  1. 25k queries and 3 signings? Wow!

    Oh my gosh the weather was awful, wasn’t it? Those wind chills are actually a little worse than what we got in Michigan I think! Glad it’s warming up now, although now they’re talking possible flooding in our area. Sigh!

    Have a great week!

  2. Seriously, the cold and the snow… it can stop now, yeah? My paycheck is going to be such a mess. I worked 14 hours last week, like… that’s not good! The 25k queries versus 3 signings… wow. But also, I am kind of shocked that 25k people have completed novels? It’s sort of mind-boggling. It must be so interesting to see all the stuff she sees! I am so glad you are having these opportunities to talk to people in the industry, I am sure it’s immensely valuable!

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: We Told Six Lies by Victoria Scott: Blog Tour & Giveaway
  3. shooting

    I had a day off work last week because of the extreme cold, so that was nice. It was better weather today though so we’ll see how long that lasts. I think it’s supposed to just start raining now. LOL

    Yay for attending another conference. I’d love to go to one someday for writing. I hope you have a great time.


    • There were lots of fun videos of people doing that—or freezing jeans and having them stand straight up or freezing hair upside down (brrrrrr!!!). I wish I’d thought to make a video like that. I just holed myself up indoors and stayed there! (I have frozen bubbles in the past, though, when my kids were little).

  4. Danielle Hammelef

    From -40 to 54 degrees yesterday and pouring rain today, this winter is playing mind games with me. I have running shorts and fleece tights both out on my drying rack. Now they say ice storms are coming again. At least I can get lots of reading in!

  5. We got to -20 or so below, but not to the -50 here in Missouri, fortunately! But still got a day off of school last week. Is the Wild Wild Midwest conference just for children’s book authors? Not that I can probably go, but it sounds like a good conference! I included the link to my current giveaway below, the one I’m doing every Saturday with a new giveaway, in case anyone wants to enter!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Cleaning Up My TBR: Down the TBR Hole #7 with Giveaway
  6. I just love your bookshelves! They are beautiful! I tried color coordinating mine once… lasted a whole day before I had to change them back. Lol.

    Stay warm over there! There whether sounds insane!!

  7. oh YIKES- it’s been cold here too but not that cold ! It’s just now starting to be above 0℃.. Working at a Café with drive thru, damn it had not been a blast x)
    I just love the cover of no place like here so much !!

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