Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 6/18/23

Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 6/18/23

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. What’s been happening since my last Sunday Post: I got my first round of edits back from my editor at Feiwel & Friends and started working on them! It’s very exciting to […]

Posted June 18, 2023 in Sunday Post / 10 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews of Throwback; Goth Girl, Queen of the Universe; Ellie Engle Saves Herself; and Perfect Villains

Bite-Sized Reviews of Throwback; Goth Girl, Queen of the Universe; Ellie Engle Saves Herself; and Perfect Villains

Today, I’m reviewing two YA reads and two MGs. I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! Perfect for fans of Back to the Future, this book sends the MC on a quest back in time, where she has to fix the relationship between her mom and her grandma… and maybe meet the boy of her dreams? Sam has a fantastic bond with her halmoni (her grandma), and she’s never understood […]

Posted June 14, 2023 in Reviews / 2 Comments
Cover Artist Spotlight: Red Nose Studio

Cover Artist Spotlight: Red Nose Studio

This is the first time I’ve ever done a post exclusively about a cover artist (though maybe I should do it again sometime?), but I just had to write this post when I discovered something astounding about the covers of TJ Klune’s and Sophie Anderson’s books: They aren’t illustrations; they’re created as 3D “sets” (as the artist calls them) and then photographed! That’s right, the gorgeous cover you see below is actually a painstakingly created […]

Posted June 5, 2023 in Let's Discuss / 10 Comments
June 2023 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway!

June 2023 Discussion Challenge Link-Up & Giveaway!

Welcome to the June monthly link-up for the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight! If you don’t know what this challenge is all about or haven’t signed up yet (but want to), head on over to the challenge sign-up page to learn more! Even if you’d rather not join, we hope you’ll stop by occasionally to check out the MANY discussion […]

Exploding Experiment by M.M. Downing & S.J. Waugh: Review & the Authors’ Top Ten Addictions

Exploding Experiment by M.M. Downing & S.J. Waugh: Review & the Authors’ Top Ten Addictions

Today I’m featuring THE ADVENTURES OF THE FLASH GANG: EXPLODING EXPERIMENT by M.M. Downing & S.J. Waugh, a page-turning middle grade historical fiction mystery! Read on for my review of the book, and then make sure you also check out the authors’ list of top ten addictions to find out more about them! Buy from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, I have to say that Exploding Experiment was a delightful surprise! I won’t lie–this isn’t my favorite cover (I […]

Posted May 31, 2023 in Author Top Ten Lists, Reviews / 3 Comments
Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 5/28/23

Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 5/28/23

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. What’s been happening since my last Sunday Post: Danielle is off to Spain for her study abroad! She’s having a fantastic time already. There are two other girls staying with the host family, […]

Posted May 28, 2023 in Sunday Post / 13 Comments
May 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up and Giveaway

May 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up and Giveaway

The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up is hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight. We’ve decided to go with a yearly giveaway for this one, just like the Discussion Challenge. We will have three winners: Two from the usual rafflecopter, and one that we will pick out of the folks who link up every month (via, we’ll just list the names and pick that way)! So commenting and […]

Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 5/21/23

Sunday Post & Book Pre-order Campaigns Galore: 5/21/23

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead. What’s been happening since my last Sunday Post: I didn’t post last weekend because we were busy celebrating Mother’s Day and my daughter Danielle’s birthday! We had a really fun day – went […]

Posted May 21, 2023 in Sunday Post / 8 Comments
18 Delightfully Frightening MG Books for Young Horror Fans

18 Delightfully Frightening MG Books for Young Horror Fans

I often have kids coming into B&N looking for something spooky to read, so I thought I’d create a post with some of my favorite MG horror reads. I’m featuring ten of them, plus eight more books I’ve heard great things about and I’m planning to read (hopefully soon!). TEN I’VE READ (Okay, technically 11 – oh, wait, 12) (Click on the links for full reviews.) The Monsterious Series by Matt McMann I just recently […]

Posted May 19, 2023 in Let's Discuss / 15 Comments
Bite-Sized Reviews of Two Degrees, School Trip, The Guardian Test, Global, and The Stranded

Bite-Sized Reviews of Two Degrees, School Trip, The Guardian Test, Global, and The Stranded

Today, I’m reviewing four MG reads and a YA dystopian. I hope these bite-sized reviews will be enough to feed your fiction addiction! Two Degrees is a heart-pounding climate change adventure, perfect for kids who loved the I Survived Series and are ready for a read that takes them to the next level. The story follows four kids caught up in three different climate change disasters. Akira is trying to escape a wildfire, while Natalie is swept […]

Posted May 12, 2023 in Reviews / 4 Comments