Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 3/16/25

Posted March 16, 2025 by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction in Sunday Post / 8 Comments

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The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.

What’s been happening since my last Sunday Post:

I was happy to have brought some warm weather back home with me from Hawaii. We spent time yesterday just sitting out on the patio, which we haven’t done in ages. (We only have two chairs back there right now, since we haven’t taken all the patio stuff down from the garage attic.

Also, my daughter just came home for spring break, so I’m looking forward to spending the week with her!

We’re having our master bath remodeled, so we’ve been living a bit like nomads in our own house since we got back from our trip. They finally got the insulation put in (and it warmed up outside too!), so we were able to sleep in our own beds for the first time in weeks. Yay!! Can’t wait to have the bathroom done, but the process is always a pain. We finally have a window in the bathroom, facing out toward the preserve we back up to! Previously, there was only one window in the back of the house upstairs (in the kids’ bath), which always seemed so silly to us. In our ultimate dreams, we would have moved things around completely and had the bedroom back there with a really big window, but moving the bathroom that far would have been a huge investment (this was already a pretty huge investment).

The Song of Orphan’s Garden Book News:

  • School visits: Anderson’s Book Shop set me up with a couple of school visits on Friday. These were my first events where a lot of the kids had actually bought the book and some had read it, so that was very fun!

What I Read:

  • I listened to Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton, the second book in the Rebel of the Sands Series.Really enjoying this series!!

Here’s what you may have missed on the blog since my last Sunday Post:

NEW Pre-order Campaigns 

Head over to my Pre-Order Campaigns Page to see ALL of the pre-order deals, including pictures!!

Here’s a list of the pre-order campaigns I’ve added to the list since my last Sunday Post:

Pre-order THE LOST QUEEN by by Aimee Phan to receive a holographic bookmark! (US only) (Ends 5/5) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Pre-order NAINAI’S MOUNTAIN by Livia Blackburne, illustrated by Joey Chou or request it from your local library to receive a bookmark and a signed bookplate! Order from a participating indie to also receive an art print! (INT) Ends 4/7 CLICK FOR DETAILS

Pre-order RIVER OF SPIRITS by Shana Targosz OR request from your local library to receive a bookmark a sticker set, and a signed bookplate. Order from an independent bookstore to also receive a special, limited edition recipe card featuring art by the author! (US, CA, EU, UK) (Ends 3/24) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Pre-order THE FLOATING WORLD by Axie Oh to receive an art card! (US/CAN) (Ends 4/28) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Pre-order CATTY CORNER LANDS ON HER FEET or CATTY CORNER POUNCES INTO ACTION by Julie Murphy from Books of Wonder to receive a signed copy and sticker sheet! (Ends 3/24) CLICK FOR DETAILS

Lots of good stuff! Have any news? Feel free to share in the comments!


8 responses to “Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 3/16/25

  1. Oh nice! Ironically my aunt is finally getting her master bathroom redone after all these years too! She’s just as excited! Lol. When we remodeled our old house’s little bathroom I was excited as well since it was the one I used the most! It’s just fun to have something new and fresh in the room! Hope it continues to go well! And yay for the school visits! That sounds so fun!

    Hope you enjoy your week ahead and that the storms weren’t too bad for your neck of the woods this past weekend! I know my aunt in Wisconsin wasn’t having it, but I couldn’t recall if it got as far as Chicago or not in it’s trajectory.

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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