Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 8/25/24

Posted August 25, 2024 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Sunday Post / 7 Comments

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The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.

What’s been happening since my last Sunday Post:

Danielle back at school: We brought Danielle back to school last Saturday, so the household is one fewer again. (Boo hoo!)

No work changes (LOL). The last time I posted, I said I was hoping to switch stores, but it’s not happening. The good news is that things have settled a bit at my store, so it hasn’t been so stressful. Hopefully it will stay that way? We shall see.

Book launch for The Night Train: My mom and I went to an event for Lorelei Savaryn’s newest book, The Night Train. Lorelei was in conversation with Wendy Parris, whose new book Stage Fright is coming out soon!

Book News:

Nothing new, but my book is officially coming out in five months, which feels weirdly far away and close all at the same time!! As a reminder, the book is available on both Edelweiss and NetGalley. Go forth and read! 🙂

What I Read:

  • I read Lunar Boy by Cin Wibowo. This graphic novel gives The Little Prince vibes. 
  • I also read A Bite Above the Rest by Christine Virnig. You can read my review of that one and Virnig’s Top Ten Addictions here.
  • Next I read two more graphic novels: Tryouts by Sarah Sax and Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova. I loved both of these. Tryouts spotlights girls in sports and Awkward captures those … well, awkward… middle school years perfectly! I also loved that Awkward included a more heavy topic of an emotionally abusive dad/husband in a way that didn’t overtake the whole story.
  • I listened to The Jumbies by Tracy Baptiste after seeing her at Anderson’s Litapalooza. Such a cool fantasy!
  • Finally, I listened to The Equinox Test, the first book of The School for Unusual Magic series by Liz Montague. This book is perfect for those younger middle grade readers who want an introduction into magical school stories. A great bridge book from chapter books to denser MG fantasy!

Here’s what you may have missed on the blog since my last Sunday Post:

NEW Pre-order Campaigns 

Head over to my Pre-Order Campaigns Page to see ALL of the pre-order deals, including pictures!!

Here’s a list of the pre-order campaigns I added to the list since my last Sunday Post:

Pre-order A DARK AND DROWNING TIDE by Allison Saft to receive an A5 print, two stickers, and a signed bookplate! Pre-order from an indie bookstore to receive an additional 5×7 print! (INT) (Ends 9/16) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Pre-order ROCKY ROAD by Amalie Jahn from Park Road Books to receive a signed book, bookmarks, a feather boa, and stickers! (Ends 9/2) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Lots of good stuff! Have any news? Feel free to share in the comments!


7 responses to “Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 8/25/24

  1. Best of luck with your upcoming book launch! It’s such an exciting time, isn’t it? I’m in the midst of a picture book launch and it’s all kids of fun/work/joy 🙂

    Stopping by from the Caffeinated Reviewer’s Sunday Post.

  2. I am sorry that you didn’t get to switch, but glad that things have calmed down. Fingers crossed that they stay that way! And of COURSE I requested your book the second I could. We’ll see if I am deemed worthy 😂 But man, 5 months!? That is VERY soon and very exciting!! I am actually going to pre-order a second copy for my classroom while this latest B&N sale is going on!

    I am sorry about your house being down a member ♥♥ This is my biggest fear, and I will need all the therapy when I get to that point, frankly. I hope you are coping okay, all things considered.

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: September 2024 Discussion Challenge Link Up & Giveaway

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